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Civil War Aftermath OOC #2

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2 minutes ago, TheCzarsHussar said:


BT I forgot to remove the mention of stone walls around Northmoor, want me to edit it out?

Yeah, I’d you wouldn’t mind. It’s nbd. In case anyone is curious why it wouldn’t have stone walls, I figured for smaller towns like that it’d be too expensive to put up walls around the whole town.

Edited by BTCollins
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Ubbe post

Holy shit, Savage is right. Ubbe is a damn crazy man, especially with the way he wore that fucking skin and ate the heart. 

I did like that he didn’t get the rank of officer, knowing how young he is and the fact he still has some growing up to do. It’ll be interesting to see what he reads and how or if it changes him.

I do have a couple things I’m curious about, though. I can see Nords building up more cold resistance in the trials, that fits. But is magic resistance something that can be built up like that? Though, now that I think about it some more, it’s probably like pain resistance. It was cool seeing Ubbe pull that trick nonetheless.

Oh, and the Thalmor are really slacking if they’re sending cowardly scouts all the way to Skyrim lol. That one Bosmer was definitey not cut out for the job.

Good post, y’all. Ubbe’s a different cat, that’s for sure 

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4 minutes ago, BTCollins said:

Ubbe post


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Holy shit, Savage is right. Ubbe is a damn crazy man, especially with the way he wore that fucking skin and ate the heart. 

I did like that he didn’t get the rank of officer, knowing how young he is and the fact he still has some growing up to do. It’ll be interesting to see what he reads and how or if it changes him.

I do have a couple things I’m curious about, though. I can see Nords building up more cold resistance in the trials, that fits. But is magic resistance something that can be built up like that? Though, now that I think about it some more, it’s probably like pain resistance. It was cool seeing Ubbe pull that trick nonetheless.

Oh, and the Thalmor are really slacking if they’re sending cowardly scouts all the way to Skyrim lol. That one Bosmer was definitey not cut out for the job.

Good post, y’all. Ubbe’s a different cat, that’s for sure 



The Nordic war cry scares many a weak bitch elf lol.

And yes it was more of a pain resistance thing than a magic resistance thing. I like to think it was a weaker shock spell, because the Thalmor wanted to take his time with Ubbe instead of stopping his heart in one go.

Hell, I didn’t want Ubbe to be an officer anyway. He’s more of a weapon, waiting to be released by the officers lol.

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1 minute ago, Centurion said:


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The Nordic war cry scares many a weak bitch elf lol.

And yes it was more of a pain resistance thing than a magic resistance thing. I like to think it was a weaker shock spell, because the Thalmor wanted to take his time with Ubbe instead of stopping his heart in one go.

Hell, I didn’t want Ubbe to be an officer anyway. He’s more of a weapon, waiting to be released by the officers lol.

Seems like you like writing grunts like yourself :Mickey:

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Ubbe heart started racing. He could hear the thumping next to his brain as they got nearer and nearer to the fire. Then, just before heat was able to reach them, Ubbe pounced, taking Mjalarr to the ground and wrestling him there long enough for someone else to reach the fire. Ubbe chuckled and jumped off of Mjalarr in an instant and dashed for the freezing waters.


Ubbe dropped the tiny tree humper and took out his dagger, cutting the ears and tongue from the body. He strung them on his amulet which already contained two sets of golden ears and a single Nord ear. Once we was done he settled back down into his bedroll and was taken by sleep once more.


Ubbe let a war cry loose in the cave and the little Bosmer lost his bowels and ran.


With a hard grip and a quick pull, he ripped the elf’s trachea and esophagus out in a gruesome mess. Ubbe spent the next several hours carefully cutting the bastards heart out of his chest and cutting the golden flesh away from the tissue. Starting with the chin and going all the way back to the elves lower back, the way he would’ve with the bear pelt.

he gathered his golden cloak and exited the cave

Ubbe held up the heart, which was smaller than the other two, and brought it to his mouth

O.o ... This guy is literally doing what Brund joked about. Except it's for training. There is not a better fucking word to describe Ubbe than his own moniker. Savage indeed.

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4 minutes ago, The Good Doctor said:



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Ubbe heart started racing. He could hear the thumping next to his brain as they got nearer and nearer to the fire. Then, just before heat was able to reach them, Ubbe pounced, taking Mjalarr to the ground and wrestling him there long enough for someone else to reach the fire. Ubbe chuckled and jumped off of Mjalarr in an instant and dashed for the freezing waters.


Ubbe dropped the tiny tree humper and took out his dagger, cutting the ears and tongue from the body. He strung them on his amulet which already contained two sets of golden ears and a single Nord ear. Once we was done he settled back down into his bedroll and was taken by sleep once more.


Ubbe let a war cry loose in the cave and the little Bosmer lost his bowels and ran.


With a hard grip and a quick pull, he ripped the elf’s trachea and esophagus out in a gruesome mess. Ubbe spent the next several hours carefully cutting the bastards heart out of his chest and cutting the golden flesh away from the tissue. Starting with the chin and going all the way back to the elves lower back, the way he would’ve with the bear pelt.

he gathered his golden cloak and exited the cave

Ubbe held up the heart, which was smaller than the other two, and brought it to his mouth

O.o ... This guy is literally doing what Brund joked about. Except it's for training. There is not a better fucking word to describe Ubbe than his own moniker. Savage indeed.


3 minutes ago, TheCzarsHussar said:



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Not a milk drinker.

I take it back Celan, Ubbe is the most Nord I've ever seen. That man's gonna get fat though if he keeps on eating hearts with such enthusiasm.

That was a very enjoyable post to read, Ubbe better trash talk the fuck out of those wimpy Roscreans when they arrive.



I really do enjoy writing for Ubbe because I get to just go wild with the savagery where I wouldn’t be able to with Patton, Mat, or Aetius. XD 

Glad you found it so entertaining Doc and Czar. I like writing him because I can literally sit down like I did last night, turn on some Wardruna and write for 3 hours and get 75% of it done. Everything else me and Colonel did today.

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On a different note, I apologize in advance for how freaking weird my next post reads. Most of what I wanted to include wouldn't have felt natural happening in the same day or even month, so it's basically just a bunch of snap shots of the important/funny/memorable moments that Boldir and Mila have over this span of time. Some of it may fit together kinda awkwardly.

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1 minute ago, The Good Doctor said:

On a different note, I apologize in advance for how freaking weird my next post reads. Most of what I wanted to include wouldn't have felt natural happening in the same day or even month, so it's basically just a bunch of snap shots of the important/funny/memorable moments that Boldir and Mila have over this span of time.

Another Doc post right after Ubbe?

I'm in heaven!

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I teared up when Boldir found out Baldur was a king :lol: I love those two man, the brotherly love is real. I did reread the portion I got early access to since I figured some things would be different... I sure didn't expect to read about a teen girl going through puberty XD Poor fucking Boldir man, lol. The training regime they had was well written as well, and all around what I've read thus far was a treat. Especially of course, hearing my motherfucking name. Monikers and all too XD Mmmm, say it.

Still reading

Also finished the Czar and Collins post and my thoughts echo from what the others said as well, I really think the writing style blends perfectly in that setting.

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"Even the hardest dick must go flaccid." -Colonelkillabee

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On Doc's post

Man, it's crazy to think how far things have gone for Boldir and Mila. They've not only had personal changes, such as Mila growing up, but they've also missed so much of what's happening in the outside world, especially in Skyrim. And it's heartbreaking to hear what Mila had to say about Baldur, and how she thinks she can't go back. Though I think she makes a fair point about Baldur not trusting Boldir, and that they can't trust Baldur right now. 

Still, it's great that they're together, and that they've found somewhere reasonably safe to rest and train and prepare for what's next. It's nice to see them in a situation where they aren't on the run and being hunted, and where they can relax, even if it's not permanent. I'm really excited to see how they handle the witch, the dangers of being hunted again once they leave the priory, and how their relationship continues to evolve.

Great job as always, Doc. And I didn't think the format was bad at all, and seemed pretty clear and easy to follow to me. 

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