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Soulsborne Thread #12

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13 minutes ago, ColonelKillaBee said:

if it makes you feel better black flame protection is way better than your crab meat lol

Big downside is it stunts your healing. So if you suck like me and need to heal a lot during big fights, the difference in damage mitigation might not be worth all the HP you’ll miss out on. But it would take some supernerd number crunching to figure that out. XD 


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28 minutes ago, The Good Doctor said:

Big downside is it stunts your healing. So if you suck like me and need to heal a lot during big fights, the difference in damage mitigation might not be worth all the HP you’ll miss out on. But it would take some supernerd number crunching to figure that out. XD 

This is true but i think for most fights as long as you're aggressive it'll be better, because that extra protection allows you to spam for instance, Bayle and break his guard fast with your mix potion thingy.

Its mostly imo best for bossfights vs regular use, flame grant me strength is probs better in that case. Totally depends. Generally speaking thats how I use the two, flame grant me strength for pve open world, black flames for boss

"Even the hardest dick must go flaccid." -Colonelkillabee

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22 minutes ago, ColonelKillaBee said:

This is true but i think for most fights as long as you're aggressive it'll be better, because that extra protection allows you to spam for instance, Bayle and break his guard fast with your mix potion thingy.

Its mostly imo best for bossfights vs regular use, flame grant me strength is probs better in that case. Totally depends. Generally speaking thats how I use the two, flame grant me strength for pve open world, black flames for boss

Flame Grant Me Strength boosts damage, not defense. I usually use both together. Especially if I’m using Rellana’s swords or anything with fire damage because FGMS boosts that quite a bit. 

21 minutes ago, ColonelKillaBee said:

Also its criminal how long its taken me to use Radahns bow lol it is really fucking funny xD Great for knocking down and sniping annoying mages and such like in this dungeon im in

I told you my experience with it. First and only time I ever used that thing was to cheese a magma wyrm. It killed him stupid fast. XD 


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