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Roleplayer's Off Topic Thread #39

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1 minute ago, The Good Doctor said:

Yep. He sucks. XD 

I can’t remember any other brute chieftains, or bosses in general, whose arenas were so terribly designed for the fight. Who could’ve guessed that a one-shot-kill melee enemy with tons of health in a tiny room would not make for a fun fight?

Agreed bruda. Legit the only part of that game I got annoyed, mad, whatever at. I eventually beat him by jumping through this hole in the middle pillar over and over shooting him with whatever until he dropped XD

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So off topic from what is being talked about but over the past few years I started to enjoy war movies a bit more especially WW1/WW2. Anyone got some recommendations? I enjoyed 1917 enough its the only movie I own a 4k disc and I really enjoyed the All quiet of the western front remake but not sure were to go from there because those are recent ones.

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12 minutes ago, The Good Doctor said:

Yeah, him. XD And also the final brute with like a billion health. 

I thought Escharuem was a pretty good fight; especially by FPS standards XD

I also reallllly liked the Elite one; were he incorporated alot of stealth and he could pretty much one shot you (but to compensete had a pretty small pool of health) and the arena you fought him was built for the encounter. 

The Duel Spartan Hunters were also pretty unique; fought them in their Choppers before they dismounted. 

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6 hours ago, Elden Clown said:

I enjoyed 1917

I was about to say "1917". Excellent movie. Gonna find that one hard to top.

If you’re down for something older, "Where Eagles Dare" with Clint Eastwood is a really good one. 

For something less serious, "Kelly's Heroes" is a comedy set in WW2. Sounds ridiculous but it actually works and is a fun movie.

Christopher Nolen’s "Dunkirk" ain’t bad. The non-chronological storytelling is kind of annoying, but there’s some good stuff in it. Particularly if you want to see a tense dogfight.

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7 minutes ago, BigBossBalrog said:

I thought Escharuem was a pretty good fight; especially by FPS standards XD

I also reallllly liked the Elite one; were he incorporated alot of stealth and he could pretty much one shot you (but to compensete had a pretty small pool of health) and the arena you fought him was built for the encounter. 

The Duel Spartan Hunters were also pretty unique; fought them in their Choppers before they dismounted. 

I agree completely on the Elite and the Spartan Hunters. Those were probably the best boss fights in the game. Especially the Elite.

Don't like the brute though. I hate when difficulty just comes from the enemy having a ridiculously large health bar. 


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6 hours ago, The Good Doctor said:

I was about to say "1917".
Excellent movie. Gonna find that one hard to top.

If you’re down for something older, "Where Eagles Dare" with Clint Eastwood is a really good one. 

For something less serious, "Kelly's Heroes" is a comedy set in WW2. Sounds ridiculous but it actually works and is a fun movie.

Christopher Nolen’s "Dunkirk" ain’t bad. The non-chronological storytelling is kind of annoying, but there’s some good stuff in it. Particularly if you want to see a tense dogfight.

I'll check out all of em. Been meaning to watch Dunkirk but trying to convince my dad to watch it with me. 

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BTW: Criterion just did a release of Roger Corman's cult favorite "Poe Cycle"; a series of twelve adaptions of Poe's various stories. I remember watching this version of Usher, but I hadn't watched most of them, but now i've become addicted and have been binging them XD

Vincent Price basically stars in all of them and they are fantastically gothic and atmospheric. Corman is infamous as "the king of B Movies" but none of these look like the typical sorts. What's really crazy is they each costed a bout a million dollars to make (Corman has been called a "master" at cutting costs and saving money); yet the set and costume design is fabulous, most of the actors are theatre actors, so if you can get passed the hamminess, it's pretty good (Vincent Price, of course, is the standout). 





If your excited for the Netflix version of Usher, you should give these a watch

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4 minutes ago, BigBossBalrog said:

BTW: Criterion just did a release of Roger Corman's cult favorite "Poe Cycle"; a series of twelve adaptions of Poe's various stories. I remember watching this version of Usher, but I hadn't watched most of them, but now i've become addicted and have been binging them XD

Vincent Price basically stars in all of them and they are fantastically gothic and atmospheric. Corman is infamous as "the king of B Movies" but none of these look like the typical sorts. What's really crazy is they each costed a bout a million dollars to make (Corman has been called a "master" at cutting costs and saving money); yet the set and costume design is fabulous, most of the actors are theatre actors, so if you can get passed the hamminess, it's pretty good (Vincent Price, of course, is the standout). 





I really dig the backdrops and sets in these. They’re so stylistic and detailed. 

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After loading it back up and having a weird ass glitch resetting all my settings and making me do the eula agreement again (my fault for getting the spacers choice edition didn't know Obsidian had nothing to do with it) I've playing Outer Worlds for a few hours and I will say I love Obsidian but I really really hope Outer Worlds 2 has way more choices in dialogue. 


I stole the poster for the dude that ordered after finding out that the lady was gonna be a dick and sell it to someone else. But after giving it to him or even before there is no option to warn him that he might want to keep it on the low he has it and that he can keep his bits and I really would have liked that. Idk if it's me asking to much for the RP flavor or not but here's to hoping.

Edit: Addon the quest I did after, the guy just straight tells me where he hid his bits and when I come back and say they are gone he just is like "Oh we must be dealing with a criminal mastermind." and is like oh well back to work.

Edited by Elden Clown
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5 hours ago, Elden Clown said:

So off topic from what is being talked about but over the past few years I started to enjoy war movies a bit more especially WW1/WW2. Anyone got some recommendations? I enjoyed 1917 enough its the only movie I own a 4k disc and I really enjoyed the All quiet of the western front remake but not sure were to go from there because those are recent ones.

There's Stalingrad if you haven't seen that one. Deathwatch is a horror film set in WWI, I really liked the premise. 

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"If you know me you know I don't keep up with the times. I just go with the flow." - Woody Copeland, life coach

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Guys, I'll be honest I'm so hyped and excited for BG3 idk if I'll be able to sleep. I honestly don't think I've looked forward to any product (game, book, movie, cd, etc) in my life. DOS2 is so important to me for so many reasons and DnD right there with it and I got Czar over to celebrate, (he taking a nap woke up at 4am) so it's even better wouldn't want to celebrate a Larian release without my bestbro I bonded over DOS2 with. Got my fiancee her aswell and she might be joining us and just I'm so ready XD forgive for the 'gush' post.

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@Celan Did you ever meet the Archmage Concelhaut? He was another first for me on this Pillars playthrough. Really enjoyed that character, brief as the interaction was. Reminded me of a Telvanni Lord.

And by far the hardest fight I’ve encountered so far. My party was nearly max level, and he wiped us in less than ten seconds on my first attempt when we just rushed him. Had to change my approach completely.

Really cool to see one of the world’s preeminent wizards made to feel as powerful as he was hyped up to be. And the character himself was just really cool in concept. Conquered mortality by making himself a lich, used his own skull as a phylactery, trained his apprentices to compete to the death to keep them from challenging him, and had one of the most powerful mercenary companies in the world assaulting his keep and didn’t even mind. 


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1 hour ago, The Good Doctor said:

@Celan Did you ever meet the Archmage Concelhaut? He was another first for me on this Pillars playthrough. Really enjoyed that character, brief as the interaction was. Reminded me of a Telvanni Lord.


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And by far the hardest fight I’ve encountered so far. My party was nearly max level, and he wiped us in less than ten seconds on my first attempt when we just rushed him. Had to change my approach completely.

Really cool to see one of the world’s preeminent wizards made to feel as powerful as he was hyped up to be. And the character himself was just really cool in concept. Conquered mortality by making himself a lich, used his own skull as a phylactery, trained his apprentices to compete to the death to keep them from challenging him, and had one of the most powerful mercenary companies in the world assaulting his keep and didn’t even mind. 

It sounds vaguely familiar- I recall some of the spells in the game are named for him.

I'm bummed about BG3. I was looking forward to playing it, but I can't do TBC. Even if I had much time for gaming, spending a half hour on a simple combat encounter is just :/

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"If you know me you know I don't keep up with the times. I just go with the flow." - Woody Copeland, life coach

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6 minutes ago, Celan said:

It sounds vaguely familiar- I recall some of the spells in the game are named for him.

I'm bummed about BG3. I was looking forward to playing it, but I can't do TBC. Even if I had much time for gaming, spending a half hour on a simple combat encounter is just :/

Yeah, he’s one of the big dogs in this universe who pioneered lots of common spells and stuff. Honestly, even though he’s an enemy, he’s one of my favorite characters in the game, just off cool factor and how interesting he is.

Plus, he doesn’t seem able to permanently die. His essence remains alive and conscious in his phylactery even after we defeat him. 

As for Baldur’s Gate, I can’t play it either. Cause they haven’t made it work on Xbox yet. XD 


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