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Soulsborne Thread #12

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3 minutes ago, ColonelKillaBee said:

Ive said far worse dude xD Maybe in an asian household that seems like a big deal, but trust me its not lol

Im not proud of it and I even call my mother by her first name often. Its not something others like or understand and my friends gf even disliked me for it originally when we met but she didnt have full context.

Trust me, mother and son dynamics can be very toxic.

When I went to Romania she went off about it on facebook and I sent her this:


Try Vietnamese and Irish; if I said that to my mom or Dad they'd tan my hide XD

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Just now, BigBossBalrog said:

Try Vietnamese and Irish; if I said that to my mom or Dad they'd tan my hide XD

Well when your mother tries fighting you, then throws things when you get too big and strong for her to land a hit Im sure you'd consider it xD 

I grew up black, we can relate lol, but Im not the type to take things lying down, not even from her.

"Even the hardest dick must go flaccid." -Colonelkillabee

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All that said, we have been through a lot and though I greatly resent her often, I still do love her. No one's perfect and everyone's got a past. I know hers better than most and so we both do support each other despite the toxicity.

So I can relate to Messmer, who yea, is definitely my favorite character rn.

"Even the hardest dick must go flaccid." -Colonelkillabee

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Been searching hard, and I think I’ve finally found and explored every area possible before entering the Shadow Keep. Killed every boss besides Bayle, even the fire baskets, delved every dungeon, and got my Skadoodlydoo up to +11. Maybe I’ve missed something, but if so, it’s very well hidden and not visible on the map. 

I suppose that means it’s finally time. XD 

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7 minutes ago, The Good Doctor said:

I know it’s hard to compare since this is releasing on all systems, but this DLC to a two-year-old game has sold more on its opening week than TLoU2. XD 

A DLC that's 2/3'ds the price of the base game; hasn't been a fully week either :rofl: I would imagine eight million in a month will be no problem. 

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1 hour ago, The Good Doctor said:

Been searching hard, and I think I’ve finally found and explored every area possible before entering the Shadow Keep. Killed every boss besides Bayle, even the fire baskets, delved every dungeon, and got my Skadoodlydoo up to +11. Maybe I’ve missed something, but if so, it’s very well hidden and not visible on the map. 

I suppose that means it’s finally time. XD 

oh god you did all that and are only at plus 11? 

I am scared.

Tho I guess that just means the rest of the levels, most of em, lie ahead.

"Even the hardest dick must go flaccid." -Colonelkillabee

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3 minutes ago, ColonelKillaBee said:

oh god you did all that and are only at plus 11? 

I am scared.

Tho I guess that just means the rest of the levels, most of em, lie ahead.

Always possible I missed something, but if I did, I can’t see it on the map. There are areas I haven’t explored yet but they all appear to require going through the Shadow Keep to reach them.

But yeah, I’m at +11 without any scabibidies in my inventory (or maybe just one?), so even if I missed a couple, it still wouldn’t have been enough to get me to +12, so I imagine most the rest do indeed lie ahead.


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1 minute ago, The Good Doctor said:

What he said, but without the irony.


MoistCritical is sayin the opposite but named the exact two bosses that put me to a halt as bosses with bad moves, Messmer and Commander Gaius lol. But the rest he loves and says people are whiners lol.

To be very honest I cant say he's wrong, like yea there's annoying rage inducing areas lol but not impossible at all. Its just that with a few bosses with cheap ass moves sprinkled on top that kinda sours some of it. 

Messmer's got a crazy move that will spawn and go off at anywhere, at any given time, lol and it will leave you salty if you dont have good rng that round.

"Even the hardest dick must go flaccid." -Colonelkillabee

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oh, the news is a bunch of people on steam review bombing it because of the difficulty... thats pussy ngl, like at the end of the day its honestly not hard because you can use summons, you can use sorcery, you can call in a buddy.

The community is the one that made the whole you gotta solo the boss or you didnt beat the boss thing. Miyazaki didn't do that. If anything he did the exact opposite lol. So I would never ever review this game negatively because I couldnt live up to my own limits. 

I gotta work and got a girl that is very attention hungry lol I dont have the time I used to, to git gud enough to fight crazy hard challenges like back in the day. But thats not the game's fault lol.

Even with my frustrations and criticisms I'd give this dlc a 9.7 out of 10. Its too fun.

This genre is very niche, I have other games I can play if I want an easier time.

Even if the ending boss is too much for me to handle, which its sounding more and more like that could be the case lol, I'd still give it that rating. They can always patch the difficulty later, and I bet they probably will again.

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"Even the hardest dick must go flaccid." -Colonelkillabee

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11 minutes ago, ColonelKillaBee said:

oh, the news is a bunch of people on steam review bombing it because of the difficulty... thats pussy ngl, like at the end of the day its honestly not hard because you can use summons, you can use sorcery, you can call in a buddy.

The community is the one that made the whole you gotta solo the boss or you didnt beat the boss thing. Miyazaki didn't do that. If anything he did the exact opposite lol. So I would never ever review this game negatively because I couldnt live up to my own limits. 

I gotta work and got a girl that is very attention hungry lol I dont have the time I used to, to git gud enough to fight crazy hard challenges like back in the day. But thats not the game's fault lol.

Even with my frustrations and criticisms I'd give this dlc a 9.7 out of 10. Its too fun.

This genre is very niche, I have other games I can play if I want an easier time.

Even if the ending boss is too much for me to handle, which its sounding more and more like that could be the case lol, I'd still give it that rating. They can always patch the difficulty later, and I bet they probably will again.

The review bombing fizzled out, it's back to positive  XD Apparently it was mainly from Chinese players

And I found another sizeable area hidden and connected to the Shadow Keep *sigh*

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Yeah, I haven’t found it bad at all so far. The overland is a blast to explore and barely ever all too challenging since you have so much control over the landscape and the pace.

Bosses are aggressive, but nothing’s been even nearly as bad yet for me as Malenia was (or even my favorite fight, Maliketh). Bayle might get there when I revisit him, we’ll see.

I’ve been seeing a lot of people call it bullshit over Rellana and the Dancing Lion, which makes me think a lot of the rage is coming from players who haven’t paid attention and learned the new mechanics. Because those two only stand out particularly much if you go at them with a really low shadow level. But the game does explain that and encourages exploration, so to me that’s completely on them. Just like how everyone initially raged because they ran straight to Margit without leveling and got clobbered.

7 minutes ago, ColonelKillaBee said:

This genre is very niche, I have other games I can play if I want an easier time.

Agreed. If there is one problem with Elden Ring becoming so mainstream, it’s that there will be millions of players getting butthurt that they’re struggling and whining that the game and genre should change to cater to them. Thank goodness Miyazaki seems resistant to that.

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3 minutes ago, The Good Doctor said:

I doubt it. I’ve smelled my share of American pussy, and this reeks of that stench.


If you filter the reviews, 80 percent of the negative ones are from the Chinese language. English reviews at 86 percent  positive XD


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