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Civil War Aftermath OOC #1

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Just now, The Good Doctor said:

Rebec just straight up killed them. 

I've been binge reading chapter 2 while editing it. :lol: 

So where did it come in that Charles objected to an rp plot with me? Eh, whatever. Who cares.

This post :rofl::rofl:


If you come across the one with Rebec and Dales, post a link to that. I loved that one, too.

"If you know me you know I don't keep up with the times. I just go with the flow." - Woody Copeland, life coach

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2 minutes ago, The Good Doctor said:

They did a lot more than hang him. That was just how they opted to kill him after fucking him up pretty badly for a bit.

Agreed on the blood dragon, though. The more the merrier.

OK, well at least it wasn’t just a clean kill. That makes me feel better lol

"Even the hardest dick must go flaccid." -Colonelkillabee

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2 minutes ago, ColonelKillaBee said:

Is that the one with the painted cows, and the nothing else matters bang scene at the end? XD 

Yessir. Though I accidentally did them as two separate posts. The part with the painted cow and giants is the most recent one I posted in chapter 2. The part with the nothing else matters bang scene is what I'm editing now. XD 

  • Haha 1


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I don't know how to link specific posts, but this one is short so I'll just paste it into a spoiler tag.

8 minutes ago, Celan said:

If you come across the one with Rebec and Dales, post a link to that. I loved that one, too.

You get two more wishes. :D 

Rebec, Dales, Miku
Jarl's longhouse
Day 7 of the siege, evening

Rebec returned late in the evening from her rounds of the sentries, and as she was about to retire to the jarl's room, glanced up and saw a light burning in Tekla's old room. She was weary and the last thing she wanted was the company of an imperial princess and her maid, but with a sigh she climbed the stair anyway.

There was a Necro Nord dozing in a chair just outside the door. He snapped to attention when Rebec came near, but she just smiled at him. "Lucky you. Overhearing their chatter would drive me to the Mad God, not to sleep." She then turned her attention to the door and rapped on it with the flat of her axe. "It's the admiral, princess. May I come in?"

"Admiral Rebec? Of course you can come in," Rebec heard from the other side of the door.

Rebec gestured with her head towards the door and the guard stepped forward to unlock it.

Entering, the admiral paused in the doorway to look around suspiciously, axe still in her hand.

Princess Dales was clad in a pink night gown, her maid Miku was on the ground sitting. Dales had a book in her hand, apparently reading it to her maid. The maid's face turned to fright as she saw the armed figure entering the room with her axe drawn. Dales slightly tapped Miku on the shoulder.

"Would you mind lowering your axe admiral?

Seeing nothing amiss - nothing that wasn't usually amiss with imperial ladies, as Rebec figured it - she sheathed her axe.

"May I?" The admiral gestured to a chair but didn't wait for an answer, instead stepping over the maid and flopping down in it, her armor clanking. "I assume you've been well treated, the both of you? Any complaints? If so, speak up.  I've done nothing for weeks but listen to complaining, so yours had better be loud or I won't even bother."

Dales put on a friendly smile, in contrast to her maids slightly horrified look, "Oh nothing of the sort admiral. We've received good portion's of food, and even a bottle of wine was sent down a couple of hours ago. We have plenty of books to read to keep ourselves entertained, and I had a friendly conversation with one of the guards a few hours ago. So yes, we've been treated very well. Right Miku?"

The maid, answered in a slightly nervous tone, "Yes... quite well."

The admiral heard to this report skeptically, glancing from one to the other. "Fine then. Now you listen to me." She leaned forward, resting her arms on her knees, and gave both women a firm look for emphasis. "If any man in this camp lays a hand on you out of turn, if you even overhear such talk, you come directly to me. To me, got it?  They all know I won't hesitate to flay their backs bloody or hang 'em. I've been itching to hang somebody, in fact."

"I will, thank you, admiral..." The princess looked away for a second shyly, unsure if to proceed.

Rebec's brow knit. "Well, what is it?  Spit it out. You're not in Cyrodiil here, girl. We Nords talk plainly even when we're not drunk."

"Ummmm... I don't know... if you'll believe me."

"There's only one way to find out."

She looked at her hands, and slightly fidgeted. She looked worried. "When I was talking with the soldier early, Corporal Wulf, another group of Stormcloak soldiers where down the hall. They where giving me... almost hungry looks and where whispering to themselves. Unknown to them, I can use magic to enhance my hearing, and I eavesdropped on there conversation..." She looked away from Rebec. "They said... some very perverted and... kinda disturbing things about me, and what they wanted to do... " She looked at the admiral once again, kinda sad. "I would understand if you take my word with a grain of salt."

Rebec grunted thoughtfully. She can use magic to overhear. That's something we didn't consider. Aloud she said, "You're going to have to do better than that. What did the men look like? Did you overhear any names?"

"I asked Wulf if he knew any of them, he said he recognized two of them... Sergeant Knock-Axe and Private Sword-blood."

Rebec sat back, regarding the princess levelly. She didn't appear convinced, but replied, "I'll have a word with them, then, and with Wulf. The men are randy, being cooped up in here without their wives and sweethearts so long, but if there were any real threats we won't tolerate it. So tell me, princess. What other sort of magic tricks can you do?"

"What do you mean? As in 'trick'?"

"Like that overhearing thing. What else can you do?"

She chuckled and smiled a little. "I am adept in Destruction, Illusion, and conjuration. While I am an expert in Alteration."

"That sounds like a load of trouble to me. You understand, now I've got to find a Dunmer to set wards around your room. There'll be none of that overhearing here in the longhouse." The admiral glanced at Miku. "You. What do you do, besides whimper and cringe?"

"I don't want to seem offensive admiral, but I don't require any wards. As General Baldur said, we're allies now, I think it a unnecessary precaution, and with the utmost respect, I could have landed six giant ice spikes into the heads of those soldiers in an instant if I wanted to cause harm."

Miku gulped hard. "I clean, wash clothing, and a great deal of other chores milady... Nothing special."

"Whether we're allies or not remains to be seen," Rebec answered the princess sternly. "This is Skyrim. Nords put stock in deeds, not words. And the same thing I said for our men goes for you. You don't make threats about ice spikes or any other kind of spikes, or this little vacation here won't go well for you. You're a hostage, not a guest." The admiral looked back at Miku. "Too bad I can't put you to work. But if you're so frightened, you should go back to the imperial camp. I'm sure princess here can wash her own knickers for a few days."

"Hmmmm, and I thought this trip was going to be ponies and sunshine..." said the princess sarcastically.

Miku's terrified face became stern. "I wont leave my lady alone."

"Hmph. There's a a sliver of backbone in you after all, wonders of Shor. What did you expect when you came to Pale Pass anyway? Shall I tell you what a man looks like when he's trying to pick his guts up off the ground, or the sound he makes when his throat's been cooked by a fireball? That's been my vacation in Falkreath."

"My stay in Pale Pass was mostly me helping in the medical tent, and assisting the doctors in treating the wounded, and me visiting them later on. Blood has no affect on me"

"Then maybe you haven't seen enough of it yet. If Kyne favors us, we'll see the river run red with elven blood before long. But I was talking to your maid." To Miku the admiral said, "You could learn something while you're here, you know. Pay attention and maybe we can even make a Nord woman out of you. See here. Stand up." Rebec stood, hands on her hips, and waited for the maid to follow suit.

Miku nervously glanced at Dales, who nodded her head. Miku stood up.

Rebec grasped the maid's shoulders to square them, nudged her feet to set them square as well, then tilted the girl's chin up. "Now stop looking like a tree's about to fall on you. You're a woman, not a mouse. Even if you're afraid, you never show them that, understand? If you have to, fake it. Fake courage can start to feel like the real thing eventually. Now, give me your Nord face." The admiral stood back to demonstrate, jutting her chin out and giving a brazen expression that dared Nirn itself to stand in her way.

Miku, edged out all of the frightful thoughts from her head, and put on the best defiant face she could.

Smiling, Rebec said, "Not bad. Now say GRRRRR."

"GRRRR!" Miku's face twisted into a savage snarl.

Rebec nodded approvingly, then poked a finger in the girl's stomach. "Say it from down here.  GRRRRRR!!!"

She nodded her head, and said it from her stomach, "GRRRRRRR"

"Good, good.  Now say ARRRRR..." Rebec repeated the lesson until she got a decent growl out of the maid. "Now say 'TELL THAT TO THE BITCH WHO BORE YOU!' That's what you shout at them when they make lewd remarks, princess." The admiral looked back and waited for Miku.

"TELL THAT TO THE BITCH WHO BORE YOU!" said Miku, who had perfected the growl and intimidating look. "How's that Admiral-I mean milady?"

"I'm not milady, and neither are you. You're a Nord woman now." Rebec slapped the girl on the shoulder, mumbling "sort of" under her breath. In normal tone she continued, "Then if they keep on, you grab the nearest mead bottle and smash 'em over the head with it. It's easy, see?" The admiral glanced from Miku to the princess and back. "Uh, maybe you two ought to run away after that part. Or throw some of those ice spikes."

Miku shouted out aggressively, "If any of them go near my lady, I'll cut there balls off!!!"

Rebec laughed in surprise, and clapped the girl on the shoulder again. "You're alright, Mouse. Maybe you got a bit of Nord in you after all." The admiral turned to leave the imperials in peace, but stopped at the door and wagged a finger back at them. "Mind the threats now, both of you. This was purely a theoretical exercise. Anybody's balls need cutting off and I'll do the honors."

The admiral was still chuckling as she gestured to the guard to lock the door behind her. Catching his look, she said, "What? You have to admit, that one wasn't half bad."


The next morning, Rebec questioned the guard Wulf and the two Stormcloak soldiers the princess had accused of threatening to rape her. Sadly there wasn't enough proof for real scrotum surgery, but enough that she could tell they were probably guilty. From the men's sly looks, she could also see that they'd be saying the same things about her if it wasn't for her rank and the fact that she was married to the general.

In short order the men were put in stocks in the middle of the street, stripped down to their loincloths. Above their heads, Rebec posted a sign.


And insulting ladies who didn't deserve it.

People passing in the street laughed at the spectacle, and the occasional woman leaned down to check if the charge was deserved.

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1 minute ago, The Good Doctor said:

Yessir. Though I accidentally did them as two separate posts. The part with the painted cow and giants is the most recent one I posted in chapter 2. The part with the nothing else matters bang scene is what I'm editing now. XD 

LOL enjoy :lol: those were the days when we’d just fade to black, which fun fact is another Metallica song ;) 

"Even the hardest dick must go flaccid." -Colonelkillabee

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I'm stopping after getting through the first page of 1.11. I don't have a ton of free time so I want to get to work on a post I've been working on. 


That should let you know where to start, literally the top of page 2 of 1.11. Also, Czar, I don't know how you got through so many so quickly. You're a machine

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Just now, The Good Doctor said:

I don't know how to link specific posts, but this one is short so I'll just paste it into a spoiler tag.

You get two more wishes. :D 


  Reveal hidden contents


Rebec, Dales, Miku
Jarl's longhouse
Day 7 of the siege, evening

Rebec returned late in the evening from her rounds of the sentries, and as she was about to retire to the jarl's room, glanced up and saw a light burning in Tekla's old room. She was weary and the last thing she wanted was the company of an imperial princess and her maid, but with a sigh she climbed the stair anyway.

There was a Necro Nord dozing in a chair just outside the door. He snapped to attention when Rebec came near, but she just smiled at him. "Lucky you. Overhearing their chatter would drive me to the Mad God, not to sleep." She then turned her attention to the door and rapped on it with the flat of her axe. "It's the admiral, princess. May I come in?"

"Admiral Rebec? Of course you can come in," Rebec heard from the other side of the door.

Rebec gestured with her head towards the door and the guard stepped forward to unlock it.

Entering, the admiral paused in the doorway to look around suspiciously, axe still in her hand.

Princess Dales was clad in a pink night gown, her maid Miku was on the ground sitting. Dales had a book in her hand, apparently reading it to her maid. The maid's face turned to fright as she saw the armed figure entering the room with her axe drawn. Dales slightly tapped Miku on the shoulder.

"Would you mind lowering your axe admiral?

Seeing nothing amiss - nothing that wasn't usually amiss with imperial ladies, as Rebec figured it - she sheathed her axe.

"May I?" The admiral gestured to a chair but didn't wait for an answer, instead stepping over the maid and flopping down in it, her armor clanking. "I assume you've been well treated, the both of you? Any complaints? If so, speak up.  I've done nothing for weeks but listen to complaining, so yours had better be loud or I won't even bother."

Dales put on a friendly smile, in contrast to her maids slightly horrified look, "Oh nothing of the sort admiral. We've received good portion's of food, and even a bottle of wine was sent down a couple of hours ago. We have plenty of books to read to keep ourselves entertained, and I had a friendly conversation with one of the guards a few hours ago. So yes, we've been treated very well. Right Miku?"

The maid, answered in a slightly nervous tone, "Yes... quite well."

The admiral heard to this report skeptically, glancing from one to the other. "Fine then. Now you listen to me." She leaned forward, resting her arms on her knees, and gave both women a firm look for emphasis. "If any man in this camp lays a hand on you out of turn, if you even overhear such talk, you come directly to me. To me, got it?  They all know I won't hesitate to flay their backs bloody or hang 'em. I've been itching to hang somebody, in fact."

"I will, thank you, admiral..." The princess looked away for a second shyly, unsure if to proceed.

Rebec's brow knit. "Well, what is it?  Spit it out. You're not in Cyrodiil here, girl. We Nords talk plainly even when we're not drunk."

"Ummmm... I don't know... if you'll believe me."

"There's only one way to find out."

She looked at her hands, and slightly fidgeted. She looked worried. "When I was talking with the soldier early, Corporal Wulf, another group of Stormcloak soldiers where down the hall. They where giving me... almost hungry looks and where whispering to themselves. Unknown to them, I can use magic to enhance my hearing, and I eavesdropped on there conversation..." She looked away from Rebec. "They said... some very perverted and... kinda disturbing things about me, and what they wanted to do... " She looked at the admiral once again, kinda sad. "I would understand if you take my word with a grain of salt."

Rebec grunted thoughtfully. She can use magic to overhear. That's something we didn't consider. Aloud she said, "You're going to have to do better than that. What did the men look like? Did you overhear any names?"

"I asked Wulf if he knew any of them, he said he recognized two of them... Sergeant Knock-Axe and Private Sword-blood."

Rebec sat back, regarding the princess levelly. She didn't appear convinced, but replied, "I'll have a word with them, then, and with Wulf. The men are randy, being cooped up in here without their wives and sweethearts so long, but if there were any real threats we won't tolerate it. So tell me, princess. What other sort of magic tricks can you do?"

"What do you mean? As in 'trick'?"

"Like that overhearing thing. What else can you do?"

She chuckled and smiled a little. "I am adept in Destruction, Illusion, and conjuration. While I am an expert in Alteration."

"That sounds like a load of trouble to me. You understand, now I've got to find a Dunmer to set wards around your room. There'll be none of that overhearing here in the longhouse." The admiral glanced at Miku. "You. What do you do, besides whimper and cringe?"

"I don't want to seem offensive admiral, but I don't require any wards. As General Baldur said, we're allies now, I think it a unnecessary precaution, and with the utmost respect, I could have landed six giant ice spikes into the heads of those soldiers in an instant if I wanted to cause harm."

Miku gulped hard. "I clean, wash clothing, and a great deal of other chores milady... Nothing special."

"Whether we're allies or not remains to be seen," Rebec answered the princess sternly. "This is Skyrim. Nords put stock in deeds, not words. And the same thing I said for our men goes for you. You don't make threats about ice spikes or any other kind of spikes, or this little vacation here won't go well for you. You're a hostage, not a guest." The admiral looked back at Miku. "Too bad I can't put you to work. But if you're so frightened, you should go back to the imperial camp. I'm sure princess here can wash her own knickers for a few days."

"Hmmmm, and I thought this trip was going to be ponies and sunshine..." said the princess sarcastically.

Miku's terrified face became stern. "I wont leave my lady alone."

"Hmph. There's a a sliver of backbone in you after all, wonders of Shor. What did you expect when you came to Pale Pass anyway? Shall I tell you what a man looks like when he's trying to pick his guts up off the ground, or the sound he makes when his throat's been cooked by a fireball? That's been my vacation in Falkreath."

"My stay in Pale Pass was mostly me helping in the medical tent, and assisting the doctors in treating the wounded, and me visiting them later on. Blood has no affect on me"

"Then maybe you haven't seen enough of it yet. If Kyne favors us, we'll see the river run red with elven blood before long. But I was talking to your maid." To Miku the admiral said, "You could learn something while you're here, you know. Pay attention and maybe we can even make a Nord woman out of you. See here. Stand up." Rebec stood, hands on her hips, and waited for the maid to follow suit.

Miku nervously glanced at Dales, who nodded her head. Miku stood up.

Rebec grasped the maid's shoulders to square them, nudged her feet to set them square as well, then tilted the girl's chin up. "Now stop looking like a tree's about to fall on you. You're a woman, not a mouse. Even if you're afraid, you never show them that, understand? If you have to, fake it. Fake courage can start to feel like the real thing eventually. Now, give me your Nord face." The admiral stood back to demonstrate, jutting her chin out and giving a brazen expression that dared Nirn itself to stand in her way.

Miku, edged out all of the frightful thoughts from her head, and put on the best defiant face she could.

Smiling, Rebec said, "Not bad. Now say GRRRRR."

"GRRRR!" Miku's face twisted into a savage snarl.

Rebec nodded approvingly, then poked a finger in the girl's stomach. "Say it from down here.  GRRRRRR!!!"

She nodded her head, and said it from her stomach, "GRRRRRRR"

"Good, good.  Now say ARRRRR..." Rebec repeated the lesson until she got a decent growl out of the maid. "Now say 'TELL THAT TO THE BITCH WHO BORE YOU!' That's what you shout at them when they make lewd remarks, princess." The admiral looked back and waited for Miku.

"TELL THAT TO THE BITCH WHO BORE YOU!" said Miku, who had perfected the growl and intimidating look. "How's that Admiral-I mean milady?"

"I'm not milady, and neither are you. You're a Nord woman now." Rebec slapped the girl on the shoulder, mumbling "sort of" under her breath. In normal tone she continued, "Then if they keep on, you grab the nearest mead bottle and smash 'em over the head with it. It's easy, see?" The admiral glanced from Miku to the princess and back. "Uh, maybe you two ought to run away after that part. Or throw some of those ice spikes."

Miku shouted out aggressively, "If any of them go near my lady, I'll cut there balls off!!!"

Rebec laughed in surprise, and clapped the girl on the shoulder again. "You're alright, Mouse. Maybe you got a bit of Nord in you after all." The admiral turned to leave the imperials in peace, but stopped at the door and wagged a finger back at them. "Mind the threats now, both of you. This was purely a theoretical exercise. Anybody's balls need cutting off and I'll do the honors."

The admiral was still chuckling as she gestured to the guard to lock the door behind her. Catching his look, she said, "What? You have to admit, that one wasn't half bad."


The next morning, Rebec questioned the guard Wulf and the two Stormcloak soldiers the princess had accused of threatening to rape her. Sadly there wasn't enough proof for real scrotum surgery, but enough that she could tell they were probably guilty. From the men's sly looks, she could also see that they'd be saying the same things about her if it wasn't for her rank and the fact that she was married to the general.

In short order the men were put in stocks in the middle of the street, stripped down to their loincloths. Above their heads, Rebec posted a sign.


And insulting ladies who didn't deserve it.

People passing in the street laughed at the spectacle, and the occasional woman leaned down to check if the charge was deserved.


You know that check box you can click to move posts on the top right corner? There’s a funny symbol under that which is universal for sharing something. Click that, copy the link it gives and it will share the post like Celan did earlier.

  • Thanks 1

"Even the hardest dick must go flaccid." -Colonelkillabee

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29 minutes ago, BTCollins said:

I'm stopping after getting through the first page of 1.11. I don't have a ton of free time so I want to get to work on a post I've been working on. 


That should let you know where to start, literally the top of page 2 of 1.11. Also, Czar, I don't know how you got through so many so quickly. You're a machine

Metal and ctrl+p and v.

Fuck it all see about getting everything pre-2017 on 1.11 tonight.

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4 minutes ago, TheCzarsHussar said:

Metal and ctrl+p and v.

Fuck it all see about getting everything pre-2017 on 1.11 tonight.

Also, I don't know if we will hit 2017 or 200 posts first, but if it's the latter, same drill as before. We can stop it there and begin a new thread.

Also, I'm done with chapter 2. Besides a few of the posts towards the middle, it is mostly edited already, and looks pretty slick. That was a long-ass process. Will be glad to consistenly work on posts that aren't covered in those damned symbols. 

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1 minute ago, The Good Doctor said:

Also, I don't know if we will hit 2017 or 200 posts first, but if it's the latter, same drill as before. We can stop it there and begin a new thread.

Also, I'm done with chapter 2. Besides a few of the posts towards the middle, it is mostly edited already, and looks pretty slick. That was a long-ass process. Will be glad to consistenly work on posts that aren't covered in those damned symbols. 

I hope I didn't step on any toes but with nearly all the copying I did if the post's font was unreadable cough balrog cough I click 'paste as plain text'

It also seems to help with the symbols at times.

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6 minutes ago, TheCzarsHussar said:

I hope I didn't step on any toes but with nearly all the copying I did if the post's font was unreadable cough balrog cough I click 'paste as plain text'

It also seems to help with the symbols at times.

That’ll take some combing to find what needs to be re-italicized, but otherwise it shouldn’t be a problem.

I did notice that something really fucking weird happened in the middle of page 5 on pt. 2


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8 minutes ago, TheCzarsHussar said:

I bit off more then I could chew, was later then I realized and I need to go to bed earlier.

The end of page 4 was were I stopped, whoever takes the torch will need to start at the beginning of page 5.


Any idea what happened on page 5?


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2 minutes ago, TheCzarsHussar said:

I must have copied outside the boundary of the post.

Gotcha. We can fix it. It looks like there could be multiple posts in there, which can’t be undone now since it’s four pages behind (seriously dude, you’re like the Usain Bolt of copy-pasting) but it’s not a big deal. One of us can fix the formatting later and just space them out so it is clear we have several posts in one. 


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Just now, The Good Doctor said:

Also, happy birthday for real this time, you Eastern Time Zone muthafucka!


I was born around 12 AM as well, I'm a man now!

2 minutes ago, The Good Doctor said:

Gotcha. We can fix it. It looks like there could be multiple posts in there, which can’t be undone now since it’s four pages behind (seriously dude, you’re like the Usain Bolt of copy-pasting) but it’s not a big deal. One of us can fix the formatting later and just space them out so it is clear we have several posts in one. 

It can be fixed, I just need to edit it out and copy in the post it was meant to be.

As for the speed that's why I waited until I had internet again, can go quickly on the PC.

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