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Soulsborne Thread #12

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Balrog thinks a giant, I think it has to be radagon still. And that radagon himself has giant lineage.

I think secretly thats the real reason he was picked, besides being a champion. Because the likes of Melina was needed for her plans. Messmer was flawed due to.... speculation but possibly spoilery

his hatred and corruption by the snake within him. For that reason I wonder if that is why Marika kept having children. But either way there's definitely a reason for them pointing out his shared flame with his sister in his item description for the spell. 

"Even the hardest dick must go flaccid." -Colonelkillabee

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1 hour ago, The Good Doctor said:

Hefty cracked fire pots straight into the basket. It worked exactly like you said, kills them very quickly. 

And almost all of them have a tall ledge nearby that you can lure them to for easy shots. The target is so big that it’s hard to miss even free aiming.

So i found an even better fire pot that i think is actually meant for this task. Its in a shaq under that first bridge you go over, ettic bridge or something.

And it works wonders lol, three pots in the furnace and boom dead xD Is also coincidentally one I needed apparently for this area balrog mentioned, was the only firepot that worked on a furnace dead blocking the way

"Even the hardest dick must go flaccid." -Colonelkillabee

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4 minutes ago, ColonelKillaBee said:

So i found an even better fire pot that i think is actually meant for this task. It’s in a shaq under that first bridge you go over, ettic bridge or something.

I’ve got those too. but I’d already crafted so many of the regular fire ones that I just used those except against the last one I killed. The difference is only 1-2 pots.


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14 minutes ago, The Good Doctor said:

I hope we get a definite answer, or at least some stronger hints than hair color.

I think its more than hair color given what you yourself even said about Malenia. Follows the same name scheme too showing what bloodline he's from. Granted from what I see it goes by the letter of the mother, not the father, but I feel like were there different lineage, GRRM wouldnt be able to keep himself from giving some hint that way

"Even the hardest dick must go flaccid." -Colonelkillabee

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That’s why I am hoping for more. Because Radagon is the only named character who even seems to be a candidate, but so far the evidence I’ve seen for it being him is pretty thin.

It’d be nice if we find an item description or something that makes it explicit. And I’ll be surprised if there isn’t one somewhere.

7 minutes ago, ColonelKillaBee said:

GRRM wouldnt be able to keep himself from giving some hint that way

I don’t think GRRM had the level of influence to really determine that. He wrote the backstories and lineage, but had no involvement in deciding what parts of his work would make it into the game, or what hints we would get.

Hell, he supposedly invented Messmer and we didn’t even know of his existence until the DLC. XD


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3 hours ago, The Good Doctor said:

Yeah, I haven’t found it bad at all so far. The overland is a blast to explore and barely ever all too challenging since you have so much control over the landscape and the pace.

Bosses are aggressive, but nothing’s been even nearly as bad yet for me as Malenia was (or even my favorite fight, Maliketh). Bayle might get there when I revisit him, we’ll see.

I’ve been seeing a lot of people call it bullshit over Rellana and the Dancing Lion, which makes me think a lot of the rage is coming from players who haven’t paid attention and learned the new mechanics. Because those two only stand out particularly much if you go at them with a really low shadow level. But the game does explain that and encourages exploration, so to me that’s completely on them. Just like how everyone initially raged because they ran straight to Margit without leveling and got clobbered.

Agreed. If there is one problem with Elden Ring becoming so mainstream, it’s that there will be millions of players getting butthurt that they’re struggling and whining that the game and genre should change to cater to them. Thank goodness Miyazaki seems resistant to that.

I'm three pages behind, so I don't know if this is talked about more XD

But, my sole problem with Rellana after completely gitting gud is her ability to turn on a dime during her combos. Pontiff has similar long heavy hitting combos but he couldn't swivel to constantly face you.

That's it, just take away her roller blades

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@BigBossBalrog You know that scene in season 1 of House of the Dragon where the entire family are all together at once, seated at the long table and halfway getting along just this one single time? You get to learn so much about so many of the characters and their dynamics in that episode.

I really want to watch a scene like that with Marika’s family, pre-Shattering. All the siblings brought together under one roof, however briefly, before everything falls apart. There are so many relationships and dynamics that we still know little to nothing about. 

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17 minutes ago, The Good Doctor said:

Actually, screw it, since these are GRRM characters anyway, maybe just make a HotD style TV series around them. XD I’d way rather get something like that than an Elden Ring movie.

Considering there's like five thousand years worth a history to cover, I think a TV show would be a much better format. 

30 minutes ago, The Good Doctor said:


I really want to watch a scene like that with Marika’s family, pre-Shattering. All the siblings brought together under one roof, however briefly, before everything falls apart. There are so many relationships and dynamics that we still know little to nothing about. 

*Godwyn's the complete center of attention and everyone's worshipping the ground he walks on*

*Messmer's at the very side with Radahn, talking about strategy.*

*Miquella's eyeing his bull from the side of his mother (whose glaring at everyone with disapproval) with puppy eyes, while Malenia's sharpening her blade in a dark corner by herself* 

*Ranni and Rykard are at a table themselves, snickering cruel insults behind everyone's back.*

*Godrick isn't even allowed at the main table, has to mingle with the human nobles." 

*Cut's to a scene of Morgott and Mohg eating crab in the sewers* 


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15 minutes ago, BigBossBalrog said:

Considering there's like five thousand years worth a history to cover, I think a TV show would be a much better format. 

*Godwyn's the complete center of attention and everyone's worshipping the ground he walks on*

*Messmer's at the very side with Radahn, talking about strategy.*

*Miquella's eyeing his bull from the side of his mother (whose glaring at everyone with disapproval) with puppy eyes, while Malenia's sharpening her blade in a dark corner by herself* 

*Ranni and Rykard are at a table themselves, snickering cruel insults behind everyone's back.*

*Godrick isn't even allowed at the main table, has to mingle with the human nobles." 

*Cut's to a scene of Morgott and Mohg eating crab in the sewers* 



This would be almost perfect if you hadn’t forgotten the most important family member, Godefroy.

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I actually completely missed this dialogue on my first playthrough. Without a shadow of a doubt was Mohg bewitched by Miquella.

If you immediately go talk to Sir Ansbach after the great rune is shattered but before killing the golden hippo, he talks about his attempt at freeing Mohg from Miquella's enchantment but was too weak. Having his heart stolen by the Empyrean instead.

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4 minutes ago, TheCzarsHussar said:

I actually completely missed this dialogue on my first playthrough. Without a shadow of a doubt was Mohg bewitched by Miquella.

If you immediately go talk to Sir Ansbach after the great rune is shattered but before killing the golden hippo, he talks about his attempt at freeing Mohg from Miquella's enchantment but was too weak. Having his heart stolen by the Empyrean instead.

This is why to the NPCs is the first thing I do every time the story progresses. XD 

Yeah, it’s a really cool bit of dialogue, too. Ansbach has already tried to stop Miquella and near instantly got his mind stolen. Explains why he is shaken to the core. To him this threat seems insurmountable.

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4 minutes ago, TheCzarsHussar said:

For anyone who struggled with Golden Hippo in the future, bloodhound step is a very solid counter to his scarier hotboxes.

We’re in good synch lately. I just killed him about two minutes ago. XD The Backhand Blades ash of war also is great for this fight. Zips right around most of his attacks. 

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