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Civil War Aftermath OOC #1

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Was playing around with a stat calculator and I decided to do our characters' ages for fun. With Yornar, Maggie, and Karsh's ages excluded, the average age of one of our characters (as of their entry into the RP, not their current ages) is just shy of 49 years old. With the magical outliers Endar and Corio removed, it's 36. :D  Left out Samuel and Theudofrid because they don't have a CS.


Yornar ????
Endar 314
Maggie ???
Corio 225
Menel 72
Gracchus and Lorgar 56
Brund 52
Theodore and Magalos 48
Jodun 45
Boldir and Trym 43
Avitus and Brutus 42
Baldur and Pilus 39
Tacitus, Carlotta, and Jon 38
Xenxiakk and Zjaeenqz 37
Veleda, Asgen, and Faida 36
Rebec, Veleda, and Velan 35
Do'jhul 33
Albecias 31
Eduard and Morane 30
Stalks 27
Suri 24
Dales and Titus 20
Ubbe 19
Daric 16 (or was he 15?)
Mila 13
Karsh ?
Ragna <1


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2 minutes ago, The Good Doctor said:

Was playing around with a stat calculator and I decided to do our characters' ages for fun. With Yornar, Maggie, and Karsh's ages excluded, the average age of one of our characters (as of their entry into the RP, not their current ages) is just shy of 49 years old. With the magical outliers Endar and Corio removed, it's 36. :D 

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Yornar ????
Endar 314
Maggie ???
Corio 225
Menel 72
Gracchus and Lorgar 56
Brund 52
Theodore and Magalos 48
Jodun 45
Boldir and Trym 43
Avitus and Brutus 42
Baldur and Pilus 39
Tacitus, Carlotta, and Jon 38
Xenxiakk and Zjaeenqz 37
Veleda, Asgen, and Faida 36
Rebec, Veleda, and Velan 35
Do'jhul 33
Albecias 31
Eduard and Morane 30
Stalks 27
Suri 24
Dales and Titus 20
Ubbe 19
Daric 17
Mila 13
Karsh ?
Ragna <1


You....you evil man!

You forgot the most important character of this RP, Theudofrid! :D 

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I don't recall exactly but I think Maggie was born shortly after the Oblivion Crisis. I figure Darius was hiding out and got bored and horny.

"If you know me you know I don't keep up with the times. I just go with the flow." - Woody Copeland, life coach

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I remember that at one point Yornar said he ruled as High King for 700 years. And as of now I figure he became High King at the age of around a hundred (which wouldn't be that old by that time's lifespan). Add to that the 200 after the Oblivion Crisis and I'd say, disregarding his thousands years long sleep, he'd be about a thousand years old. 

Power corrupts, absolute power... is a whole lot of fun!

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Please ignore the smudges and general poor quality, but after seeing so different versions of High Rock I finally decided to to just make my own map. Since I have no technical or artistic skills, I traced one and labeled it. So forgive the messiness but I wanted something that incorporates the various places I’ve described while also actually nailing down where some of these cities are. 

The line denote where each city’s lands end. I’m going to do a version without the geographic features that is a political map with the nobles’ locations next. 


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1 minute ago, BTCollins said:

Please ignore the smudges and general poor quality, but after seeing so different versions of High Rock I finally decided to to just make my own map. Since I have no technical or artistic skills, I traced one and labeled it. So forgive the messiness but I wanted something that incorporates the various places I’ve described while also actually nailing down where some of these cities are. 

The line denote where each city’s lands end. I’m going to do a version without the geographic features that is a political map with the nobles’ locations next. 


It's awesome BT.

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The biggest thing I wanted to establish was the location of the Wrothgarians, Daggerfall, and put some of the names that appear in lore or in books all on one map, since the one I've had in my head has been a composite of a few different maps. And now I'll finally have them all on one map, even if it's not the best quality.

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And here is the political map I’ve always wanted to make. 

A couple notes: the smaller lands are the Baronies, the larger lands are the Duchies. In some places it might be a little hard to tell but if you’re curious, feel free to ask. The dots are the keep locations for each of the families, which generall corresponds to a town or village as well. There are a couple names repeated but those aren’t mistakes, it’s just two branches of that family. 

Lafont is the replacement for Mon and is a Barony. About half or two-fifths of Mon’s lands were split betwee Brutya, promoted to a Duchy, and Theirry, the Lord Admiral. Theirry also holds the island of Betony at the bottom. 

If y’all have any questions feel free to ask!


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9 minutes ago, Witchking of Angmar said:

It looks a little square in the how the borders are laid out. Generally historical borders were set up with natural borders in mind so it was easy to tell who owned what. So I expected these lands to be shaped a bit more like countries in Europe. 

I do agree with that, but Theodore might have also created some artificial boarders.

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Without more detailed knowledge of where rivers or creeks are and where certain landmarks would be that would provide more natural borders, I went with what I thought best. 

The borders mostly predate Theo, though I would note that the lords and ladies that control the land might, over time, divide it up in a less natural way, since the turnover in Breton noble families is enough that it would be difficult for them to have and hold fast to ‘historical’ boundaries that would tend to be more natural. 

Also, here’s the first map but with the towns and villages on it, as well as roads 


Edited by BTCollins
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Me and BT were discussing a Breton character I wanted to make in our PM all day, he suggested I made a CS sheet before the intro post. Just keep in mind the intro post happens before the last paragraph in the Background/History.


Name: Inwold Dalomax.

Gender: Male.

Age: 39.

Race: Breton.

Birthsign: The Tower.

Faction: Kingdom of High Rock, Knights of the Dragon (Formally), Fief of Dresan.

Rank: Earl of Dresan, Honorary tittle of Knight of the Dragon (For previous service).

Position: Vassal to Baron Gabryel Lafont, member of the martially bound lesser nobility, Bound to the Lordship of the Gaerharts.

Appearance: An averaged sized Breton man, physically in shape from following the treatises on training in armor. A round face with a weak chin, albeit has his curly blond beard to cover it. Greenish grey eyed.

Equipment: While the wealth required to purchase and maintain full plate is beyond Inwold's grasp, neither is he poorly equipped. Owning full maille (with hourglass gauntlets) hauberk, chausses, coif and aventail. Alongside plate breastplate, Schynbalds and sabatons. All atop an aketon. Wearing a local fashion that covers most of the maille, Bascinet and visor.

Primarily equipped with a halberd, arming sword on his person as a sidearm. As his kit isn't full plate Inwold carries an archaic heraldic shield on his person.

Owns a warhorse with maille barding.


Coat of Arms: Yellow mountain lion atop three perpendicular mage lights with the Tower constellation nestled at the bottom.

Retinue: Currently none, yet has sent for his old retainers once being reinstated.

Personality: Isn't much for the classic scheming of the Bretons, too fearful of losing his recently regained position his forefathers earned. One of his greatest pleasures is having servants equip him in his kit, Inwold feels like a king in those moments. 

Patron Divine: Zenithar.

Background/History: The Dalomaxes are a young family in the Breton nobility, while historically serving as knights for lesser nobles or as Imperial Knights. After the collapse of the Septim Dynasty the Dalomaxes saw a sinking ship and made the transition from serving as Imperial Knights to solely household guards in High Rock.

They found service for the wealthy Mon merchant family. The position of household guards for the Mons was lucrative enough that bribery was difficult at best. While never achieving any heroic deeds or displaying great chivalry the Dalomaxes were, after the Mons established a Barony around 4E 60, rewarded with the Fief of Dresan, where they continued serving loyally.

Dresan had little in the way of industrial potential yet made up for it with it's grazing lands and agrarian society. Wealth flowed to the Dalomaxes who were not prevalent in Breton schemes. For they it was better to jealously hold onto what they have then attempt to expand. Prior to Duke Jhared Mon's scheming against King Adrard the vassalage of the Dalomaxes were never put into question.

Needing extra wealth for his imminent scheme against King Adrard, Duke Mon heavily increased his taxation of the vassals under him. The current Earl of Dresan, Inwold Dalomax, couldn't pay the demanded increase in tariffs without dipping into his own treasury. He wrote of his complaints to Duke Mon stating at the current rate Mon's increased tariffs would have Inwold in debt within months. 

Duke Mon took the complaint as insubordination and ordered Inwold to be exiled and all assets seized. Without gold, arms or even horse Inwold had to walk outside of Mon's holdings. 

Inwold ended up in Daggerfall, given one of his siblings had married a lesser noble within the city. His desperation outweighed the shame and he sought for her help. Borrowing gold from the two and an sponsorship from his sister's husband landed him in the Knights of the Dragon.

Inwold toiled with mundane duties believing this would be his life now. He had been shoved from grace and replaced with a harder taxmaster. It was all the more surprising out of the blue Sir Emeric Bridwell, head of the Knights of the Dragon, summoned him and announced his reinstatement as Earl by the authority of Baron Gabryel Lafont. The loyalty of Inwold's replacement had been called into question and was deposed of, as he was associated with the now imprisoned Duke Mon.

A lifetime of exile lasted only a couple months.

Motives: Content to keep his regained Fief, understands what will be demanded of him in the war to come but isn't looking forward to it. Quite genuinely thankful for the generosity of his lord Lafont for returning his assets.

Skills: Trained all his adult life in Breton martial arts, understands all the treatises involving arming swords and polearms, trained extensively within his full kit. Is slightly less of a milk drinker.


Edited by TheCzarsHussar
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