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Roleplayer's Off Topic Thread #43

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3 hours ago, The Good Doctor said:

I think it’s a tone and atmosphere thing. Doom is more focused on giving you many flavors of badass metal hell raising. It’s rarely not dialed all the way up to 10.

Halo’s variation casts a wider net. You get your badass action movie sections, tense and dreadful sections, slow and serene -even beautiful- sections, lots of melancholy in Reach, etc. Between jumping on the backs of scarabs to sick guitar riffs, I sometimes find Halo downright relaxing to play. It gives more room to breathe, if that makes sense, whereas Dune kind of exhausts me, like if 90% of Halo was one of the crazy scarab sequences.

And that’s not at all a dig at Dune. It absolutely excels and thrives with what it does, and I enjoyed it a lot in small bursts.

Halo CE was the pinnacle of the relaxing, almost magical feel (for me back in the day, it's more mundane as an adult).

ODST has its really slow and somber moments too, I can't believe child me thought the Rookie investigation was boring XD

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7 hours ago, ColonelKillaBee said:

@Celan Im about to play new vegas again and was thinking about why it was better than fallout 4 base, and the first thing that came to mind was, FNV has 100 percent more strippers/whores. Which to be fair, FNV also doesnt have Cait so it kinda balances out but I digress.

I wanna know, what do you get up to in Gomorrah and what do you think of the bitches.

The only sexytimes I'm down for in Vegas is Black Widow'ing Benny.

Ring a ding ding baby

"If you know me you know I don't keep up with the times. I just go with the flow." - Woody Copeland, life coach

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Seeing some backlash from the usual crowd about the Boss's redesign. She looks pretty faithfully adapted to me. It's like a woman in her mid 50's whose lived a life of constant warfare dosen't look like a super model, who knew XD Her original design. 


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13 hours ago, ColonelKillaBee said:

Actually the operators were a good deal tougher, mainly because they had a house with tight quarters and both siblings and that crazy bitch lizzy are chucking MIRV grenades xD 

Not if you slip nuke mines under them beforehand.

12 hours ago, The Good Doctor said:

"At least so far as anything in late game FO4 can be called "tough" XD"

Maybe I got lucky. When I last wiped out both, I remember the Operators being easy because I just cleared them out room-by-room, whereas the Pack all opened fire at once.

But makes sense if you were using power armor. Operators use higher damage rifles, so they’d hit you harder. Pact have more DPS and concentrated fire, which is rougher on a non-power armor user.

The Pack killed me once or twice because of the fucking dogs. XD 

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"If you know me you know I don't keep up with the times. I just go with the flow." - Woody Copeland, life coach

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1 minute ago, BigBossBalrog said:

That's a CGI render XD This is what she looks like in-game.

I’ve seen enough cutscenes from MGS3 to know that it’s from the game. Just a different outfit from a different part. The Boss looks fine for her age. XD 

That’s not to say the remake version doesn’t. To me she just looks like the same character, just better graphics. It’s not like lots of other remakes where they completely change their appearances.


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7 minutes ago, The Good Doctor said:

I’ve seen enough cutscenes from MGS3 to know that it’s from the game. Just a different outfit from a different part. The Boss looks fine for her age. XD 

That’s not to say the remake version doesn’t. To me she just looks like the same character, just better graphics. It’s not like lots of other remakes where they completely change their appearances.

Nah I know my shit; that's promotional stuff for the 3DS Remaster that happened awhile back. They looked different in it 


This is what she looks like in the same costume in the regular game XD



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Just now, ColonelKillaBee said:

The only time Ive done the bombs before methoid is that creepy van whatever family in new vegas

Robbing the Van Graffs at low levels is basically New Vegas meta at this point. XD 

Though my personal favorite method is to drag all their stuff to the back room, steal it, then take a job as their door guard and let the crazy suicide bomber past so he can blow them up without me dirtying my hands. It’s just such a funny way for them to go. XD 

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5 minutes ago, BigBossBalrog said:

This is what she looks like in the same costume in the regular game XD

I know what cutscene that’s from. XD How about you pan the camera down a bit?  

I meant the design and costume are from the OG game, not the render itself. And she is good looking in both versions. One just has more modernized graphics. Same goes for the upcoming remake, from the looks of it.


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5 minutes ago, The Good Doctor said:

I know what cutscene that’s from. XD How about you pan the camera down a bit?  

I meant the design and costume are from the OG game, not the render itself. And she is good looking in both versions. One just has more modernized graphics. Same goes for the upcoming remake, from the looks of it.

I think she looks like she's wearing makeup and got rid of her wrinkles in the 3DS promotional stuff XD

And yeah, it's when she opens her suit to show Snake her C-Section Snake Scar (:rofl: Metal Gear) In the original it wasn't for fan-service.

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12 minutes ago, The Good Doctor said:

Robbing the Van Graffs at low levels is basically New Vegas meta at this point. XD 

Though my personal favorite method is to drag all their stuff to the back room, steal it, then take a job as their door guard and let the crazy suicide bomber past so he can blow them up without me dirtying my hands. It’s just such a funny way for them to go. XD 

Ah, a game with actual multiple paths to complete quests.

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"If you know me you know I don't keep up with the times. I just go with the flow." - Woody Copeland, life coach

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18 minutes ago, BigBossBalrog said:

I think she looks like she's wearing makeup and got rid of her wrinkles in the 3DS promotional stuff XD

I dunno, to me they look about the same. But regardless, I would say any version of Boss, including the upcoming one, is quite attractive. They all have some scars and wrinkles, but that is a very fit 50-year-old. XD 

18 minutes ago, BigBossBalrog said:

And yeah, it's when she opens her suit to show Snake her C-Section Snake Scar (:rofl: Metal Gear) In the original it wasn't for fan-service.

And Quiet needs to be half-naked because of "photosynthesis". XD 

I’d still call it fan service. Not egregiously so, and it’s justified within the story, but still, this is from the same director who added an option to zip down jumpsuits for "tactical advantage". He knew what he was doing. 


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3 minutes ago, The Good Doctor said:

I dunno, to me they look about the same. But regardless, I would say any version of Boss, including the newest one, is quite attractive. They all have some scars and wrinkles, but that is a fit 50-year-old. XD 

And this is her student at the same age XD


5 minutes ago, The Good Doctor said:

And Quiet needs to be half-naked because of "photosynthesis". XD 

I’d still call it fan service. Not egregiously so, and it’s justified within the story, but still, this is from the same director who added an option to zip down jumpsuits for "tactical advantage". He knew what he was doing. 

I mean unzipping her suit to show off a gross c-section scar isn't that indicative of something as outrageously (gloriously) stupid as the whole Quiet stuff. But I get the point. 

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