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Soulsborne Thread #7 (And Sekiro and Elden Ring and other shiet)

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11 minutes ago, The Good Doctor said:

Another is Witcher 3. It absolutely nailed the wartime backdrop. Particularly in Velen. 

I think there's two catergories you should use; quests, background, and environments. Both of those two really do it well; for Sekiro you have battle-weary soldiers covered in bandages and filth (with alot of converations you can eavesdrop about the war itsellf and how the men feel about it), a bunch of sidequests involving the fact the Ashina Army is running out of supplies, there's tons of background about the Tokuwaga Shogunate launching an invasion on the province (with the mainquest intersecting so much with the conflict it might as well be the mainquest), and the place is a frozen hellscape filled with mass graves, checkpoints, barricades, and battlefields. You can find advance Shogunate scouts, inflitrators they've sent to do sabotage aimed at weakening the place for invasion, and plenty in-game events reflecting the fact there's a fucking war going on. It's so bad the influx of karma has brought evil spirits and demons to haunt the place

In Witcher 3; Velen is just as bad. Mass-graves, battle-sites, millitarised zones, alot of fear from everyone. Tons of quests involving deserters, battles, the politics between the factions involved in the conflict, and a lot of little details (like lynchings). Because of the lack of roads it's explicdley noted how monsters are starting to infest the place, even compared to most areas in the wildnerness. It's a little less intergrated into the main-quest, but that's because Velen is more of a stopping point for the full invasion of the North, unlike Ashina, in which the place is the main target of the Shogunate.

In contrast; Skyrim pretty much suffers heavily in all three fronts XD

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22 minutes ago, BigBossBalrog said:

I'm already seeing people whining about how the area's aren't leveled with the player XD As if level scaling isn't shit. Personally, i'm glad to see an open world that dosen't level with the player

witcher anyone

But yea this isnt unique to souls so what did they expect. Even tho it wasnt open world before, still its the same basic principle. Level up or git gud.

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"Even the hardest dick must go flaccid." -Colonelkillabee

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Just now, ColonelKillaBee said:

witcher anyone

But yea this isnt unique to souls so what did they expect. Even tho it wasnt open world before, still its the same basic principle. Level up or git gud.

If I remeber Witcher had a form of scaling; but it was optional and it was set off for default. It was added in a patch.


I remeber I got the sidequest for the Leshin at level 5 and the recomended level was like 68 and I was like "fuck this shit" XD

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Just now, BigBossBalrog said:

If I remeber Witcher had a form of scaling; but it was optional and it was set off for default. It was added in a patch.


I remeber I got the sidequest for the Leshin at level 5 and the recomended level was like 68 and I was like "fuck this shit" XD


I mean its optional of course and isnt a souls game but still

Tired of these gen z feel good participation trophy head ass niggas making games soft. If you want something more accessible play animal crossing.

Which, I hear is a fun game! Not putting it down... but nigga this aint animal crossing.

"Even the hardest dick must go flaccid." -Colonelkillabee

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I think I just don't like the princple of "any level character should be able to tackle every piece of content"; and in some cases it prevents players from seeing content at all; like in Oblivion alot of people don't know about the Minotaurs or the Xivilai because the level system prevented them from spawning XD 

It's awesome to find some super hard monster boss before your supposed to fight it, and get terror fucked, and then coming back later to kick it's ass.             

Like the Deathclaws at Quarry Junction, or using the Master Key and finding Havel at level 5 XD

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32 minutes ago, ColonelKillaBee said:

I actually made it through that side of Vegas early on, was a fucking nightmare

My first playthrough I went north through cazador country and the Red Rock path. And this was before they patched the game to nerf cazadores into the kitty cats we have now. XD My proudest Fallout accomplishment.

Course I was confused as sin because I had no leads on Benny at all. :lol: 


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