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Roleplayer’s Off Topic Thread #2

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The worst, the worst fucking thing is apparently according to the datamine, their recycling several of the cut bosses they forced Hideo to scrap from Phantom Pain because of time restraints. Those...those bastards! 

Another horrible thing is they bullied Masahiro Ito, the legendary art director of Silent Hill, into doing the designs for the creatures in the game. Went from this,



To these retarded things (What the fuck are they?! It's like they strapped a fucking rock to a Zombie head.)

13 minutes ago, The Good Doctor said:

What the fuck...I...i've never got that random encounter.

Nah it aint the same. That's jumping the Shark. This is raping the shark then eating it alive.

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11 minutes ago, ColonelKillaBee said:

"Who's going to take care of me? You?"

Biiiiiitch, do I look like a dad. Oh wait.

That quest gets so much worse. His parents are actually still living in the busted up house down the street as ghouls, and between the fridge and the house is a lone slaver who tries to buy the kid off you. The whole thing is terrible, makes zero sense, and contradicts tons of the lore we have on ghouls, even from Fallout 3.


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3 minutes ago, The Good Doctor said:

That quest gets so much worse. His parents are actually still living in the busted up house down the street as ghouls, and between the fridge and the house is a lone slaver who tries to buy the kid off you. The whole thing is terrible, makes zero sense, and contradicts tons of the lore we have on ghouls, even from Fallout 3.

Nah that actually sounds pretty hilarious, like in a so awful it's pretty fucking funny sort of way :rofl:

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1 minute ago, BigBossBalrog said:

Nah that actually sounds pretty hilarious, like in a so awful it's pretty fucking funny sort of way :rofl:

Pete Hines basically handwaved the whole thing anyway, so I take it about as seriously as the random encounters in Fallout 2. Though at least those were actually intended as jokes. This one was stupidity played straight.


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10 minutes ago, The Good Doctor said:

Pete Hines basically handwaved the whole thing anyway, so I take it about as seriously as the random encounters in Fallout 2. Though at least those were actually intended as jokes. This one was stupidity played straight.

I dont know it sounds like something from a really weird Spanish Soap Opera. To keep my sanity intact, i'll tell myself it was the writers dicking around,

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4 minutes ago, BigBossBalrog said:

I dont know it sounds like something from a really weird Spanish Soap Opera. To keep my sanity intact, i'll tell myself it was the writers dicking around,

I think they just didn’t give a shit. When someone asked why it didn’t make any sense, Pete’s response was basically “I’m not going to sit here and argue over something not making sense in a video game.”

Like dude, it’s your career. 


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5 minutes ago, BigBossBalrog said:

LOL I still don't think it's a defilement of the franchise. That would be Konami making gambling machines-

Oh wait. 

*Cries and screams to himself* 

There's a lot more than that. Could write pages. Billy is just my choice mascot for Bethesda not giving a fuck about Fallout lore. XD 

Though I won't pretend Fallout has gone as far downhill as MGS. That train wreck makes me cringe and I'm not even into those games.


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3 minutes ago, ColonelKillaBee said:

The dovahdouche in VR is close though.

That one might not be the worst, but it's by far the most embarrassing. The Dovahkiin was such an awesome protagonist for TES. Many people's favorite. And Bethesda turned him into their marketing whore. I feel like the kids from South Park watching Lucas and Spielberg rape Indiana Jones and that Stormtrooper.

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2 minutes ago, The Good Doctor said:

That one might not be the worst, but it's by far the most embarrassing. The Dovahkiin was such an awesome protagonist for TES. Many people's favorite. And Bethesda turned him into their marketing whore. I feel like the kids from South Park watching Lucas and Spielberg rape Indiana Jones and that Stormtrooper.

We all remember where we were when Celan shared that tweet.

Or where we were when we saw those fucking commercials and just couldn’t look away. 

Me, I was just minding my own business, petting my dog and eating some Wendy’s. Getting ready to go to bed when I saw that shit on Comedy Central. I don’t know what was worse, the commercial with the guy force pushing a dragon with wings off a fucking cliff, or the unfunny prick that now hosts the daily show.

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"Even the hardest dick must go flaccid." -Colonelkillabee

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5 minutes ago, BigBossBalrog said:

Eh, I don't mind Skyrim getting so many ports. What's wrong with that? Just means more people can expierence this gem of a game. Classic games always get alot of ports. Look at Rezi4.

I'm all for porting it to new systems like that Nintendo Switch. There could be plenty of Nintendo folks who never owned a Skyrim-capable PC or console before. But I doubt anybody is experiencing it for the first time on VR. 6 years after the game came out, I'd rather see them focusing on a sequel than this crap. Bethesda can do what they want, of course, but dicking around like this isn't a good way to retain fans.


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