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Roleplayer's Off Topic Thread #43

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Just now, BigBossBalrog said:

They do the opposite in Souls; in the art design interview, Miyazaki admitted to making some of the enemies larger then their lore size to make things easier for the player XD

I wish they didnt tbh lol 

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"Even the hardest dick must go flaccid." -Colonelkillabee

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1 minute ago, The Good Doctor said:

I would’ve said that before Elden Ring came out. I’ll not be underestimating FromSoft anymore. 

Ngl elden ring made me reconsider a lot of balrog's old statements about fromsoft compared to other developers lol. Not all but some 

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"Even the hardest dick must go flaccid." -Colonelkillabee

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Just now, BigBossBalrog said:

Actually, Alucard's look was inspired more by Vampire Hunter D XD


The hat sure lol but bro you cant even deny it. The tint of Bash's glasses, the cloak, the big iron, its clearly primarily a trigun reference.

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"Even the hardest dick must go flaccid." -Colonelkillabee

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2 minutes ago, The Good Doctor said:

Me too. I hate looking like a manlet next to what are supposed to be human sized enemies. XD 

Granted, I’ll say that I do prefer it to comically oversized weapons. 

This is another reason why bloodborne remains my favorite fromsoft game

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"Even the hardest dick must go flaccid." -Colonelkillabee

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Just now, ColonelKillaBee said:

Ngl elden ring made me reconsider a lot of balrog's old statements about fromsoft compared to other developers lol. Not all but some 

Same here. I had to eat a lot of crow on my predictions for that game. XD I thought without the "Dark Souls" label on it, that it would struggle. Boy was I wrong.  

And I never would’ve guessed that a company who make such linear games could transition so cleanly into open world, and then immediately embarrass most other devs with how much better they do at it on their first attempt. 

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Just now, The Good Doctor said:

Same here. I had to eat a lot of crow on my predictions for that game. XD I thought without the "Dark Souls" label on it, that it would struggle. Boy was I wrong.  

And I never would’ve guessed that a company who make such linear games could transition so cleanly into open world, and then immediately embarrass most other devs with how much better they do at it on their first attempt. 

It indeed took a big steamy shit all over bethesda for one, even tho its not really story driven in the same way but lets be real, Skyrim is barely story driven itself. 

It is clearly driven by a story, and quests n all that is what makes their games fun, and part of what drives their exploration. But they decided to go lukewarm on everything they were considered good at which made the adventuring pretty stale without mods, meanwhile elden ring went like 10 percent on story, at face value anyway, and 1000 on environmental story and exploration and well, its better to excel a few categories than to be lukewarm in all categories.

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"Even the hardest dick must go flaccid." -Colonelkillabee

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Just now, ColonelKillaBee said:

This is another reason why bloodborne remains my favorite fromsoft game

Mine too. It’s basically the perfection of their old formula, and I used to say they could never top it, which is why they should just leave it as a standalone.

But now, honestly, I want to see them try. Because they’ve proven me so wrong already. If BB2 became to Elden Ring what BB was to Dark Souls, then it would be their best game, bar none. 


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2 minutes ago, The Good Doctor said:

Mine too. It’s basically the perfection of their old formula, and I used to say they could never top it, which is why they should just leave it as a standalone.

But now, honestly, I want to see them try. Because they’ve proven me so wrong already. If BB2 became to Elden Ring what BB was to Dark Souls, then it would be their best game, bar none. 


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"Even the hardest dick must go flaccid." -Colonelkillabee

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I just read on reddit that the Perfectly Preserved Pie machine in Nuka World is broken and you always get one. No wonder Colonel and I had such great luck. XD 

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"If you know me you know I don't keep up with the times. I just go with the flow." - Woody Copeland, life coach

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Just now, Celan said:

I just read on reddit that the Perfectly Preserved Pie machine in Nuka World is broken and you always get one. No wonder Colonel and I had such great luck. XD 


"Even the hardest dick must go flaccid." -Colonelkillabee

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Just now, Celan said:

I just read on reddit that the Perfectly Preserved Pie machine in Nuka World is broken and you always get one. No wonder Colonel and I had such great luck. XD 

Before this revelation I was like:


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"Even the hardest dick must go flaccid." -Colonelkillabee

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14 minutes ago, The Good Doctor said:

Same here. I had to eat a lot of crow on my predictions for that game. XD I thought without the "Dark Souls" label on it, that it would struggle. Boy was I wrong.  

And I never would’ve guessed that a company who make such linear games could transition so cleanly into open world, and then immediately embarrass most other devs with how much better they do at it on their first attempt. 

And right after they made their billion dollar IP, instead of immediately capitalizing on it, they did a super niche mech game from a thirty year old franchise XD From is truly unique. 

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9 minutes ago, Celan said:

I just read on reddit that the Perfectly Preserved Pie machine in Nuka World is broken and you always get one. No wonder Colonel and I had such great luck. XD 

Damn Bethesda catering to the casual audience again. :realmad:

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5 minutes ago, The Good Doctor said:

Damn Bethesda catering to the casual audience again. :realmad:

That's us XD 

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"If you know me you know I don't keep up with the times. I just go with the flow." - Woody Copeland, life coach

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Posted (edited)

Got a game recommendation. So I'll go ahead and start by saying it's another early access game but with that said the devs have been and are working hard consistently on it. Just had a big update a couple days ago.
But Tainted Grail: The Fall of Avalon
Has a good bit of the Oblivion/Skyrim feel to it, dark fantasy aesthetic, some decently difficult combat, old school feel. Quite a unique mix of systems so far and nothing I could really down the devs for.
They made it clear they aren't aiming for triple AAA quality or anything like that which is far. One of mine and Czar's favorite games in our friendship is similar in that sense, Outward. That game has so much charm.
I'm still early in but there is about 30ish hours worth of content in the early access already so I'll def be updating any of you that might be interested to see where this game goes. I've had my eye on it since it's early access release.

Edited by Elden Clown
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Just now, The Good Doctor said:

@BigBossBalrog @TheCzarsHussar

What is the difference between Warhammer and WH40K? Are the the same setting but just different eras of the timeline?

Completley seperate, but they have cheeky nods to each other. For example, all the named daemons exist in both universes (as do the Chaos God's.) 

Warhammer Fantasy's factions are very reminiscent of real world cultures. Like the Empire of Man is just the Holy Roman Empire. 

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31 minutes ago, BigBossBalrog said:

Completley seperate, but they have cheeky nods to each other. For example, all the named daemons exist in both universes (as do the Chaos God's.) 

Warhammer Fantasy's factions are very reminiscent of real world cultures. Like the Empire of Man is just the Holy Roman Empire. 

So Vermintide and Darktide are not connected to Boltgun or Rogue Trader?


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15 minutes ago, The Good Doctor said:

So Vermintide and Darktide are not connected to Boltgun or Rogue Trader?

Darktide (and you play as Imperial Guard instead of Space Marines) is 40k. But yeah it's unconnected to Vermintide. 

I think Fantasy has way cooler Undead XD


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2 hours ago, The Good Doctor said:

@BigBossBalrog @TheCzarsHussar

What is the difference between Warhammer and WH40K? Are the the same setting but just different eras of the timeline?

They used to be the same setting, just tens of thousands of years apart way back in the day. But for whatever reason Games Workshop decided to retcon that, and make them only connected like Balrog said. And some weird fuckery in the Eye of Chaos.

40k has gotten a lot more toned down since back the XD

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Early 40k and Oldhammer (what fans call the old-school fantasy rules/setting) are like a rebellious British punk teenager while modern settings of both are the dead inside grown up businessman.

Also, never. ever. touch Age of Sigmar.

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