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Roleplayer's Off Topic Thread #39

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11 minutes ago, BigBossBalrog said:

You like to perpetually keep opening this wound don't you XD

If Bethesda won’t give me a jungle empire, I’m hoping maybe Obsidian one day will. XD 

Though honestly, it’s probably third in line of the places I’d like to see in Eora.

#1 is this church-run theocractic state whose god manifested in person, took control of their nation, and led a violent crusade against their neighbors, only to get blown up by a divine nuke. I really want to see what their homeland is like after they had to watch their god explode before their eyes. :lol: 


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17 hours ago, The Good Doctor said:

Spoilers to keep from cluttering the page with my walls of text. XD 

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The world, the story, and the breadth of choices you have both to define your character and influence the world.

The world of Eora is very fleshed out in the first game alone. It can be daunting at first, but once things start to *click* and you get to remembering and learning the names, words, and cultures, it’s hard not to be impressed by how coherent and well-realized everything is. How the gods and souls work in particular is very unique among fantasy.

The story is excellent. Without going into too much detail, it does a great job of combining mystery and intrigue with the more sinister and mystical sides of things. And it’s nice that the plot isn’t your typical "save the world" scenario, but rather something more personal to yourself and many other characters. The only potential negatives are that it starts out a little slow and will be confusing until you get your bearings and come to better understand the world itself. Neither of these bother me, but I can totally understand why they’d turn someone off. I’ve found my second playthrough to be much more rewarding specifically because I’ve made a much greater effort to pay attention and learn about the setting.

The options is a big one. Freedom to define your character through the choices they can make is, to me, the most important quality of a good RPG. This game gives you a ton of options for this, and it’s almost never just "good or bad". Even dialogue itself reflects how you play, with your options changing based on stats you build throughout the game. For example, if you usually respond to situations with aggression or violence, then your "Aggressive" stat will slowly increase, and you will unlock more dialogue that lets you use this trait to intimidate people. If you are always honest, then people will start to notice and trust you with secrets they otherwise wouldn’t, and vice versa for "Dishonest". There’s also "Benevolent, Cruel, Stoic, Cunning" and more. And there are pros and cons to all of them.

It can be rough, for sure. The combat is very punishing and tactical on basically any difficulty above easy. If you are really liking the story, but struggling with the combat, there’s no shame in turning it down a bit. I definitely wouldn’t recommend starting on harder modes for a first run. Too much of a learning curve. Especially if you’re like me and like to tackle DLC or higher level challenges earlier than you probably should.

Extremely. The main story gets into the world’s deeper lore towards the end, but the bulk of the early plot is fairly simple even if you don’t know much about the world or lore yet. You’re basically just trying to fix your soul after an certain event messes it up.

Sounds like I really do need to give it another true shot. Take my time with it, read everything, give it the same treatment I've been giving a few other games that I'm replaying. Like Outer Worlds, I decided to give it another shot and have really been taking my time. While it's of course not a deep game in a lot of ways I have enjoyed it much more than my first time and even started to love a few of the characters and care about them. 
So, I'll give it another shot, will let you know how that goes. Might shoot ya some pms.

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3 hours ago, BigBossBalrog said:

*There Remaking Slender the Arrival in 2023*

What year is it XD I thought Slender Man was deader then disco.


Actually beat this to many times to the point I don't remember how many. Interesting to see them do this randomly. With that said though, Slender is very much dead yes lol.

Edited by Elden Clown
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21 hours ago, The Good Doctor said:

@Celan Did you ever play the White March DLC for Pillars? I never did before this playthrough, but it’s honestly some of the best content in the whole game! The story and new snowy landscapes are both great, and the main town of Stalwart changes and grows based on your progress kinda like Solstheim did in Bloodmoon.

Yep, I played it a couple times and I do remember that I enjoyed it. I didn't play any DLC for the 2nd game, because, well you know.

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"If you know me you know I don't keep up with the times. I just go with the flow." - Woody Copeland, life coach

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8 minutes ago, Elden Clown said:

So I must ask does anyone have any opinions the whole alien conference thing that happened? If it's true I just want to know what the "pilots" looked like. 

Never heard of it, but I default to assuming anything alien related is probably a fake distraction at best. 


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3 hours ago, The Good Doctor said:

Never heard of it, but I default to assuming anything alien related is probably a fake distraction at best. 

Fair enough, just trying to think of what another species of beings would look like is mind boggling. 

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@The Good Doctor so I’m giving the outer worlds another shot. The last time I played it was back in 2020 so I don’t remember basically anything, but do remember the main quest in the emerald vale where you have to choose between edge water and the deserters. And I just discovered that there’s a third option. You can turn off the power to the botanical gardens and convince reed to step down, allowing mcdevitt to take over edge water. And you can convince reed to step down either by persuading or letting him know that she knows how to grow plants (but she’s using human corpses to do so) Lmaoo. Man, I miss obsidian and their ability to make things interesting.

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Just now, Centurion said:

@The Good Doctor so I’m giving the outer worlds another shot. The last time I played it was back in 2020 so I don’t remember basically anything, but do remember the main quest in the emerald vale where you have to choose between edge water and the deserters. And I just discovered that there’s a third option. You can turn off the power to the botanical gardens and convince reed to step down, allowing mcdevitt to take over edge water. And you can convince reed to step down either by persuading or letting him know that she knows how to grow plants (but she’s using human corpses to do so) Lmaoo.

Yep. XD There are quite a few ways to deal with Emerald Vale. I also like how they kinda flip the script on you by making the guy representing the big evil corporation side of things an actual well-meaning and moral guy. He’s just an incompetent buffoon dropped into a doomed situation.

Be sure to play the DLC when you’re high enough level. It’s easily got the best content in the game with loads of ways to resolve stuff. 

4 minutes ago, Centurion said:

Man, I miss obsidian and their ability to make things interesting.

This is why I’ve been going so hard at PoE lately. It’s got some of their best work in this regard.


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36 minutes ago, Centurion said:

I respect Obsidian and their ip’s and I’m definitely playing avowed when it drops, but I also wish obsidian would get another Fallout title and to make the prospect extra juicy, and elder scrolls title lmao

Another Obsidian Fallout is probably the best "somewhat realistic" possibility for a future game, I think. There’s no game I’d rather see get made, and the deck is stacked in such a way that it could actually happen.

Far as fantasy goes, I’d rather them just keep expanding the world of Pillars/Avowed than bother messing with the badly retconned Frankenstein’s monster of an MMO cash cow that that modern TES has become. It’s got loads of potential, and they have more passion for it. 


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