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America in Flames: Electric Boogaloo (the politics thread)

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3 hours ago, The Good Doctor said:





My personal favorite is Eh? / Wtaf/ Gtaf

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"If you know me you know I don't keep up with the times. I just go with the flow." - Woody Copeland, life coach

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10 minutes ago, ColonelKillaBee said:

Biden had a stroke and they’re covering it up

Kamaka Harris tried to talk with a fake recording of Joe and pass it on as a phone call. She actually said “record- er, phone call”. It is so surreal.

This is like a shitty tv show

Yeah, it’s been the talk at work since I got back. All of this is just so timely, it’s impossible not to be hyper-suspicious of every aspect of it. Not even just the coverup, but even the stroke itself and what might’ve caused it, if that’s even what it is.

It’s clear Biden is getting kicked to the curb and I wouldn’t put it past his handlers to take him out so they can squeeze the last bit few drops of juice from him by generating sympathy over his death. It might sadly be the only thing of worth he can provide them anymore.


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9 minutes ago, ColonelKillaBee said:

Yep... to quote what I said to Dana, They killed JFK, Martin Luther King and Malcolm X, and tried to kill Trump, I don't trust them at all.

And you know damn well that being on their "side" or being a good puppet for decades won’t earn you any protection or loyalty if they decide they’ll be better off with you dead. See Epstein. 

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9 minutes ago, ColonelKillaBee said:

Look at this shit. Its to the point that I absolutely would believe the CIA would kill off joe early to get Kamala Harris in power as a puppet. This would also sadly help her election as well, if she is sworn in before the election as the first brown woman of color to be president.

I feel like Joe dying would only help. He isn’t physically capable of aiding the campaign with speeches or endorsements anymore, and does more harm than good every time he speaks.

But if he dies, the narrative can be spun of how he "gave his all" for this country to the very end. Already seen major news anchors going this direction when they talk about him. And all the memes and mockery from the Right, which has been very useful to Trump’s campaign, suddenly becomes "speaking ill of the dead" and would be labeled as poor taste. Damned if you do, damned if you don’t.

The latter just seems objectively far more valuable for anyone who wants Kamala to win.


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The audacity to make "grass roots" the biggest tagline for Kamala's overnight, behind-closed-doors, nomination is incredible even for them.

And they try to justify it with an equally overnight tidal wave of premade Tic-Tok memes? How stupid do they think people are?


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