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Roleplayer's Off Topic Thread #43

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6 minutes ago, The Good Doctor said:

What’s great about this is that it is 100% in character for both of them. Tucker would be willing to interview Caesar if promised safe passage, and Caesar would absolutely love to sit down with a history major who he can ramble to for an hour as justification for his war crimes. XD 

Also, he’s right about Nipton. That town did deserve it. :cross::P 

I was dying because the man pulled a me and said his surmising of roman history would only take two minutes, and it took almost a quarter of the video lmao

Order... Discipline... and Unity.

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"Even the hardest dick must go flaccid." -Colonelkillabee

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1 minute ago, BigBossBalrog said:

So your telling us Doc, you'd order the burning of Tallie for no other reason then "this ain't a good town!" 

Nah, I’d burn Talley for fun. 

I’d burn Nipton because they were plotting with the Legion and Powder Gangers to get a bunch of thirsty NCR troopers in a room with their pants down so they could be enslaved or killed. XD 

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6 minutes ago, ColonelKillaBee said:

I was dying because the man pulled a me and said his surmising of roman history would only take two minutes, and it took almost a quarter of the video lmao

That’s what Vladimir Putin did in the Tucker interview. Said he’d give a quick history background and it ended up taking like 30 minutes. XD 

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Just now, BigBossBalrog said:

The New Seven Samurai 4k restoration is getting a theatrical release! If you guys can find a showing in the next couple of months; I'd highly recommend it!  

Doubt it shows anywhere within two hours of me. But if it somehow does, I’ll probably make a point to go see it. 


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15 minutes ago, The Good Doctor said:

That’s what Vladimir Putin did in the Tucker interview. Said he’d give a quick history background and it ended up taking like 30 minutes. XD 

I didnt even know Big Vladdy had an interview with Tucker lmao 

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"Even the hardest dick must go flaccid." -Colonelkillabee

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Just now, ColonelKillaBee said:

I didnt even know Big Vladdy had an interview with Tucker lmao 

Oh yeah, it was a couple months ago. It’s actually a really good listen, but it also spawned a lot of memes. XD 

Main is that Tucker asks Putin to explain why he did [thing], and then Putin responds with "Before I can answer that, I need to first explain the history of [old historic event]".

Because like half of the interview was Putin giving Tucker a crash course on Russian history. Basically identical to the video, just swap Putin for Caesar.

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Posted (edited)

Can you imagine Biden in the same room with this man cause I can't. 

Would be like the actual Mr House in the same room with Elijah.

edit: No even that is way too generous 

Edited by ColonelKillaBee
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"Even the hardest dick must go flaccid." -Colonelkillabee

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Just now, ColonelKillaBee said:

fuck it ima watch it all lol, its interesting, also makes the caesar video funnier lol

Definitely worthwhile. Obviously, everything he says has a very Russia biased slant, but it’s fascinating to hear that slant when pretty much all other sources in America are the complete opposite. 

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Just now, The Good Doctor said:

Definitely worthwhile. Obviously, everything he says has a very Russia biased slant, but it’s fascinating to hear that slant when pretty much all other sources in America are the complete opposite. 

Tbh even tho I know he's a conman that steals champion rings Im more inclined to believe him than Biden.

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"Even the hardest dick must go flaccid." -Colonelkillabee

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3 minutes ago, ColonelKillaBee said:

Would be like the actual Mr House in the same room with Elijah.


But yeah, not a chance.

And if I recall correctly, before the history memes took off, a huge amount of the immediate discourse was along the lines of "ight, now let’s get a Russian to interview Joe". XD 


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3 minutes ago, The Good Doctor said:


But yeah, not a chance.

And if I recall correctly, before the history memes took off, a huge amount of the immediate discourse was along the lines of "ight, now let’s get a Russian to interview Joe". XD 

Yea i saw those comments xD That would be vicious. I'd pay to make that happen

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"Even the hardest dick must go flaccid." -Colonelkillabee

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2 hours ago, The Good Doctor said:

That’s what Vladimir Putin did in the Tucker interview. Said he’d give a quick history background and it ended up taking like 30 minutes. XD 

Half of it about how Poland caused the Holocaust. 😂

2 hours ago, ColonelKillaBee said:

Can you imagine Biden in the same room with this man cause I can't. 

Would be like the actual Mr House in the same room with Elijah.

edit: No even that is way too generous 

In France this week, Biden got confused about where he was and turned his back during Taps. The French President and his wife figured it must be some strange custom. XD

I wish to god this was an AI deepfake.

4 hours ago, BigBossBalrog said:

The Dune game is set in an alternate universe where Paul was never born, and Duke Leto survived the purge. 

I have less than zero interest in a "survival MMO" but this is actually an interesting premisee.

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"If you know me you know I don't keep up with the times. I just go with the flow." - Woody Copeland, life coach

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Between that and shitting his diaper on stage before 100 year old D Day vets, its been a sad sad week for America, not even including the stuff with Trump.


And this vladimir putin interview is incredible

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"Even the hardest dick must go flaccid." -Colonelkillabee

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