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I can’t bring myself to leave Limgeave. XD I just keep finding shit the more I explore. I’ve killed like eight bosses and met two NPCs today. 

I can tell I’m getting overleveled for the region though. Difficulty has gone way down. Enemies up north are still a fair bit tougher, though. 


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9 minutes ago, The Good Doctor said:

I can’t bring myself to leave Limgeave. XD I just keep finding shit the more I explore. I’ve killed like eight bosses and met two NPCs today. 

I can tell I’m getting overleveled for the region though. Difficulty has gone way down. Enemies up north are still a fair bit tougher, though. 

It's the fun thing about non-leveled list games XD

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1 minute ago, BigBossBalrog said:

Demon's Souls was made by Sony and Blue Point XD

Fair enough. I thought it was the B team. Who did the DS1 Remaster?

Either way, there have been a shitload of Fromsoft games, both new and remakes, in a short amount of time. It’s actually kinda crazy that Elden Ring is as big and quality as it is. 


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2 hours ago, The Good Doctor said:

Fair enough. I thought it was the B team. Who did the DS1 Remaster?

Either way, there have been a shitload of Fromsoft games, both new and remakes, in a short amount of time. It’s actually kinda crazy that Elden Ring is as big and quality as it is. 

Bandai outsourced a company to do it; FROM's only involvement was a quick check startup for the outsourcers to know how to edit there custom engine. The only "Remaster" FROM did, as far as I know, was Scholar of the First Sin. And that was more of a director's cut. 

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I found another quest; and it's related to the Corpse at the bottom of Stormveil XD 

Kill the root monster, then exaime a bloodstain right behind Godwyn's body were it will show the wizard you meet in Stormveil die a horrible death. The wizard will then be in the Round table and he'll give a whole exposition speech about it 

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On other playthrough I was just reminded how unfair this one reused boss is.

The two pumpkinhead gank boss that you fight in a tiny area is straight up unfair, doable on horse, but still horribly done. Killed them in three attempts but man whoever designed that one must be from the worst of B team lmao

Makes me think they only tested that fight with range and summons. Never for melee

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59 minutes ago, BigBossBalrog said:

BTW: i'm doing a more relaxed playthrough and i've found like ten dungeons and five NPC's i completely missed on my first playthrough. This game is massive 

I have been moving very slowly, combing the land for secrets and caves, and I still feel like I’m missing a lot. 

I smashed a random pot today and there was an NPC hiding inside who gave me a key item and set me on a quest. I got super lucky, but I wonder how the heck anyone else could have found this guy, and how many other things like him I have missed. 


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41 minutes ago, The Good Doctor said:

I have been moving very slowly, combing the land for secrets and caves, and I still feel like I’m missing a lot. 

I smashed a random pot today and there was an NPC hiding inside who gave me a key item and set me on a quest. I got super lucky, but I wonder how the heck anyone else could have found this guy, and how many other things like him I have missed. 

I think it's a reason why the exploration is so rewarding, there's so much cool shit you can miss if you aren't careful XD

It's like they took the principle of the other games that "its okay for a chunk of this game not to be seen by all players" and made it the scale of an open world 

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11 hours ago, BigBossBalrog said:

It's like they took the principle of the other games that "its okay for a chunk of this game not to be seen by all players" and made it the scale of an open world 

That feels right. Most media, be it video games, movies, whatever is terrified that people will miss something they worked hard on, so they bluntly cram it all in your face. 

Fromsoft has never really minded if large portions of their hard work go unnoticed by most. They seem content to let the masses experience the obvious stuff, while those who put in the effort are rewarded with deeper levels of content. Remember how obscure the main endings are for Bloodborne and DS3? XD 

This game seems to take it to the greatest extreme so far. 


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When pvp works in this game, it really really works. The most fun pvp in any From game.

Me and Nick were hosting a fight club with the dried finger like item at the gates of the capital around 125 +6 somber and it's been amazing. The hyper intense duels, two on two fights and the poor bastard invader that gets curb stomped when that two on two becomes two on one XD

My huge streak only ended when I fought a mage that used nothing but a spell called stars of ruin and moonveil. Stars of Ruin are really really hard to dodge, you can only do so with quickstep due (that's not bias, it's an amazing pvp spell) and he kept spamming and running away to spam more. But afterwards I slapped his ass down in my next attempt, Nick as the host only died after two hours of non stop hosting when an extreme china numbuh 1 laggard invaded alongside another and lag-killed Nick with a moonveil right as I killed the other invader.

TL;DR: When the servers aren't laggy or constantly disconnecting you or the invader, the pvp is fucking amazing at a lower level. Would highly recommend

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Strength technically scales all the way to 99 hardcap now due to hidden two hander multipliers going beyond 99.

Dex, Int, and Faith all scale up to 80 softcap with huge diminishing returns to 99. Vigor scales all the way to 60 before being softcapped. Endurance also softcaps at 50 or 60, dont recall which.

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Did several hours more of pvp fight clubs and two v two with Nick again tonight.

Seven out of ten people are guide readers using either one hit proc bleed builds, instant death exploits, or moonveil, but those rare skilled players that dont need cheap tricks or bugged weapons are an absolute fucking treat to fight. I whooped some asses tonight, but was myself slapped a number of times.

When From posts patches again, in another year or two with their slow asses, to fix the bugged weapons and roll out nerfs, this game will instantly have the best pvp. Currently you just have to sift through the laggards using exploits and bugged weapons to enjoy the good players.

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If yall want to know what the invasion scene is right now. 

Every host runs with at least one overleveled phantom, usually a whole squad of them spamming difficult to dodge magic and dragonic spells. You die far more often than you win as an invader, but man when you gank spank when literally everything is out of your favor. It feels so good.

In a funny twist, you're at less a disadvantage at higher levels because their overleveled phantoms dont factor nearly as much as at lower levels.

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