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Roleplayer's Off Topic Thread #43

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To be real honest I dont see a reason for me to return to fallout 3 unless it was literally fallout 3 with fallout 4 mechanics and graphics. Cause at least then, the story would be somewhat better. I guess.

But no Maxson... eh idk i doubt i'd buy it

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"Even the hardest dick must go flaccid." -Colonelkillabee

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Just now, ColonelKillaBee said:

To be real honest I dont see a reason for me to return to fallout 3 unless it was literally fallout 3 with fallout 4 mechanics and graphics. Cause at least then, the story would be somewhat better. I guess.

But no Maxson... eh idk i doubt i'd buy it

I might eventually play it free on Gamepass like I did Fallout 76. But I’m the same way, just don’t feel any excitement over the prospect for it.

New Vegas, I’d be interested in if they got Obsidian or some other team to remake it with some of the cut content restored. But I don’t want Beth anywhere near it. 


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see the sims settlement mod did all the building for me and did an incredible job but the dlc itself not only is tedious but buggy, and all the mod stuff going on isnt making it any easier lol. Im crashing my way through this quest because its straight up just not working unless i fast travel away then back, because its all designed to be in a blank space on a flat surface, I.E. an empty destroyed vault. I didnt know that before I allowed building to go on. So yea its a challenge and the quest itself is stupid. 

"Even the hardest dick must go flaccid." -Colonelkillabee

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Mkay yea its not even the mod, cause i put them all in an area with no stairs or levels, its all flat, and it still crashed when i got back after the dialogue triggered. Its a buggy mess.

"Even the hardest dick must go flaccid." -Colonelkillabee

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3 minutes ago, ColonelKillaBee said:

Mkay yea its not even the mod, cause i put them all in an area with no stairs or levels, its all flat, and it still crashed when i got back after the dialogue triggered. It’s a buggy mess.

Was just about to say, yeah that crap used to happen there all the time in my vanilla games. 


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14 minutes ago, The Good Doctor said:

Was just about to say, yeah that crap used to happen there all the time in my vanilla games. 

Unacceptable, mods work better than an official dlc.

Seriously, this is hot garbage. Dont even know how I got this dlc in the first place, hope I didnt actually spend money on this.

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"Even the hardest dick must go flaccid." -Colonelkillabee

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2 minutes ago, The Good Doctor said:

A car detailing shop called "Sixteen Times" would legitimately be a funny joke. 

That I can still hear this in my head is sad lol

Finally got through this stupid ass dlc, and ngl the mod made a very cool ass vault, but Im glad this is done xD

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"Even the hardest dick must go flaccid." -Colonelkillabee

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Got done putting a raider base right under the Prydwen, you know, just in case. Then went on a joyride on the bike and found some places to ramp off of, accidentally stumbled across the race track lol. Sent a mirelurk at them that tried to ambush me too, and then sent this mans own raiders after him lol before makin em stick em up when he got the drop on me lol. Was kinda funny, didnt expect him to sneak on us, but this is the end result.


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"Even the hardest dick must go flaccid." -Colonelkillabee

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Last weekend’s tornados hit our area like a tank. Didn’t mess me up too bad; tore up the garden and bent my arch, and my power was out for a couple days, but it’s hard to complain considering what most of my area got. I drove around on Sunday and saw lots of fallen trees, crushed cars and roofs, and downed power lines. And towns north and west of here look like straight up war zones.

Worst news is the farms. Biggest farmers in the region are already reporting over 99% of their crops are completely lost from the hail damage, and too late to replant a lot of it. Never seen corn, beans, and cotton get shredded so badly. 

Shame too, because this was looking to be a very healthy year in terms of yields.

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3 minutes ago, The Good Doctor said:

Last weekend’s tornados hit our area like a tank. Didn’t mess me up too bad; tore up the garden and bent my arch, and my power was out for a couple days, but it’s hard to complain considering what most of my area got. I drove around on Sunday and saw lots of fallen trees, crushed cars and roofs, and downed power lines. And towns north and west of here look like straight up war zones.

Worst news is the farms. Biggest farmers in the region are already reporting over 99% of their crops are completely lost from the hail damage, and too late to replant a lot of it. Never seen corn, beans, and cotton get shredded so badly. 

Shame too, because this was looking to be a very healthy year in terms of yields.

Glad to hear your safe regardless! It's kind of alien to me: weather that can deal so much damage. We get pretty horrible blizzards, but it's easy to handle since we're so used to it. 

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Just now, BigBossBalrog said:

Glad to hear you’re safe regardless! It's kind of alien to me: weather that can deal so much damage. We get pretty horrible blizzards, but it's easy to handle since we're so used to it. 

Thanks. Even living in tornado country, this was a pretty good one. Been talking to different farmers this morning and they all say this is the worst storm damage they’ve ever seen as far as crops go, and it’s really not even close. Mainly because of the hail.

Nobody in my town got killed, thankfully. You can see the tornado’s path, but it never touched the ground so the damage was mostly just from hail and falling trees. But there were some deaths in other towns.


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20 hours ago, ColonelKillaBee said:

I'd obviously rather have FNV remake personally, a true remake, no need for new content tho I wouldnt mind it.

To follow up on this, in a perfect world where this does made, with the right people working on it, with sufficient time and resources to do it right, what new content would you actually want to see?

For me, personally, I wouldn’t want much that wasn’t already planned and scrapped due to Obsidian running out of time the first go-round.

-Restore cut Legion content across the Colorado River.

-Restore the quests to betray Mr. House so he actually locks us out of the Lucky 38 and makes a proper effort to defend himself.

-Add Sawyer’s mod as an optional "Hardcore Mode+".

-Add cut items like the Lonesome Road Duster, Armored Vault 21 Jumpsuit, Infiltrator Assault Rifles, etc. 

-Put freaking fast travel points in front of the Lucky 38, Tops Casino, and NCR Embassy. 


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On the plus side of the Remake rumors being true: they seem like a good way for Microsoft/Beth to bank on the resurgence of Fallout thanks to the TV show, without having to spend six years making a new game. Could just outsource it and provide assistance when needed. Low risks, high rewards. 

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8 minutes ago, BigBossBalrog said:

On the plus side of the Remake rumors being true: they seem like a good way for Microsoft/Beth to bank on the resurgence of Fallout thanks to the TV show, without having to spend six years making a new game. Could just outsource it and provide assistance when needed. Low risks, high rewards. 

Like really, expecting a REmake transformation just seems unrealistic XD

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Just now, BigBossBalrog said:

Like really, expecting a REmake transformation just seems unrealistic XD

I think expecting anything more than the exact same game but with godrays and slightly better FPS is unrealistic. 

My question was just for your hypothetical "perfect world" version of New Vegas.

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4 hours ago, The Good Doctor said:

To follow up on this, in a perfect world where this does made, with the right people working on it, with sufficient time and resources to do it right, what new content would you actually want to see?

For me, personally, I wouldn’t want much that wasn’t already planned and scrapped due to Obsidian running out of time the first go-round.

-Restore cut Legion content across the Colorado River.

-Restore the quests to betray Mr. House so he actually locks us out of the Lucky 38 and makes a proper effort to defend himself.

-Add Sawyer’s mod as an optional "Hardcore Mode+".

-Add cut items like the Lonesome Road Duster, Armored Vault 21 Jumpsuit, Infiltrator Assault Rifles, etc. 

-Put freaking fast travel points in front of the Lucky 38, Tops Casino, and NCR Embassy. 

Graphics, gun customization of fallout 4, power armor of fallout 4.

Thats about it really 

"Even the hardest dick must go flaccid." -Colonelkillabee

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