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Civil War Aftermath OOC #1

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If you guys give me temporary admin powers, I can help edit the posts after you move them. I promise not to break anything. :evil:

I was going to move some but then Doc replied to the same thread as I was fixing the post up so we would have double copied if I had saved.

Though I will be out of town this weekend, so it would have to be next week.

Edited by Celan
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"If you know me you know I don't keep up with the times. I just go with the flow." - Woody Copeland, life coach

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12 minutes ago, Celan said:

Though I will be out of town this weekend, so it would have to be next week.

I hope to be nearly done by then. I believe that the other site’s fee deadlines are in the second week of the month, and I wanna have everything out of there before it crashes down again, because it normally only comes back after we help bail it out. And since we ain’t doing that anymore, it could set us back for a while.

I’ll have chapter 2 done tonight or tomorrow, myself. Chapter 3 should require less editing after we reach the point where we stopped uploading our posts to the old Bethesda forum (since those are the ones that ended up all screwy). Until then, we’ll just edit them as we move them over. I’ve got a couple that I skipped on editing because I was multitasking at work, but I plan on going back to fix them. 

In the meantime, any help with moving over chapter 3 is appreciated. If there end up being any double posts, let me know and I will delete them. :thumbup: 


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And y’all don’t need to edit. It’s appreciated, of course. Especially when it involves cutting out the annoying extra paragraph spaces or fixing the quotation/punctuation mark thing. But even if you just bring the posts over unchanged, it’s still helpful. I’ll edit the ones y’all don’t have the time or inclination to mess with. 


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1 minute ago, The Good Doctor said:

And y’all don’t need to edit. It’s appreciated, of course. Especially when it involves cutting out the annoying extra paragraph spaces or fixing the quotation/punctuation mark thing. But even if you just bring the posts over unchanged, it’s still helpful. I’ll edit the ones y’all don’t have the time or inclination to mess with. 

If you can link the end of where you left up now that we have internet again Ill help out.

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Just now, TheCzarsHussar said:

If you can link the end of where you left up now that we have internet again Ill help out.

Don’t worry about chapter 2. I’m gonna be working on that this afternoon so we’d just end up stepping on each other’s feet. Witch’s last post shows where he left off near the start of chapter 3. I gotta run for a few minutes, but I’ll send a link in a bit.


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1 minute ago, The Good Doctor said:

Don’t worry about chapter 2. I’m gonna be working on that this afternoon so we’d just end up stepping on each other’s feet. Witch’s last post shows where he left off near the start of chapter 3. I gotta run for a few minutes, but I’ll send a link in a bit.

Alrighty, @Witchking of Angmar I'll contribute as much of Chapter 3 as I can. Take a break man, you've done good work.

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I didn't know we had such a tight deadline, so I'll go back later on and edit the ones I brought over. Taking a break now for dinner and I can grab some more.

My longer posts all have the weird symbols for the " and '. Maybe because I write on a Macbook. Grrr.

Edited by Celan

"If you know me you know I don't keep up with the times. I just go with the flow." - Woody Copeland, life coach

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Just making sure before I start posting, is this the correct place to start?

Dales, and Alef,


The Blooming Rose


Dales was extremely nervous, timid, shy, and downright worried. Mostly due to the "establishment" she had walked into. She was clad in a expensive pink dress, with a scarlet cloak and hood partially obscuring her face. The smell of roses and other fragrances where thick in the air. She walked to the front desk, and asked the lady, who looked like the "madame", in an extremely shy and somewhat quiet voice,

"Ummmm....excuse me?"

"Yes, how can I- Ah!" the woman behind the counter  let out a gasp, quickly trying to silence herself with her hands. Once she had gotten control of her outburst, she continued, whispering and with a frantic bow. "Your Majesty! It is- an honor to meet you. I'm afraid Tanie is out right now- but I'll do what I can to help you- and don't worry- we're the very Souls of Discretion."



She couldn't get the words out properly, this was so perverted and weird to Dales. She took a few breaths to calm her insane nerves, before saying once again,


"I...would like to "hire" one of your girls."


"Of course, your Majesty," the woman replied, still seeming a little feint about the visitor she had. She leaned in, still whispering. "I presume- and I apologize if I presume too much- that you want to keep this visit a secret?"

"That would be greatly appreciated."

"Then it will be a little harder to arrange, your Majesty, since rumors fly fas- Aleffea, can you come over here for a moment?"


The woman behind the counter stopped herself as the entrance door opened and a young-looking Dunmer woman came in, dressed in a black silk dress.


"Naturally, Ma'am. How can I be of service?"


"Well," the woman gestured for her to lower her voice. "We have a... difficult client- if you forgive me that description, your Majesty- to deal with. She wants to hire someone, but keep it under wraps... and I thought that... you know..."


The Dunmer, Aleffea, looked a little confused for a moment, before she peeked under the hood Dales wore. "I see... It would be my pleasure. Shall we?"


She gestured to a door that led to a staircase, while still looking at Dales.

Dales nervously looked at the dark elf woman, who looked ravishingly beautiful in her own way. Dales gulped a mouthful of air, before timidly entering the doorway, and started to climb the stairway, 


Through a hallway Aleffea led Dales, eventually coming to the room she had asked to get to use. It was the same room she had witnessed the discussion between Samuel and 'Maggie'. Samuel had placed some soulgems in the walls, ensuring that as long as they persisted, the room would be completely soundproof. Locking the door behind her, she took a hold of Dale's shoulders from behind and whispered into her ear.


"What is it that the Majesty desires? I can provide... almost everything..."


"Ehhh..." Dales said, with her back stiffening at the dark elf's touch. She blushed a deep shade of crimson,


"I dont know what to ask...I've never requested "service" like this before..."


"Of course, your Majesty," she started to massage her shoulders, with a playful laughter. Slowly Dales was being pushed towards the bed. "Why are you so tense? You are here to relax, no?"


This feels...good...


As dales shoulders were being massaged, her body began to loosen up, and relax. Dales herself was feeling...very good.


"I suppose..." She said in a dreary voice,


"Close your eyes, your Majesty," Aleffea said before she pushed the young Empress down on the bed. "I'll take care of everything..."



Dales lay on the bed, completely naked with her clothing scattered across the ground. Her mouth was drooling slightly, as the dark elf to her right playfully nibbled on her fingers, 




Aleffea stopped what she did and crawled up into to the young Empress' body. Of the many tidbits of information she had let slip was that she was weak for snuggling. If she played her cards right, this alone should make her talk a little more. Her hand started to stroke Dales' hair affectionately.


"It's my Dunmer blood, dear. I'm always warm," with a kind tone she continued to stroke her hair and put her arm around her. She had to admit, this was far from an unpleasant way to spend her evening. "Is something bothering you, your Majesty? You seem a little tense, even now..."


"Nothing really,,,i'm just worried, I'm being pressured by many people to marry...I admit it's extremely important to have an heir to the throne...but very stressful to think about me having to have a husband..."


"I think I understand... But maybe it won't be as bad as you make it out to be? I mean- I'm sorry, I shouldn't have- please forgive me, your Majesty."


it was important to not seem to eager or that she didn't know her place, but she also needed to place her bet. By reputation, the Empress seemed to prefer shy people. Her displaying some of that, when talking about the Empress herself, looked to be the most secure bet.


Dales smiled lightly, before turning around and placing a kiss on her lips . She gently switched positions, cradling the dark elf. She began to lightly feel her hair,


"No it's all right, continue."


"Wouldn't someone of your position have access to... 'services' and 'other' people, to surround yourself with outside the... marriage parts? I don't mean to- I'm sorry if I go to far- but if you fond someone who is willing to do it as a duty, while accepting your other side... Maybe I shouldn't have said something, I-"


Dales interrupted her by plopping her thumb into Alef's mouth, and saying in a cool, gentle voice,


"Suck on it..."


Dales lightly squealed,


"Your so cute Alef, like that..."

She gently held her like a baby, and gently brushed out her hair as she sucked on her thumb. Dales smiled and said,

"Maybe you would like to be my mistress?"


Perfect, Alef thought to herself. Access to the Imperial Palace was useful. Besides, she could think of worse things to do with her talents.


"I'd love to, your Majesty."

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17 minutes ago, Celan said:

I didn't know we had such a tight deadline, so I'll go back later on and edit the ones I brought over. Taking a break now for dinner and I can grab some more.

My longer posts all have the weird symbols for the " and '. Maybe because I write on a Macbook. Grrr.

It might not be as bad as I made it sound since the site doesn't usually go down until some time after the deadline, but I don't want to take any chances. Thanks again. 

Lots of posts do. Chapter 2 has been a nightmare with them. Don't think it has to do with Macbook though, because I write on one too. You, Unrivaled, and Balrog seem to have them the most. But they shouldn't be so bad after the first page or so of chapter 3. So even though there's over twice as many posts, editing them should be a lot simpler.


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The weird thing is, they must have happened after posting. Or did we import those from Bethesda? I can't remember where we were when we bailed from there.

"If you know me you know I don't keep up with the times. I just go with the flow." - Woody Copeland, life coach

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18 minutes ago, Celan said:

The weird thing is, they must have happened after posting. Or did we import those from Bethesda? I can't remember where we were when we bailed from there.

We bailed some time early in chapter 3. Skip forward a page or two and they don't seem to be as frequent, or perhaps aren't even there at all. I haven't looked too hard. I think it was caused by a combination of them being Bethesda posts that we didn't copy over cleanly and one of TESA's major site updates changing up a lot of things. Something we brought over didn't mesh well with the changes.


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