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Roleplayer's Off Topic Thread #43

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9 minutes ago, BigBossBalrog said:

I mean...the Minutemen are larpers who dress like American Revolutionary soldiers, wield muskets and have no interesting flavor. It's already inherently fucking stupid XD I don't think more fleshed out quests would help them much

The legion says hi lol

The presentation doesnt matter, the writing does.

"Even the hardest dick must go flaccid." -Colonelkillabee

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You're not really gonna tell me that on the surface the minutemen are more ridiculous than say the Kings? XD The Khans? 

Look at Honest Hearts lmao, Enseearrr tribe from far west lmao. It really is all about the writing. FNV made dudes in football pads menacing, thats impressive.

"Even the hardest dick must go flaccid." -Colonelkillabee

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35 minutes ago, BigBossBalrog said:

I mean...the Minutemen are larpers who dress like American Revolutionary soldiers, wield muskets and have no interesting flavor. It's already inherently fucking stupid XD I don't think more fleshed out quests would help them much

Good writing can work wonders. The Minutemen don’t have to just be larpers.

Lots of characters in New Vegas look and act like old western cowboys. In other contexts, this could easily be called "larping" as well. But in FNV, it is contextualized by the NCR mimicking the patterns of America until they arrived at the point of frontier expansion, resulting in a culture dominated firstly by ranchers and secondly by caravaners, resulting in a natural return of "cowboy" aesthetics like wide brimmed hats and loose clothes as those things were designed for such conditions. So it’s not a larp, but a natural progression of their culture.

This was the mentality for almost every faction in New Vegas. It could’ve been for the Minutemen as well if they had decent writers who actually cared.

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I was tired of the clusterfuck that is who owns the streaming rights for these; so I finally got the boxset (wanted to celebrate Roger Corman just after passed away). The restorations and transfers are really beautiful; and Price is great in all of them (the gothic camp is just the right blend) XD Highly recommend the Poe Cycle. 


Still makes me a little sad Price (and pretty much all the famous horror actors) never got the respect they deserved from the mainstream. But I doubt our "oscar darlings" today are going to be getting fancy box sets named after them in fifty years XD

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1 hour ago, ColonelKillaBee said:

FNV made dudes in football pads menacing, thats impressive.

Always thought it was funny how Honest Hearts even helped this after the fact. You see the more "typical" enemies the Legion fought back west, half-naked tribals with clubs and spears, the Whitelegs being notable because they have so many guns.

A helmet, some metal plated football pads, and a degree of formal training would go a long way against Mr. Bone Tomahawk. XD 

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9 minutes ago, BigBossBalrog said:

I was tired of the clusterfuck that is who owns the streaming rights for these; so I finally got the boxset (wanted to celebrate Roger Corman just after passed away). The restorations and transfers are really beautiful; and Price is great in all of them (the gothic camp is just the right blend) XD Highly recommend the Poe Cycle. 


Still makes me a little sad Price (and pretty much all the famous horror actors) never got the respect they deserved from the mainstream. But I doubt our "oscar darlings" today are going to be getting fancy box sets named after them in fifty years XD

I used to take all my selfies like this lmao

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"Even the hardest dick must go flaccid." -Colonelkillabee

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7 hours ago, BigBossBalrog said:

and pretty much all the famous horror actors

Some did. But it was usually the ones who lived really long lives. Christopher Lee comes to mind. He was very famous as an oldschool horror icon long before he became better known for LotR. 

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6 hours ago, The Good Doctor said:

Some did. But it was usually the ones who lived really long lives. Christopher Lee and comes to mind. He was very famous as an oldschool horror icon long before he became better known for LotR. 

To illustrate it, Christopher Lee never won an Oscar (which says more about them, then it does about Christopher Lee XD) But yeah, Boris Karloff, Bella Lugosi, Lon Chaney Jr, Peter Cushing, and Christopher Lee and Vincent Price never got their due cause they were loyal to their fans and the horror genre, but look at their reputations now XD

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So apparently this video was pretty much a, "Yeah this is the new team that's going to be working on a new Metal Gear in the near future if MGS3 works out". The dude seemed kinda terrified presenting it. 

I think rather then doing a truly new title, they could do the original Metal Gear games; Resident Evil Remake style. That way they have a (very) basic framework to follow, yet they can excise their creative muscles alot more. Their already exists alot of official art depicting the MG era characters updated to fit the modern style. 

MGO3 had a sadly unused depiction of Solid Snake during his Rookie days. 


And some of Yoji's 



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8 hours ago, BigBossBalrog said:

I think rather then doing a truly new title, they could do the original Metal Gear games

That seems like a good idea, considering right now the actual main protagonist of the series is only the main PC in 2 out of 5 of the main 3D games. XD 


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