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Soulsborne Thread #7 (And Sekiro and Elden Ring and other shiet)

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2 hours ago, ColonelKillaBee said:

And it wasn’t really the choir vs the healing church, it was really Bergenwerth, vs everyone else 

Bergenwerth was really only important in the background and the Old Hunters; the main game's plot was driven by the civil war between the Choir and the School of Meneis who wanted to create there false-god. 

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31 minutes ago, BigBossBalrog said:

Bergenwerth was really only important in the background and the Old Hunters

I think that’s underselling it. Without Bergenwerth, there is no Healing Church, no Choir, no Hunters, no attempt by humanity to ascend, and no schism between those in pursuit of divinity through Insight vs the use of Blood. They basically represent one of the primary schools of thought in the human side of the story.

The main story is just about the Good Hunter bringing an end to the Nightmare. Bergenwerth, Mensis, and the Choir are all just competing factions and ideologies who we must deal with and learn about in our quest to do that. I wouldn’t say that any of them are in the background. All three are very important.

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Just now, The Good Doctor said:

I think that’s underselling it. Without Bergenwerth, there is no Healing Church, no Choir, no Hunters, no attempt by humanity to ascend, and no schism between those in pursuit of divinity through Insight vs the use of Blood. They basically represent one of the primary schools of thought in the human side of the story.

The main story is just about the Good Hunter bringing an end to the Nightmare. Bergenwerth, the Healing Church, and the Choir are all just competing factions and ideologies who we must deal with and learn about in our quest to do that. I wouldn’t say that any of them are in the background.

I'm not trying to downplay Bergenwerth's role in events that created the current situation in Yharnam; but compare the two organisations; the Healing Church is the monolith entity composed of a bunch of smaller subfactions fighting for control, quite a few NPC's, and has almost complete control of Yharnam politically, with one said sub-factions, the people behind the bloodmoon and a group you must destory to complete the game. 

Bergenwerth in the modern day has been reduced to a tiny lecture hall hidden deep in the Forbidden Forest, with a lonely man overlooking the lake. 

Bergenwerth has it's shadows everywhere in the game, but that dosen't change the fact the organisation has been superceded by the Healing Church it gave birth too.

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30 minutes ago, BigBossBalrog said:

the organisation has been superceded by the Healing Church it gave birth too.

I agree with this, but not that it is less significant in the story. Going through Bergenweth, learning about Rom, and lifting the veil is every bit as essential to the plot as taking down Micolash.

The story we play through isn’t focused on the war within the church or the schism between Bergenwerth and the rest. It’s a personal story about the Hunter ending the Nightmare. All that other stuff is just part of the setting, and by that token Bergenwerth is as vital as anyone. 

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2 minutes ago, The Good Doctor said:

I agree with this, but not that it is less significant in the story. Going through Bergenweth, learning about Rom, and lifting the veil is every bit as essential to the plot as taking down Micolash.

The story we play through isn’t focused on the war within the church or the schism between Bergenwerth and the rest. It’s a personal story about the Hunter ending the Nightmare. All that other stuff is just part of the setting, and by that token Bergenwerth is as vital as anyone. 

Fair enough; I just think the fact the Choir and the rest of the Healing Church being still around and a lot more active in the game increases their relevance. 

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11 minutes ago, BigBossBalrog said:

Fair enough; I just think the fact the Choir and the rest of the Healing Church being still around and a lot more active in the game increases their relevance. 

In fairness, the game is set during an apocalypse so they’re really all just dying factions with most members dead or turned anyway. The Church groups are more active than Bergenwerth, but none of them are operating like in their prime except for those individuals who are finalizing their goals of ascension. But Rom is as important to the story as they are. 

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35 minutes ago, The Good Doctor said:

In fairness, the game is set during an apocalypse so they’re really all just dying factions with most members dead or turned anyway. The Church groups are more active than Bergenwerth, but none of them are operating like in their prime except for those individuals who are finalizing their goals of ascension. But Rom is as important to the story as they are. 

Exactly.... none of them are really what they were before and the nightmare has been long. In their heyday sure but now, they all are just mere remnants of what they were. Even the healing church is reduced to a few members on the brink of turning full fledged wolf, and the people of yharnam who gave them so much influence are all pretty much a lost cause.

When I said it was Bergenwerth vs the rest of them, it's because Bergenwerth was the start of all of it, and each other branch is a sub sect of Willem's teachings. The school of mensis and the choir both broke off from the healing church but basically operated on their own, especially the school of mensis which is a total secret to the people of yharnam, even more than the choir. Thats why they gotta have people kidnapped and brought there.

The choir on the other hand they were at least somewhat aware of partially, only because they witnessed their hunters/doctors killing them to prevent more scourge outbreaks.

"Even the hardest dick must go flaccid." -Colonelkillabee

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