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Soulsborne Thread #12

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It puts alot of Ranni's actions in a somewhat more positive light. 


She was able to resist the lull of power: discarding her great rune before it consumed her, and then further rejecting the possibility of her becoming a God knowing it'd likely destroy who she was as a person. Show's great will, foresight, and character TBH. 

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6 minutes ago, The Good Doctor said:

I aim to continue it tonight or tomorrow if possible.

Please help me remember to come back and read this later!

I'll keep an eye out for when you do, but I also suspect you'll talk about it first XD

No way in hell you wouldn't find the implications fascinating and fill in yet more holes in the story.

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Oh yeah, and there is a great irony here:

7 minutes ago, The Good Doctor said:

He witnessed his mother, who was the complete opposite: passionate, fiery, full of both love and hatred, create an Order that was often violent and oppressive. There is good in Marika’s Order, but also lots of bad. Because it is a reflection of who she is.

Miquella fears doing the same, so he discards everything, damn near his entire identity, so that when he ascends, there will be no such flaws. But if "perfection" in this world is a Platonic closeness to the Greater "Will", then stripping out his own will is surely a horrible misstep. His "love" left with St. Trina, so he would be a loveless god over a loveless Order.

Even before discarding so much of himself, Miquella seems to have been just as compassionate as Marika and less hateful.

He was flawed like everyone is, but he never witnessed the horrors that she did, never became so filled with hate. A major point of the DLC is that Marika’s nature is a product of her experiences.

Miquella took drastic measures because he was afraid to become a god and repeat her mistakes, but the truth is that he very likely would not have done so. His Order probably would have been kinder because that’s who he was at his core.

But in his fear, he removed everything about himself, most of which was seemingly good. And now he’s even less fit than his mother was. A self-fulfilling prophesy of his own creation 

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22 minutes ago, BigBossBalrog said:

It puts alot of Ranni's actions in a somewhat more positive light. 

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She was able to resist the lull of power: discarding her great rune before it consumed her, and then further rejecting the possibility of her becoming a God knowing it'd likely destroy who she was as a person. Show's great will, foresight, and character TBH. 

I don’t know, honestly. Becoming a god sounds like a terrible fate. I don’t think it takes much will or character to run away from it. It strikes me as the natural "self-preservation" response vs sacrificing your own freedom and potentially life to take on the responsibility of the world.

Becoming a god isn’t what destroyed who Miquella is as a person. He did that to himself because he (rightly) feared that any of his flaws would taint his godhood.

If Ranni had accepted her role and become a god, then I’m guessing she would have inscribed some of her own runes onto the Elden Ring, shifting the natural order in a direction more akin to her values (though I doubt it could’ve been a major shift without a shattering). 


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30 minutes ago, TheCzarsHussar said:

Goldmask really did see all these Demigods and cosmic beings fucking up and said "..."

I wonder what the difference is between the Age of Gold that he helps you bring about and whatever Miquella intends to create. They seem to have similar perspectives.


Goldmask uncovered the flaws brought on by the gods and sought to reforge the Elden Ring without them.

Miquella knows well the flaws of the gods and seeks to discard each and every one of them from himself, presumably so that he can reforge the Elden Ring without them.

Both seek to recreate Order minus the flaws of human nature.

But we know that in order to get rid of the flaws, Miquella discards everything, including things that are important and good. We don’t really know what Goldmask did, but it seems like Miquella’s end goal is basically the worst-case-scenario that people fear Goldmask’s ending would lead to: perfect, loveless, joyless Order with no room for free will.

This might mean good things for Goldmask’s ending, as it would be awfully strange for it to be the same thing as Miquella’s end game that we are supposed to be in opposition to. I wish we knew more about it.

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2 minutes ago, The Good Doctor said:

I wonder what the difference is between the Age of Gold that he helps you bring about and whatever Miquella intends to create. They seem to have similar perspectives.

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Goldmask uncovered the flaws brought on by the gods and sought to reforge the Elden Ring without them.

Miquella knows well the flaws of the gods and seeks to discard each and every one of them from himself, presumably so that he can reforge the Elden Ring without them.

Both seek to recreate Order minus the flaws of human nature.

But we know that in order to get rid of the flaws, Miquella discards everything, including things that are important and good. We don’t really know what Goldmask did, but it seems like Miquella’s end goal is basically the worst-case-scenario that people fear Goldmask’s ending would lead to: perfect Order with no room for love or free will.

This might mean good things for Goldmask’s ending, as it would be awfully strange for it to be the same thing as Miquella’s end game that we are supposed to be in opposition to.

I think a huge thing about Goldmask's mending rune is his understanding of the cosmic order, observing it and it's flaws alongside the worldly order and it's flaws.

Goldmask seeks to perfect the flaws of the Greater Will or at least it's flawed influence. Miquella is forging an order of his own, beyond the Greater Will.

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It's easy to forget (for me XD) that Goldmask is either the father of Golden Order Fundamentalism or it's oldest adherent. He remains attached to it's purest form, of scholarly exploration and understanding rather than the devolution it has become by our time.

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7 minutes ago, TheCzarsHussar said:


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I think a huge thing about Goldmask's mending rune is his understanding of the cosmic order, observing it and it's flaws alongside the worldly order and it's flaws.

Goldmask seeks to perfect the flaws of the Greater Will or at least it's flawed influence. Miquella is forging an order of his own, beyond the Greater Will.



I’m not confident about Goldmask perfecting the flaws of the Greater Will. 

Because if Ymir is right (and I suspect he is meant to be), then the Greater Will very much comes across as a sort of "Platonic ideal". It is already perfect, and the flaws of the world derive from failure on the parts of gods and mortals to properly understand, adhere to, or live up to it.

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19 minutes ago, TheCzarsHussar said:

It's easy to forget (for me XD) that Goldmask is either the father of Golden Order Fundamentalism or it's oldest adherent. He remains attached to it's purest form, of scholarly exploration and understanding rather than the devolution it has become by our time.

If you could get a conversation between two characters about the nature of the world, who would you choose?

I almost went with Goldmask and Marika (after she accepts her failings and makes plans to shatter the Elden Ring) before I remembered that Goldie is a mute. XD I am curious what she would glean from him, however, considering that she too adopted a more scholarly, less dogmatic approach to the Golden Order towards the end of her "life".

Might have to settle on Ymir and late stage Marika.


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16 minutes ago, ColonelKillaBee said:

I have a headache. 

Anyway stupid sunflower is dead. 

Honestly Im not enjoying these bossfights. It was an easier fight but so annoying

Dang, what weapon did you fight the sunflower with?

I went in with fire knight greatsword then for phase two I swapped to a medium shield and magma curved sword. THEN for phase 3 it was an greatshield with Vow of the Indomitable*  XD

That setup allowed me to counter each of it's new additions

Edited by TheCzarsHussar
Not golden vow
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36 minutes ago, The Good Doctor said:

If you could get a conversation between two characters about the nature of the world, who would you choose?

I almost went with Goldmask and Marika (after she accepts her failings and makes plans to shatter the Elden Ring) before I remembered that Goldie is a mute. XD I am curious what she would glean from him, however, considering that she too adopted a more scholarly, less dogmatic approach to the Golden Order towards the end of her "life".

Might have to settle on Ymir and late stage Marika.

There's no way in hell I'd want to be anywhere near Marika, if I said slightly the wrong thing she'd curse me for eternity like Hewg XD

My two characters to talk about the nature of the world would be Count Ymir obviously and Godfrey, the former to learn about the cosmic lore, and the latter to learn about the rest of the world beyond the Lands Between.

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Guess I'll throw in my two cents about the DLC but keep it short. I'm very unhappy with it, I like the areas and a lot of the new weapons but I can't stand these bosses for the most part.
Legit for me even with how much experience I have in these it's just to hard to be fun.
I can kill these fuckers but as I said to Czar in a PM, I got to much going on IRL just to be angry and emotionally drained in the little amount of time I do get to game nowadays.
I just bowed out for the last time though after dying to something that couldn't bleed, rot, be poisoned, stunned or really anything it seemed and proceeded to kill me due to the optimization of the DLC causing my FPS to drop horribly mid fight while every outside the DLC I'm 60fps nearly all the time except for like two areas that are also unoptimized because I've seen people with way stronger set ups dip in those areas.
I hope y'all enjoy it and have fun but Zaki, fuck you, this shit wack imo.

and in all seriousness even as a joke please refrain from any shit like git gud or I may just punch my monitor.

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21 minutes ago, TheCzarsHussar said:

Dang, what weapon did you fight the sunflower with?

I went in with fire knight greatsword then for phase two I swapped to a medium shield and magma curved sword. THEN for phase 3 it was an greatshield with Vow of the Indomitable*  XD

That setup allowed me to counter each of it's new additions

blasphemous blade and the twin swords, those do insane damage to it

It wasnt hard, dont get me wrong. Im just feeling impatient and mad because of the messmer stuff, and lol wasnt expecting a boss there, then when i fought it and pieced it up, twice, wasnt expecting the third phase lol.

And it was less a battle with the boss and more the camera, I hate shit like that. Messmer is crazy hard, yes, but I didnt think it was annoying. This was annoying and I just wanted it over.

"Even the hardest dick must go flaccid." -Colonelkillabee

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34 minutes ago, TheCzarsHussar said:

There's no way in hell I'd want to be anywhere near Marika, if I said slightly the wrong thing she'd curse me for eternity like Hewg XD

I was thinking more like you’d be a fly on the wall and can just listen in on their conversation without being part of it.


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On the topic of bosses, I honestly think the Putrid Knight wasn’t so bad as I made out at first. I’d like it more if the aggressive lack of openings was toned down by like 40%, but he somewhat makes up for it by having a small moveset that isn’t difficult to learn how to deal with. And he’s pretty squishy.


Reminded me of a way squishier Orphan or Kos… with a smaller moveset and a horse. 


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32 minutes ago, Elden Clown said:

Guess I'll throw in my two cents about the DLC but keep it short. I'm very unhappy with it, I like the areas and a lot of the new weapons but I can't stand these bosses for the most part.
Legit for me even with how much experience I have in these it's just to hard to be fun.
I can kill these fuckers but as I said to Czar in a PM, I got to much going on IRL just to be angry and emotionally drained in the little amount of time I do get to game nowadays.
I just bowed out for the last time though after dying to something that couldn't bleed, rot, be poisoned, stunned or really anything it seemed and proceeded to kill me due to the optimization of the DLC causing my FPS to drop horribly mid fight while every outside the DLC I'm 60fps nearly all the time except for like two areas that are also unoptimized because I've seen people with way stronger set ups dip in those areas.
I hope y'all enjoy it and have fun but Zaki, fuck you, this shit wack imo.

and in all seriousness even as a joke please refrain from any shit like git gud or I may just punch my monitor.

I got killed by a lightning ball when picking flowers lol. I dont blame you

Ima just explore the land a while and avoid all bossfights till I get as many shadow whatevers as I can then revisit the bosses, however my experience with them has been the same. Tough environment, ok fine. Avoidable outside boss surrounded by annoying ass birds, ok I made myself tackle that and it was annoying as fuck.

But besides that lion i dont think there's been one boss in the dlc I fought that I felt accomplished or enjoyed fighting. The aoes, the spam, its ridiculous ngl.

I love the level design, absolutely, but I think they need to get back to what made dark souls bosses so good, cause these feel hard for the sake of being hard. It feels incredibly cheap.


Messmer I think will be on the list with lion dancer though. I think that while hard and definitely overwhelming is still more fair than Malenia ever was.

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"Even the hardest dick must go flaccid." -Colonelkillabee

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2 minutes ago, The Good Doctor said:

On the topic of bosses, I honestly think the Putrid Knight wasn’t so bad as I made out at first. I’d like it more if the aggressive lack of openings was toned down by like 40%, but he somewhat makes up for it by having a small moveset that isn’t difficult to learn how to deal with. And he’s pretty squishy.

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Reminded me of a way squishier Orphan or Kos… with a smaller moveset and a horse. 

My brother warned me about that one too lol. He's completed the dlc by making a very meta cheesy bleed build, and he agrees the bosses while cool and amazing to watch are ridiculous

"Even the hardest dick must go flaccid." -Colonelkillabee

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5 minutes ago, ColonelKillaBee said:

But besides that lion i dont think there's been one boss in the dlc I fought that I felt accomplished or enjoyed fighting. The aoes, the spam, its ridiculous ngl.

This. You said exactly how I feel here. Lion included.


6 minutes ago, ColonelKillaBee said:

I love the level design, absolutely, but I think they need to get back to what made dark souls bosses so good, cause these feel hard for the sake of being hard. It feels incredibly cheap.

Agreed as well.

I'll be honest at this point because I just want to have fun I've called Czar in so I can at least have some enjoyable coop experience and hopefully enjoy the dlc as well. FS has made me bow out.

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