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Soulsborne Thread #12

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I think I need more than ten insight Balrog. This all is just explosive. It was right there in front of us the entire time, and was obvious, but seeing is believing. 


The elden beast we saw yea but this was somehow even more alien and weird, that inbetween status of a god in corporeal form, and one like the elden beast composing of the cosmos itself.

I love it I love it I love it. But what are the implicationsssss what does it meannnnn where did we come frommmmm are they alien or more similar than we realize, and do we also come from the stars in truth.... I mean the erdtree can give birth to humans so somewhere somehow we must be related. Thats so creepy but amazing.

Plus the obvious being the fingerprints and hands, etc... similar anatomy.... sort of lol

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"Even the hardest dick must go flaccid." -Colonelkillabee

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Just when I thought it couldnt get any weirder. 

it got way weirder lmfao

They definitely were in their Bloodborne bag with this quest, love it.

The fucking "bossfight" back at the church lmfao whatt xD Jesus 

"Even the hardest dick must go flaccid." -Colonelkillabee

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My mind is blown. @The Good Doctor did you finish this quest yet? If not ignore.


it actually makes a lot of sense when you consider the sole purpose of the empyreans is to reproduce, through the erdtree, and being both the sperm and the seed. Hence the need for two beings melding.

Its some weird alien shit, very blood born esque. The guy reminded me of Micolash and now I know why. Grant us fingers, lol.

"Even the hardest dick must go flaccid." -Colonelkillabee

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Lol you'll probably be catching up then when my week gets busier, probably starting tomorrow. Which sucks. Especially since amazingly I still have so much to explore and that I havent done.

Btw my bro's shadow level is 17 and he says the final boss is crazy even there. The second phase is supposedly already infamous.

"Even the hardest dick must go flaccid." -Colonelkillabee

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concerning the fingers and the scadutree (big spoilers)

the items you get from Metyr and the Sunflower entity have the same exact moveset except that the sunflower is a pale comparison to Metyr's and I just realize that they're pretty similar..... its crazy, a mother is what Miquella is striving to be just like Ymir in that quest.

It makes a lot of sense. Its so weird how alien the origins of all this crazy catholic esque Viking medieval holy setting stuff is.

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"Even the hardest dick must go flaccid." -Colonelkillabee

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35 minutes ago, ColonelKillaBee said:

You know with all the finger stuff, it kinda makes you think.


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Maybe there's entities composed of genitals xD Now that'd be terrifying

"Stop it, get some help." - MJ

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41 minutes ago, ColonelKillaBee said:

Lol you'll probably be catching up then when my week gets busier, probably starting tomorrow. Which sucks. Especially since amazingly I still have so much to explore and that I havent done.

Btw my bro's shadow level is 17 and he says the final boss is crazy even there. The second phase is supposedly already infamous.

I doubt it. You’ve been blasting through it and were already well past me even today. XD I won’t likely get to play much this week in general. 


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I never heard of this theory but I like it, if its true, it makes the whole game, both base and dlc make a lot more sense and, is pretty hilarious when you think about these demigods being your siblings. Going a bit further I wonder if all tarnished could be illegitimate children of Marika.

Which makes my comment about her being a milf.... well, when in rome.

Also that means you married your sister if you sided with blue balls doll herself, Ranni.

And makes Messmer cutscene more hilarious. 

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"Even the hardest dick must go flaccid." -Colonelkillabee

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Interesting theory. I wish he had more for it than the mausoleums, though. Was hoping that would just be one component of it.

A counter might be that our characters have selectable backstories that all involve being exiled as Tarnished and dying across the Fog like Godfrey. How would a Tarnished be entombed in one of the mausoleums if they all died elsewhere while in exile?


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Okay spoiler free theory time, I think I understand now why we're "demigods".

Godfrey was the first Tarnished, having lost his grace and was banished. However he still for a time operated as elden lord and thus he himself through marriage was an empyrian through marika. Unless they never became one, which leads me to my two assumptions.

One, Marika and Godfrey were one, and split, and the children she had whilst with him and the seed in her already fertilized, then became illegitimate because they were not Radagons brood. Or two basically same thing but instead, Godfrey refuses to become one and has children with her the normal way, live birth. Perhaps this is why they had a falling out and he became tarnished. That or he did not wish to continue being Elden Lord when he saw what the Elden Ring really was.

Either way, Tarnished are illegitimate offspring of Godfrey, or, at the very least, you are. But if its all tarnished, that imo would make more sense. And perhaps you were reborn with more grace than most, a stronger bit of the strength of your parents, hence you see the grace trails still for guidance, aka you see the greater will, when others no longer do. In fact that also explains why they could see at all, and why we got this special dimension for the round table that is directly tied to Marika and the erdtree.

"Even the hardest dick must go flaccid." -Colonelkillabee

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2 minutes ago, The Good Doctor said:

Interesting theory. I wish he had more for it than the mausoleums, though. Was hoping that would just be one component of it.

A counter might be that our characters have selectable backstories that all involve being exiled as Tarnished and dying across the Fog like Godfrey. How would a Tarnished be entombed in one of the mausoleums if they all died elsewhere while in exile?

They all mustve been already reborn elsewhere. But still tarnished. My guess is they were hunted and killed, their bodies entombed there.

When you think about it it makes sense, people know about tarnished, that they come from "outside lands" and are outsiders. Everyone's hostile to us nearly. They expected us. There's even tarnished on crosses dead, supposedly. Executed.

"Even the hardest dick must go flaccid." -Colonelkillabee

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Basically the entire story is one incredibly detailed and complex succession crisis story, first with Godfrey and Marika, then lol Miquella trying to be gay with his legitimate siblings.

"Even the hardest dick must go flaccid." -Colonelkillabee

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I forgot that technically everyone is born and reborn thanks to Queen Marika, so people born of the erdtree arent demigods, its children of Marika and the Elden Lord more directly. However that process is handled of course, which we dont know if its traditional or not but basically, if we are demigods then that leans more towards Godfrey being down to bang Marika the old fashioned way but not being too crazy about the seed and tree business.

"Even the hardest dick must go flaccid." -Colonelkillabee

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Interesting, but I don't think it ultimately makes sense. A Tarnished Samurai is from the Land of Reeds: I don't think Godfrey stopped in Japan XD There was originally cut content that had him saying you were part of Godfrey's army, so I think that's probably it.. 

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I’m stoked to face Messmer, but I keep getting delayed by exploration. I still haven’t even taken my first step into the Shadow Keep. XD 

I played another hour tonight instead of going to sleep at a reasonable hour. My plan was to finally check the place out and make for the second Fingerprint Ruin, but first I took a detour to check out Colonel's bog… turns out I just missed it, literally went into and looted the cave which leads to it but somehow missed the giant window leading to a new area…

… And now I’ve found several more areas. Some of them huge. This map is endless.

On the extra plus side, I found a Two-Headed Turtle Talisman that grants really good stamina regen. :lol: 

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From’s launching a calibration patch that is going to make Skadutree fragments grant bigger buffs at first and then more gradual as you progress.

Meaning the early-mid parts of the DLC should become a little easier more quickly if you find a few fragments, but it’ll level out and be roughly the same at the later parts.

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17 hours ago, ColonelKillaBee said:

I think they need to get back to what made dark souls bosses so good, cause these feel hard for the sake of being hard.

I mostly agree with this. Particularly Dark Souls 1 which to this day might be their most fair and balanced game with very little in the way of BS. 

But unfortunately, I think that would be very difficult in Elden Ring because the progression system typically leads to the player character being almost as overtuned and OP as the strongest bosses.

We’re so fast, and our abilities are so powerful, that I don’t think there’s a single enemy on the DS1 roster that would even provide a challenge. Hell, even DS3 would only have a couple.

I imagine it’s very hard to create challenging bosses for late game ER who aren’t crazy aggressive or spammy, because, honestly, slow bosses are piss easy when you’ve nearly got the speed of Bloodborne Hunters and half your weapons spit out waves of fire or some other crazy magical crap. XD Not that I’m excusing any poor boss design, just trying to speculate on why it might be that way.

Personally, I haven’t found any of the DLC bosses poorly designed so far. But I also haven’t encountered most of the tougher ones that you guys have posted about, so there’s a fair chance I’ll be raging and calling BS later down the line.

That said, I wouldn’t call any of them a big step up from the base game in the same way that most the Dark Souls and Bloodborne DLC bosses were. They’ve been fairly middle of the road so far. No Gaels, Ludwigs, or Marias. Hopefully that changes.

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