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Soulsborne Thread #12

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41 minutes ago, The Good Doctor said:

Damn, just found a spirit ash that tells a whole ass story in its item description. :lol: 

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Most interesting is the last part. This man betrayed and rebelled against Messmer, but he was given an honorable burial and Messmer mourned his death. :crying:


You'll learn me once you get to Shadow Keep, but yeah, Messmer seems to be the most tragic of all the Demigods.

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20 minutes ago, TheCzarsHussar said:

There's also a greataxe version that's equally badass. It has the large sweeping crescent axe r2s and instead of doing a lightning spiral, you leap up in the air and do this fast Dragonslayer greataxe slam

omg thats sickkk

also unrelated i only just now figured out how to get into the fog castle place and was not expecting a bossfight lol, I won but was a little shook when I got fucking tongue pulled xD Like WTFFFFF

Very cool tho lol

"Even the hardest dick must go flaccid." -Colonelkillabee

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3 minutes ago, The Good Doctor said:

Apparently they were the personal guards of Godwyn, and continued to follow him even after his soul died and became known as the Prince of Death.

which is super metal ngl, would be so badass if he didnt look like... that lmao

Im hoping that somewhere the prince of death himself lurks, and in better shape than this lol

Now thats a bossfight i wanna see

"Even the hardest dick must go flaccid." -Colonelkillabee

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40 minutes ago, ColonelKillaBee said:

which is super metal ngl, would be so badass if he didnt look like... that lmao

What’s funny is I doubt he’s even aware of their loyalty. Ranni retained her "self" because she died in body but not soul. Godwyn dying in soul but not body probably means that there is absolutely nothing left of who he was. He’s just a bloated, expanding, husk that is just poisoning the Lands Between like a toxic weed with no capacity for memory or intelligence.

Which makes these Death Knights all the more ride or die. They stick to their oaths of allegiance even when their master has been reduced to nothing but soulless, mutated flesh. Even so far as to change themselves along with him.

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This vid has info most here know already, i.e. jumping attacks op lol, but there's a ton more too, very interesting.

Again some I knew, some i definitely did not xD

@The Good Doctor Ive been playing on hard mode lmao I actually had a number of holy weapons in my inventory i coulda used that day and refused xD learned from my stubbornness tho

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"Even the hardest dick must go flaccid." -Colonelkillabee

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That’s another thing Ranni never answered for. On top of all we discussed a couple pages back, she also did that to her brother, who was by all counts one of the better of them, a beloved leader and peacemaker.

And worse, inflicted a full-scale apocalyptic curse on the entire land, infecting it at the very root.

If this DLC doesn’t address Godwyn and the spreading Deathroot, then I suspect that will be the premise of Elden Ring 2. It seems to me like the only major element of the world that doesn’t get some form of resolution.


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7 minutes ago, The Good Doctor said:

What’s funny is I doubt he’s even aware of their loyalty. Ranni retained her "self" because she died in body but not soul. Godwyn dying in soul but not body probably means that there is absolutely nothing left of who he was. He’s just a bloated, expanding, husk that is just poisoning the Lands Between like a toxic weed with no capacity for memory or intelligence.

Which makes these Death Knights all the more ride or die. They stick to their oaths of allegiance even when their master has been reduced to nothing but soulless, mutated flesh. Even so far as to change themselves along with him.





If the Souls is consistent with anything, there's always noble knights propping up their lord with their valor. 


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1 minute ago, ColonelKillaBee said:

@The Good Doctor Ive been playing on hard mode lmao I actually had a number of holy weapons in my inventory i coulda used that day and refused xD learned from my stubbornness tho

I tried to tell you! :rofl: Holy trivializes those birds so much that I didn’t even register that area as any more of an obstacle than any other part of the map.


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14 minutes ago, The Good Doctor said:

What’s funny is I doubt he’s even aware of their loyalty. Ranni retained her "self" because she died in body but not soul. Godwyn dying in soul but not body probably means that there is absolutely nothing left of who he was. He’s just a bloated, expanding, husk that is just poisoning the Lands Between like a toxic weed with no capacity for memory or intelligence.

Which makes these Death Knights all the more ride or die. They stick to their oaths of allegiance even when their master has been reduced to nothing but soulless, mutated flesh. Even so far as to change themselves along with him.

Naw they're so badass that they're Ride and Die for Godwyn

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Just now, BigBossBalrog said:

Congrats XD

thank you :p it was a bitch.

Shadow level 11 he got a good deal easier tho, for instance a particular move he does was no longer a one hit kill and I could survive it. Literally one level up was the difference between that and almost instant death 90 percent of the time if you let it hit.

"Even the hardest dick must go flaccid." -Colonelkillabee

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Just now, The Good Doctor said:

I cannot for the life of me get that screenshot to load. You’d ya slay?

Messmer lol. Here is another to show how much health i had left xD 


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"Even the hardest dick must go flaccid." -Colonelkillabee

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