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America in Flames: Electric Boogaloo (the politics thread)

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I do like Tulsi. I said back in 2015 that Tulsi was the only Democrat I would consider voting for. Then of course they nominated Hillbags.

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"If you know me you know I don't keep up with the times. I just go with the flow." - Woody Copeland, life coach

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26 minutes ago, ColonelKillaBee said:

Mitt Romney calling her a "Russian Asset" was all I needed to hear, from that point on I knew she was one of the good ones.

For saying something that was on the fucking DOD website.

A new raft of Twitter emails came out this week about the "Hamilton 68" group that was pushing completely fraudulent smears of ordinary Americans as "Russian disinformation"- this group included supposedly conservative journalist Bill Kristol as well as that snake John Podesta and was parroted by all the usual suspects in the media. They were so slimy that even Twitter execs recognized it and tried to push back, though they were ultimately stopped from doing so by other Twitterati (who were probably on the take).

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"If you know me you know I don't keep up with the times. I just go with the flow." - Woody Copeland, life coach

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He looks like a grinning corpse.

Witness this genius try to light an American flag on fire:


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"If you know me you know I don't keep up with the times. I just go with the flow." - Woody Copeland, life coach

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Meanwhile in Commiefornia

Open air markets in San Francisco to sell drugs and fence stolen goods:

Street racers took over the Embarcadero (main thoroughfare in SF). That's a burning car.


"If you know me you know I don't keep up with the times. I just go with the flow." - Woody Copeland, life coach

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3 minutes ago, Celan said:

Meanwhile in Commiefornia

Open air markets in San Francisco to sell drugs and fence stolen goods:

Street racers took over the Embarcadero (main thoroughfare in SF). That's a burning car.


If there are any ballsy filmmakers out there looking to shoot a dystopian or post apocalypse movie, now would be the prime time to save money on sets and extras.

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Joe's not the only one with a diaper

This was Melania in France


"If you know me you know I don't keep up with the times. I just go with the flow." - Woody Copeland, life coach

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I think she ripped down the curtain from her hotel.

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"If you know me you know I don't keep up with the times. I just go with the flow." - Woody Copeland, life coach

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5 hours ago, ColonelKillaBee said:

Kamala, Kamala's husband (the whitest dude in the world), a cross dresser and a corpse.

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"If you know me you know I don't keep up with the times. I just go with the flow." - Woody Copeland, life coach

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I just want to be clear, ultra crystal clear, that I am not taking the side of nazi’s or neo-nazi’s lmao. But, I’ve looked into the subject because it was all over when the invasion first started and a lot of Eastern European countries that were Soviet controlled prior to WWII viewed Germany as liberators. When the Russian Empire collapsed a lot of the territories (I.e. the baltics and Ukraine) took the opportunity to declare themselves and the new Red government want all that territory back so the red army invaded. Then you know communism purges and shit that are overlooked all the time. That’s why they had such large amounts of people in the foreign ss brigades as opposed to the French/English/American SS units. The USSR and the Nazi’s were really just 2 sides to the same coin. Equally bad and both absolute dirt bags. The only reason people demonize the nazi’s more is because the ussr was an “ally” during the war.

again, not trying to throw in with that crowd or anything lol, just providing context. Both Nazi’s and commies deserve the woodchipper.


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46 minutes ago, Centurion said:

I just want to be clear, ultra crystal clear, that I am not taking the side of nazi’s or neo-nazi’s lmao. But, I’ve looked into the subject because it was all over when the invasion first started and a lot of Eastern European countries that were Soviet controlled prior to WWII viewed Germany as liberators. When the Russian Empire collapsed a lot of the territories (I.e. the baltics and Ukraine) took the opportunity to declare themselves and the new Red government want all that territory back so the red army invaded. Then you know communism purges and shit that are overlooked all the time. That’s why they had such large amounts of people in the foreign ss brigades as opposed to the French/English/American SS units. The USSR and the Nazi’s were really just 2 sides to the same coin. Equally bad and both absolute dirt bags. The only reason people demonize the nazi’s more is because the ussr was an “ally” during the war.

again, not trying to throw in with that crowd or anything lol, just providing context. Both Nazi’s and commies deserve the woodchipper.

Or even before the Soviet Union: the Tzarist was a brutal Imperialist power that put down the hundreds of minorities/kingdoms they conquered. All these Slavic peoples hate Russia for a reason and they don't want to be under there umbrella anymore. 

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It was the Ukrainian people's choice to aligh with the EU/NATO instead of Russian. Russia had a temper tantrum and which is why we have this war.

Russia wants to remake its colonial backyard, just like they had in the Cold War. It's a power-grab, nothing more.

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17 minutes ago, ColonelKillaBee said:

and there’s no way Putin likes Nazis

Yeah, this is all I was saying. Not sure where all the Communism/Tzarist "Russia good/bad" talk is coming from, because that’s not at all the conversation we were having. Hell, I hate Communism at least as much as I hate Nazism. Probably more.

Point was that Russia are not Nazis and they have objectively taken a stronger stance against Nazism than almost any other country, both in distant and recent history. That’s simply a fact, even if they have been their own kinda of awful during that time. Like I said the other day, there is plenty to criticize Russia for without pretending that they’re something they aren’t. That’s revisionist.


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1 minute ago, BigBossBalrog said:

It was tge Ukrainian people's choice to aligh with the EU/NATO instead of Russian. Russia had a temper tantrum and which is why we have this war.

Russia wants to remake its colonial backyard, just like they had in the Cold War. It's a power-grab, nothing more.

So let them fight over it with their own blood and money. 

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4 minutes ago, The Good Doctor said:

It’s a politics thread. We can name #2 "Canada in Flames" or something. XD 

Funny you say that. There's alot of discontent about the price of groceries because the five main stores are owned by the same company XD

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6 minutes ago, ColonelKillaBee said:

discords fine, is more private.

Just a heads-up, depending on how private you’re looking for, Discord might not be the safest bet either. Their trust teams have the ability to access and read any servers or private messages. Not to say they will unless something gets reported, but that is something they are open about being able to do. 

Just in case you rascals go thinking it’s a good place to sip on whiskey spiked tea and plot revolutions. :P 


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Just now, ColonelKillaBee said:

Basically nowhere on the internet is safe lol, BUUTTT they cant do a quick google search with your name and aliases and see these messages at least xD

Few extra steps to find the same info.

Sure. It’s absolutely better than a public forum. XD I’m just giving a little PSA is all. "Private" Discord servers are not actually private. 


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44 minutes ago, The Good Doctor said:

Yeah, this is all I was saying. Not sure where all the Communism/Tzarist "Russia good/bad" talk is coming from, because that’s not at all the conversation we were having. Hell, I hate Communism at least as much as I hate Nazism. Probably more.

Point was that Russia are not Nazis and they have objectively taken a stronger stance against Nazism than almost any other country, both in distant and recent history. That’s simply a fact, even if they have been their own kinda of awful during that time. Like I said the other day, there is plenty to criticize Russia for without pretending that they’re something they aren’t. That’s revisionist.

Wasn’t trying to turn it into a good/bad conversation. Just wanted to add context to “the dark side of Ukraine”

37 minutes ago, BigBossBalrog said:

@Centurion You were involved with training the Ukrainian army werent you? What's your opinion on the geopolitical situation as a soldier? 

No. Never trained or have even seen a Ukrainian soldier. However, my opinion on the whole situation is the same as I’ve stated multiple times, a big fat I don’t care. I’m living paycheck to paycheck and can barely afford to feed my kids. Do I wish there was a diplomatic solution to this whole thing, sure. But I really really don’t fucking care. I don’t want to die in a pointless war and I’m tired of seeing “the economy is fine” as home ownership is a fucking pipe dream, “we’re the good guys!” as a whole lot of bullshit is happening, and “more funds for international allies and partners” as I’m staring at my combined $37,000 debt with a whole $16.94 to my name currently with no relief in sight because I have to keep choosing between acquiring more debt to feed, house, transport, provide medical care, etc for my kids or saving a few bucks

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1 minute ago, Centurion said:

Wasn’t trying to turn it into a good/bad conversation. Just wanted to add context to “the dark side of Ukraine”

Fair enough.

Well, on the brought side, as I told Colonel the other day, the French have recently taken an active role in helping train Ukrainian forces…

… Which surely means their surrender is imminent. :P 


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7 minutes ago, The Good Doctor said:

Fair enough.

Well, on the brought side, as I told Colonel the other day, the French have recently taken an active role in helping train Ukrainian forces…

… Which surely means their surrender is imminent. :P 

Say that, and the ghost of De Gaulle will haunt you for one hundred years! 

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