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Roleplayer's Off Topic Thread #43

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Just now, BigBossBalrog said:

I have not. I used to get all those micro horror quest mods for Skyrim but never played any for Fallout 4 XD 

Wanna watch me play one then? XD Could be cool, claims to be inspired by all the shit we like

"Even the hardest dick must go flaccid." -Colonelkillabee

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Just now, BigBossBalrog said:

False alarm; just a stupid rumor XD

Glad to hear it. Microsoft owning Steam sounds like a nightmare. 

But given that they paid $7 billion for Zenimax and Bethesda, less than $4 billion for Valve seems like an insane undervaluation.

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1 hour ago, BigBossBalrog said:


I guess CD's bending the knee now XD

First post is honest. Second is corporate speak, no chance he means it. Someone told him to walk it back to appease the money lenders.

CDPR bent the knee a couple years ago when they joined ESG. This is just a reflection of that. Doesn’t mean they suck or anything, but don’t expect individual devs to be allowed the same transparency with fans as they had back in 2015 when TW3 came out.

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18 minutes ago, The Good Doctor said:

@BigBossBalrog Speaking of Druckmann’s colossal ego…

"Neil Druckmann Says Naughty Dog's Next Game 'Could Redefine Mainstream Perceptions of Gaming"

Guy talks like he seriously believes himself to be the modern day Joseph Campbell. XD 

Dude thinks he's Kojima or some shit XD At least with Hideo you can tell he's being mostly ironic.

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Had a thought today and I’m curious what you guys think about it. I wonder if the MQ of Fallout 4 would’ve improved from the Railroad and the Minutemen being rolled together as a single main questline.

With the BoS and Institute, you can’t get what they offer from any of the other factions. But with the Railroad, you basically fight for the exact same outcome as the Minutemen except they’re a worse and more restricted option in every way.

-The Railroad destroy the Institute, liberate the synths, and massacre the BoS.

-The Minutemen destroy the Institute, optionally liberate the synths, and optionally massacre the BoS, all at lower cost of life, with the added bonus of establishing a defensive militia to protect the region.

The Railroad are entirely redundant. Their only advantage is meta: they actually have characters while the MM are just a player’s vague and faceless power fantasy faction. 

Not sure how it would be done as the idea just came to me, but I think that combining their questlines could potentially make the Railroad a much more viable option and make Minutemen more interesting by having actual characters involved in their story. Together, both factions represent "the locals", and while they might disagree on their goals, could need to work together to deal with the Institute threat.


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2 minutes ago, The Good Doctor said:

Had a thought today and I’m curious what you guys think about it. I wonder if the MQ of Fallout 4 would’ve improved from the Railroad and the Minutemen being rolled together as a single main questline.

With the BoS and Institute, you can’t get what they offer from any of the other factions. But with the Railroad, you basically fight for the exact same outcome as the Minutemen except they’re a worse and more restricted option in every way.

-The Railroad destroy the Institute, liberate the synths, and massacre the BoS.

-The Minutemen destroy the Institute, optionally liberate the synths, and optionally massacre the BoS, all at lower cost of life, with the added bonus of establishing a defensive militia to protect the region.

The Railroad are entirely redundant. Their only advantage is meta: they actually have characters while the MM are just a player’s vague and faceless power fantasy faction. 

Not sure how it would be done as the idea just came to me, but I think that combining their questlines could potentially make the Railroad a much more viable option and make Minutemen more interesting by having actual characters involved in their story. Together, both factions represent "the locals", and while they might disagree on their goals, could need to work together to deal with the Institute threat.

Too complex for Bethesda! We need to have poor and simple analogies to historical, American organisations, but without any depth and characters so they can feel pulpy!

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Just now, The Good Doctor said:

Probably! :lol: But what do you think of the idea itself?

I'd still think they'd play second fiddle to the Brotherhood; which feels like a real, trans-country organisation/nation. Instead of just united wastelanders. But I'd be an improvement regardless XD

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I think that it would work out mostly fine once a few kinks are ironed out, because the minutemen are so hollow it hurts. Like they couldve and shouldve been an actual decent faction even if I dont get down with their stupid goody two shoesness, and the railroad couldve at least worked like, the outcasts, and the minutemen split with the railroad over ideals of synth freedom etc. 

Then the point of the BoS would be that they dont waste time debating ethics, human survival above all, everyone else dies. Simple. 

Basically, anything that gives the minutemen more quests woulda improved them. Railroad wins out based on that tho I cant even bring myself to do their quests because of the implications. I reload pretty fast and ignore them till its time to kill.

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"Even the hardest dick must go flaccid." -Colonelkillabee

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16 minutes ago, ColonelKillaBee said:

Like they couldve and shouldve been an actual decent faction even if I dont get down with their stupid goody two shoesness,

I think that’s a big part of the problem. You can absolutely write a good "goody-two-shoes" faction, but if you want the world to feel like it actually has stakes, then there have to be costs and consequences to it.

Followers of the Apocalypse are a prime example. They’re peak "goody-two-shoes", but they constantly suffer for it, and some of their slip-ups have had dire consequences, like trying to educate primitive eastern tribals led to the creation of Caesar’s Legion.

The Minutemen are just too perfect. They have all the Followers’ altruism without any struggles, pitfalls, or downsides. It kills the stakes and makes siding with the Railroad feel pointless.

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This is why synthetic intelligence needs to be destroyed. Ad victoriam!


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"If you know me you know I don't keep up with the times. I just go with the flow." - Woody Copeland, life coach

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The 2005 Battlestar Galactica is on Amazon Prime now. I'm re-watching it and thought it's no Expanse, it isn't half bad. You younglings should check it out if you haven't seen it.*

*It is more synth bullshit, though.

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"If you know me you know I don't keep up with the times. I just go with the flow." - Woody Copeland, life coach

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