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Roleplayer's Off Topic Thread #43

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Spoilers for America Rising 2:

it starts off with a distress signal from a “Government Wing” of Vault 111. Here you get your first choice you can either release the inhabitants from the cryopods or terminate them in there pods. Once released General Ward and his group ask for you help and you get another choice which is help them or refuse. If you refuse General Ward brands you a traitor to the USA and you’ll be enemies with the Enclave from there on out.

You go through various tasks like delinking satellites to the vault and finding a vertibird so the group can travel to “Command” which is a smaller version of Control Station Enclave. When you get there it’s overrun with ghouls and left in shambles. You run into Colonel Whitehill who is a survivor how has come back to the rig to try and clear it to get things going again because she’s tried of watching her people struggle and day in the Wasteland. She explains that 10 years ago after the destruction of Raven Rock, east coast operations where all but abandoned by “High Command” and eventually an experiment with ghouls went poorly and the base had to be abandoned. Your sent to a ship the been dormant in the waters since the evacuation to recover supplies to repair the long range transmitter and when you get there you discover the crew who has been ghoulified. Here you get another choice. You can exterminate them, drop them off on the mainland so they can live in peace or you can take them and the ship back to base and either kill them or convince General Ward that the need for manpower is to great and to use them as menial labor to the rig back in operating condition. Once the radio is repaired General Ward gets in contact with “High Command” and established communication with Senator Matthews who only asks if Doctor Kane, an FEV researcher, survived the stasis. 

you go through some more side quests like getting the lab refurbished, tracking down survivors, getting the factory restarted, etc. at which point you need to progress the main quest to killing Kellogg. After you kill kellogg the Main Enclave quests start again. When you get back to the rig CPT Peterson informs you that General Ward requested your assistance to retake an old army depot from some mercenaries and it’s a decent fight. Once you get into the headquarters general ward is confronted by the leader of the mercenaries, a synth clone of his daughter. The institute has a synth mercenary force for covert ops above ground and they used the dna from Vanessa Ward to create a synth capable of bypass genetic locks to pre-war military facilities. 

Next, Senator Matthews and reinforcements arrive. He hosts a press conference where he’s cagey about who the president is, how the enclave as a whole is doing and so on, but does share the Mt Weather in Virginia is the largest active base still maintained. He orders doctor kane to contain her research into FEV “this comes directly from the President” and orders you to find a way into the institute. Continue the main quest and when you get the plans from Virgil you get the option to have the enclave help you build the teleporter. Do you infiltration and so and then once that’s done it’s time to mobilize. General Ward orders you and squad to assault a brotherhood outpost to “establish your presence in the commonwealth” after taking the North Boston PD (new location) General Ward sends you to hallucigen to acquire a device need for the FEV plan. After getting the device Colonel Whitehill approaches and explains how she is tired of watching the enclave try the same old thing and talks about how this plans to release FEV into the atmosphere will kill her and the other survivors who were forced out into the wastes for a decade. She asks for your help in stopping and and you get your next choice. 1. Side with general ward and the plan for worldwide FEV genocide (execute Col Whitehill) 2. Kill General Ward and Senator Matthews (Col Whitehill takes over)

Next comes mass fusion which becomes a 3-way battle between the institute, BoS, and enclave for the Byrellium Agitator. After this the BoS assaults the Army Depot and you head there to defend it. After the defense you find out that the BoS has taken over a missile silo and you need to assault the site to save the enclave. Fighting through the complex you kill Haylen, Rhys, Danse, Proctor Quinlan, Proctor Ingram, and Elder Maxson. Afterwards you retarget the missile to hit the Prydwen and travel to the shore to watch it go down.

next someone from the institute approaches with an offer, help him kill the director and department heads so he can take over and he’ll give the enclave access to the institute. Depending on who you sided with you get options. If you sided with General Ward you have to pass speech checks to take over the institute because he wants to destroy them, if you sided with Colonel Whitehill you have to pass speech checks to destroy the institute because she wants there facilities and research for the enclave. Once you either infiltrate and take over or destroy the institute the “main quest” is over and the enclave have there on post game cutscene.

at some point you’ll get a side quest about a downed vertibird. You find out the railroad targeted it and captured the supplies. Report back to whoever is in command and they order and assault on Railroad HQ and Ticonderoga Safehouse.

as for the creation club enclave stuff, with the patch after your join the Enclave the random stuff from CC are no longer hostile and you get a quest to order them to report the rig so you don’t have this odd issue of being in the enclave and then there all these hostile enclave people everywhere lol

post game the enclave occupies the military checkpoints and diamond city and everything else just like the other factions. And at no point are the enclave ever the good guys don’t worry lol. Even under Colonel Whitehill they are still xenophobic and fascist as shit, she just doesn’t think global genocide is the way forward. Her enclave feels like a Colonel Autumn type faction if the enclave would’ve been playable in Fallout 3.

the mod page says there’s options to destroy the enclave with the other factions so imma do that next and let guys know who it goes.

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7 hours ago, The Good Doctor said:

There is "out of touch" and then there is "totally freaking delusional". 

Thinking you can make a billion dollars off a game that was intentionally designed to piss off the IP’s core fanbase is very much the latter.

That article didn't even mention the story, just the attempt to shoehorn in "live service."

I could almost see the Warner Brothers Powerpoint and hear the junior exec talking about "creating engagement" and "delighting our customers."

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"If you know me you know I don't keep up with the times. I just go with the flow." - Woody Copeland, life coach

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Just now, Celan said:

That article didn't even mention the story, just the attempt to shoehorn in "live service."

I could almost see the Warner Brothers Powerpoint and hear the junior exec talking about "creating engagement" and "delighting our customers."

Did you ever see how they ended the credits with a eulogy for Kevin Conroy (Batman’s VA since the 90s) which then transactions into a loud and obnoxious loot box reward for beating the game? XD 

It’s so over-the-top in its disrespect that it actually crosses over into the realm of feeling comical. XD 


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5 hours ago, The Good Doctor said:

Did you ever see how they ended the credits with a eulogy for Kevin Conroy (Batman’s VA since the 90s) which then transactions into a loud and obnoxious loot box reward for beating the game? XD 

It’s so over-the-top in its disrespect that it actually crosses over into the realm of feeling comical. XD 

You know what? The part where they killed Superman with bullets was kind of fucking hilarious XD

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9 hours ago, BigBossBalrog said:

You know what? The part where they killed Superman with bullets was kind of fucking hilarious XD

Faster than a speeding bullet... uh, duck!


I don't know if this is actually cool or I'm just an avgeek but this gives me hope for the future:


"If you know me you know I don't keep up with the times. I just go with the flow." - Woody Copeland, life coach

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15 minutes ago, Celan said:

New Star Wars series The Acolyte: The Force is female :girllol:

I saw Critical Drinker on a stream mentioning leaks from episode 3 that the twin protagonists were born to a pair of lesbian witch mothers who use some kind of "Force magic" in place of a man to get one of them pregnant.

Guess we won’t know if it’s true until next week, but I really hope that it is. XD 


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5 minutes ago, ColonelKillaBee said:

We may be goin to WW3 ladies n gentlemen. To Russia, we're already there.

So thoughts n predictions? Overblown?

Watch a movie called Threads Colonel. It'll turn you paranoia into full on terror XD


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1 minute ago, BigBossBalrog said:

Watch a movie called Threads Colonel. It'll turn you paranoia into full on terror XD


Well I dont need to be paranoid lol its nothing obscure, the Kremlins literally saying they want WW3 over US and French involvement in Ukraine. 

So question is are they serious. Ukraine asked us for permission to strike at missiles in Russian territory with our weapons, and the Biden administration told them, Yes.

"Even the hardest dick must go flaccid." -Colonelkillabee

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4 hours ago, The Good Doctor said:

I saw Critical Drinker on a stream mentioning leaks from episode 3 that the twin protagonists were born to a pair of lesbian witch mothers who use some kind of "Force magic" in place of a man to get one of them pregnant.

Guess we won’t know if it’s true until next week, but I really hope that it is. XD 

Lesbo nesting fantasy

3 hours ago, ColonelKillaBee said:

We may be goin to WW3 ladies n gentlemen. To Russia, we're already there.

So thoughts n predictions? Overblown?

I wouldn't doubt that Putin is testing our diaper-clad President. Biden is too busy trying to get Netanyahu to surrender so he (Biden) can win Michigan. A blind man could see how paralyzed our country is.

We should probably start a politics thread so people who just want fluff don't have to read about it. XD 

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"If you know me you know I don't keep up with the times. I just go with the flow." - Woody Copeland, life coach

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8 minutes ago, Celan said:

Lesbo nesting fantasy

Curiosity got me to watched a coverage of the episode and there is a point where one refers to their "moms" so I’m guessing it’s legit.

Got me thinking, with so many mystical Force induced pregnancies going on, wouldn’t it make more sense to conclude that "the Force is Male"? Last I checked, it wasn’t Hera who knocked up half the Greek mythos. XD 


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11 minutes ago, ColonelKillaBee said:

I can make a politics thread yea, if yall think its necessary.

Or anyone else can, etc.

I’ll stick to PMs more often than not, personally, so I’m pretty indifferent. But I guess if there was a time to give politics its own thread, a big election year would be it.


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