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Roleplayer's Off Topic Thread #43

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Went from job searching for three years to having a job for like two weeks and quitting because they lied to me and treated me badly (Mcdonald's idk what I was expecting) fast forward another like two weeks I now have two jobs.

One where I'm running a booth for a bakery selling baked goods by myself on one day and then alongside someone on another day at one of the busier booths.

Then the one that's going to probably change my life and has made me so much happier. General Manager/Keyholder at a pottery place (we sell more than pottery). Most responsibility I've had a job. I handle the scheduling, money, some of the orders depending on where they come from and a good bit more. I'm going to be opening my own LLC hopefully by the end of the year and working alongside my business partner to build both his business and mine in hopes of a long lasting good businessship.
This is big for me and my fiancee, here's to hoping everything goes swell and that our future even more so.

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Posted (edited)

Watching Godzilla minus one with my dad. Will edit post later. 


Edit: Am on mobile so will keep it short. 

Simply a beautiful, Amazing piece of Cinema. By far my favorite Godzilla movie and absolutely loved every bit of it. Can't wait to see/hope there is work for a sequel with that ending. 

His design and aesthetics in it were absolutely sick. 

Keeping the humans as a focus was such a good choice and I really enjoyed all the characters. I was never bored at any point and wish my fiancee was into movies like this so I had a good reason to watch it again but not alone lol. 

All in all 10/Out of how tf they get all those boats connected so fast. 

Further Edit on PC: My god I could get carried away talking about how much I loved the design of his ray and charging it up in this one. I also really liked the really quick almost bullet like shot he did early on, could only imagine what it would be like if Godzilla could shoot his beam like an automatic weapon.
I apologize if any of this should be spoiler just believe everyone in here who cares to see it already has.

Edited by Elden Clown
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1 hour ago, Elden Clown said:

Simply a beautiful, Amazing piece of Cinema. By far my favorite Godzilla movie and absolutely loved every bit of it.

Pretty much this. I couldn’t believe how good that movie was. The main character’s arc is one of the best to come out of recent years.

And Godzilla was perfect. I like him so much better as a destructive creature who needs to be stopped than as a misunderstood "good guy" like the American movies keep making him out to be.

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4 minutes ago, The Good Doctor said:

I like him so much better as a destructive creature who needs to be stopped than as a misunderstood "good guy" like the American movies keep making him out to be.

Can not agree more. He almost felt like a suspense thriller bad guy to me in this if you get what I mean. Like he's out there somewhere, waiting maybe even on the way to you now and he does not care who or what you are and you will die. I'd be absolutely terrified to live in Japan then. But with the American movies I'd just be scared he's going to accidentally step on my house when getting into the next fist fight with kong or someone else. 

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1 minute ago, Elden Clown said:

He almost felt like a suspense thriller bad guy to me in this if you get what I mean.

Oh for sure! I’m almost positive that the boat chase sequence was inspired by Jaws. Godzilla is terrifying in this movie. 

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5 minutes ago, The Good Doctor said:

Oh for sure! I’m almost positive that the boat chase sequence was inspired by Jaws. Godzilla is terrifying in this movie. 

Hell yeah, the we're gonna need a bigger boat vibe in this one was so strong lol.

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I just realized I forgot to talk about the nightmare shit that happened last Wednesday at dnd.

So every Wednesday I play DND with buddies from my university. And we pruned this one freaky weirdo from the group long ago, unfortunately we didn't also kick out his annoying ass friend. We tolerated his shitty rp ability and general awkward/weirdness.

But eventually he just kept butting heads with all of us at the table, and whined about everything. He even got pissy with me when I tried having some light hearted OOC joke attacks, and tried adding the damage to his character.

So after the session when he went home, the rest of us remained and we're talking shit about him XD, but right as I was fixing to head home I went to use the toilet....

When I lifted the toilet lid, I felt a globuloid of cum on the underside of it. And guess who was last to use the bathroom before me? So after washing my hands the first of several times, I told the others about it and we all died inside.

Needless to say he's banned, and removed from the server. Not before earning a new name: Toilet Fucker

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42 minutes ago, TheCzarsHussar said:

I just realized I forgot to talk about the nightmare shit that happened last Wednesday at dnd.

So every Wednesday I play DND with buddies from my university. And we pruned this one freaky weirdo from the group long ago, unfortunately we didn't also kick out his annoying ass friend. We tolerated his shitty rp ability and general awkward/weirdness.

But eventually he just kept butting heads with all of us at the table, and whined about everything. He even got pissy with me when I tried having some light hearted OOC joke attacks, and tried adding the damage to his character.

So after the session when he went home, the rest of us remained and we're talking shit about him XD, but right as I was fixing to head home I went to use the toilet....

When I lifted the toilet lid, I felt a globuloid of cum on the underside of it. And guess who was last to use the bathroom before me? So after washing my hands the first of several times, I told the others about it and we all died inside.

Needless to say he's banned, and removed from the server. Not before earning a new name: Toilet Fucker

And this is why I’m an introvert

"Even the hardest dick must go flaccid." -Colonelkillabee

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45 minutes ago, TheCzarsHussar said:

I just realized I forgot to talk about the nightmare shit that happened last Wednesday at dnd.

So every Wednesday I play DND with buddies from my university. And we pruned this one freaky weirdo from the group long ago, unfortunately we didn't also kick out his annoying ass friend. We tolerated his shitty rp ability and general awkward/weirdness.

But eventually he just kept butting heads with all of us at the table, and whined about everything. He even got pissy with me when I tried having some light hearted OOC joke attacks, and tried adding the damage to his character.

So after the session when he went home, the rest of us remained and we're talking shit about him XD, but right as I was fixing to head home I went to use the toilet....

When I lifted the toilet lid, I felt a globuloid of cum on the underside of it. And guess who was last to use the bathroom before me? So after washing my hands the first of several times, I told the others about it and we all died inside.

Needless to say he's banned, and removed from the server. Not before earning a new name: Toilet Fucker

Gross. Good call kicking him. XD 


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This question was prompted by a stream I listened to last week. Who would win in a fight between Lara Croft and Joshua Graham?

Round 1:  They’re both weaponless on a mid-sized platform with a bottomless pit below it.

Round 2:  They both spawn in a forest with their standard loadouts (Graham gets his pistol and body armor, Lara gets her twin pistols). 

Round 3:  They spawn on opposite ends of the U.S. with full access to all of their resources (Graham gets the Legion, Lara gets her full arsenal including her airplane and artifacts like Excalibur).


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20 minutes ago, ColonelKillaBee said:

And this is why I’m an introvert

He should have been removed a long time ago. We shouldn't have pitied or tolerated him, dude was a shitty dnd player anyways.

18 minutes ago, The Good Doctor said:

Gross. Good call kicking him. XD 

That's gotta be amongst the foulest shit to have ever happened to me, but I feel worse for the DM who had to clean up that mess XD

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1 hour ago, The Good Doctor said:

This question was prompted by a stream I listened to last week. Who would win in a fight between Lara Croft and Joshua Graham?

Round 1:  They’re both weaponless on a mid-sized platform with a bottomless pit below it.

Round 2:  They both spawn in a forest with their standard loadouts (Graham gets his pistol and body armor, Lara gets her twin pistols). 

Round 3:  They spawn on opposite ends of the U.S. with full access to all of their resources (Graham gets the Legion, Lara gets her full arsenal including her airplane and artifacts like Excalibur).

im sorry but lara wins in every scenario lol and thats not me hating on graham, he's majorly badass, thats just the fact that 90s heroines are basically gods lol when you analyze and get really nerdy about things they can pull off in the games. 

Yes i know he survived being lit on fire etc and thrown into the grand canyon.

But Lara Croft has had literal divine powers. Its not close. 

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"Even the hardest dick must go flaccid." -Colonelkillabee

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The only way I could wank off Joshua Graham high enough to kill Lara would be if you theorized that god is why he survived that situation in the first place, and perhaps his punishment for his sins, is to keep living.

If you believe that then theyre in the same boat except Graham wins because he's got Yahweh lol so clearly he stomps

Thats with major wanking.

  • Haha 1

"Even the hardest dick must go flaccid." -Colonelkillabee

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14 minutes ago, ColonelKillaBee said:

But Lara Croft has had literal divine powers. It’s not close. 

That’s what the scenarios are for. She does not have special powers in any round besides 3. Just her basic skills and, in Round 2, her standard kit. Personally, I’d give rounds 1 and 2 to Graham, but round 3 to Lara.

Round 1, with no guns, I don’t think Lara can win. While no slouch in melee, she’s her real skill is with guns, whereas Graham famously trained the Legionaires into the best melee fighters in the wasteland. He’s the stronger and more ferocious fighter of the two.

Round 2 can go either way. They’re both ambushers, and both exceptionally deadly quickdraws with guns. Lara is more evasive and agile, but Graham seems more consistently accurate and wears body armor, which is why I think he’d barely win, like 6 times outa 10.

Round 3, like you said, Lara has some bonkers shit stomper level powers. I don’t think the Legion could stop her from reaching and killing Graham. 


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2 minutes ago, The Good Doctor said:

That’s what the scenarios are for. She does not have special powers in any round besides 3. Just her basic skills and, in Round 2, her standard kit. Personally, I’d give rounds 1 and 2 to Graham, but round 3 to Lara.

Round 1, with no guns, I don’t think Lara can win. While no slouch, she’s not nearly as impressive in melee combat as she is with guns, whereas Graham famously trained the Legionaires into the best melee fighters in the wasteland. He’s the stronger and more ferocious fighter of the two.

Round 2 can go either way. They’re both ambushers, and both exceptionally deadly quickdraws with guns. Lara is more evasive and agile, but Graham seems more consistently accurate and wears body armor, which is why I think he’d barely win, like 6 times outa 10.

Round 3, like you said, Lara has some bonkers shit stomper level powers. I don’t think the Legion would stop her from reaching and killing Graham. 

Totally wrong, she's basically super human. There's a reason she's able to wield godly artifacts, including Mjolnir which no doesnt have the marvel rules. With or without her guns tools and kit she's easily stomping graham.

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"Even the hardest dick must go flaccid." -Colonelkillabee

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Just now, TheCzarsHussar said:

Who survives round 4 though: President Dave of the Republic of Dave sets out against them both. The earth quakes at his footsteps.

They rig the election against him and he wanders off into a deathclaw nest to get eaten. 

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