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Roleplayer's Off Topic Thread #38

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1 minute ago, BigBossBalrog said:

I'm more hung up about how there spoofing Godzilla monsters now XD

It’s all so dumb. 

You know if they really wanted to do a terrifying boss monster that actually fits in Fallout, they should’ve held back on the deathclaw and added it in one of these events post-launch. That would’ve been cool as hell and actually fit with the lore.


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4 minutes ago, The Good Doctor said:

It’s all so dumb. 

You know if they really wanted to do a terrifying boss monster that actually fits in Fallout, they should’ve held back on the deathclaw and added it in one of these events post-launch. That would’ve been cool as hell and actually fit with the lore.

More I think about it, the more I like this. Deathclaws having already migrated to West Virginia from the West Coast was pretty silly to begin with considering how they were practically still a legend in Fallout 1. But at least if you had them arrive during the game, you could keep some of that "holy shit, what is that thing?" air that is supposed to surround them at this point in time.

Kinda kills me that the "apex predator" of Fallout is such a joke in 76 compared to so many other things, including werewolves and a giant molerat. ¬¬


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Okay so I'm going to play devil's advocate for a little bit; Fallout has already drawn alot from these pulpy sci-fi and horror cliches from the 40's and 50's. In the trailer; the art for the update looked like an old Universal horror post. So I can actually see what there trying to do.

That being said in the older games the stuff they took from the source materiel was always tastefully done and never intruded on the universe they built themselves, and the reallllly wacky stuff was relegated to Easter Eggs. Beth seems like there drawing from the same source, but with NONE of the restraint; it was a problem in 3 (like the entire aesthetic became 50's America, but still somewhat grounded in the gritty sci fi horror aesthetic of 1) but 4 and 76 have dived into it. 

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9 minutes ago, BigBossBalrog said:

That being said in the older games the stuff they took from the source materiel was always tastefully done and never intruded on the universe they built themselves, and the reallllly wacky stuff was relegated to Easter Eggs.

This is pretty much what my counter to your first paragraph would be. Just because the idea behind Fallout was for the prewar world to be retro-50s inspired doesn’t mean that it was ever just a series to whimsically throw a hodgepodge of any and all "50s" things onto it. 

If Beth wants to do "Mars Attacks!" or old monster movies, they should’ve made that series instead of Starfield. XD But using Fallout like a cheap whore to just practice all their tricks on just feels shitty. 


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2 hours ago, BigBossBalrog said:

Atlanta is an expedition; pretty disappointing.

Atlantic City. I made that mistake too the first time I watched it. 

And yeah, disappointing but not surprising. Fallout 76 is already on its last legs and the most "original" idea they can think of for content is werewolves. XD After The Pitt, it was clear that they were never going to invest the time and money needed to give it a proper expansion or anything like that. Just these glorified "raids" to random cities on the east coast.

Atlantic City is best known for its gambling so they’re just going to rip off New Vegas and have it full of gamblers and active casinos and shit even though it won’t make any sense 20 years after the bombs. Because "member New Vegas"?


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Only thing remotely interesting about any of it to me is more content involving the Blue Ridge Caravan Company, because they are legitimately one of the better factions in the game. Maybe even the only good one that isn’t wiped out. XD Too bad they got saddled with the dumb werewolf story. 


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Resident Evil Fans when Werewolves are added: "Huh, thats pretty cool."

Fallout Fans when Werewolves are added; "Fifty page lore rant" 

I actually thought the whole approach to having Mutants based on American Cryptid folk-culture to be somewhat inspired and cool, so it's funny to see it devolve into this XD

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Eh, I’m not crazy about the werewolves in RE either. XD But the difference is -and I can’t believe I’m saying this- Capcom actually put more effort into explaining and justifying RE’s werewolves than Bethesda will for Fallout. 

I liked the original cryptids because they weren’t literally cryptids. They were just freakish mutants who locals mistook for cryptids. Besides the wendigos (which were pushing it, imo), none of them even look that much like the actual cryptids are supposed to, which I found pretty cool.

The werewolves are just straight up werewolves. It’s very unoriginal and out of place. 


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2 minutes ago, The Good Doctor said:

Eh, I’m not crazy about the werewolves in RE either. XD But the difference is -and I can’t believe I’m saying this- Capcom actually put more effort into explaining and justifying RE’s werewolves than Bethesda will for Fallout. 

I liked the original cryptids because they weren’t literally cryptids. They were just freakish mutants who locals mistook for cryptids. Besides the wendigos (which were pushing it, imo), none of them even look that much like the actual cryptids are supposed to, which I found pretty cool.

The werewolves are just straight up werewolves. It’s very unoriginal and out of place. 

Aren't Wendigos just super ghouls that devolved further because of disease and cannibalism; I actually think there quite grounded XD But I might be biased cause there one of my favorite monsters.  

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2 hours ago, BigBossBalrog said:

Aren't Wendigos just super ghouls that devolved further because of disease and cannibalism; I actually think there quite grounded XD But I might be biased cause there one of my favorite monsters.  

That’s supposed to be the lore behind them. The two problems are 1) they don’t look anything like ghouls, and 2) "super ghouls" is a dumb idea. XD

I’m actually all for having wendigos in the game. I actually think it would’ve been cool as hell if that’s just what ignorant locals called regular feral ghouls and it stuck.


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1 hour ago, TheCzarsHussar said:

Speaking of Atlantic City. Have any of you ever watched Boardwalk Empire? Really stellar show

I like it. Not as much as Rome.

I was starting to get @ColonelKillaBee to watch that, as well as The Tudors.

"If you know me you know I don't keep up with the times. I just go with the flow." - Woody Copeland, life coach

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1 minute ago, The Good Doctor said:

I’d consider watching Tudors just to see more of that Tyrell babe. XD

It's a bodice ripper with a very thin veil of history, but it's fun.

Also a very sexy young Henry Cavill, whom Colonel made fun of for his "butt chin." XD 

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"If you know me you know I don't keep up with the times. I just go with the flow." - Woody Copeland, life coach

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BTW; I know you guys consider it anthemia to everything; but I played the  Final Fantasy 16 demo, and it kind of blew me away, its unlike anything Square has done. I heard the director made all his ream read a Song of Ice and  Fire, but holy shit, it's very dark and gritty



There's a Ned Stark-esque Duke whose trying to stall the advances of an enemy Empire; they have a pact with a fire spirit; Phoenix (in this world god-like entities exist who can choose people to channel themselves), their patron deity, who has let them resist thus far. The Duke has two sons; the one you play as, Clive, and his younger brother Joshua. The situation has become so desperate The Duke does a ceremony in which he asks Phoenix to empower one of his sons; and it does so, choosing Joshua and Clive is made his protector.  

Long story short, there's a full hour of world building where the Duke introduces you to the happenings of the realm (despite not being chosen by Phoenix, he's grooming his son for command nevertheless), you meet your foster sister (whose in the Duke's care originally as a hostage, but he raised her as his daughter), you participate in a jousting festival, and then shit hits the fan. 

One of your allies in the fight against the Empire launches a sneak attack; and goes on a killing spree in your castle (full on Red Wedding with maids getting there heads chopped off and characters you were getting to know murdered); resulting in you have to flee. In the middle, your father gets betrayed by one of his retainers, his head gets chopped off, and your brother (whose like  twelve) writhes around in your father's blood, awakens to Phoenix. and goes on a rampage killing everyone. 

Clive, out of sheer desperation, summons another spirit; the "Dominate" of Hatred, Ifrit, and makes a pact with it.  He becomes possessed, turn into monsters and fight each other, all the while destroying everything around them (You get to see your remaining friends turn to cinders and ashes when you transform). It all ends as Clive, whose been completely lost himself to Ifrit, beat his brother to death all the while he wails in anguish, begging it to stop. 

The demo ended with Clive's mother revealing she'd been responsible for everything; and selling him into slavery as a conscripted soldier of the Empire.


Yeah I was pleasently surprised XD

Combat is really fun too; they got one of the Devil May Cry directors to do it; and it's suitably meaty and flashy.  

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3 minutes ago, BigBossBalrog said:

BTW; I know you guys consider it anthemia to everything; but I played the  Final Fantasy 16 demo, and it kind of blew me away, its unlike anything Square has done. I heard the director made all his ream read a Song of Fire and Ice, but holy shit, it's very dark; 


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There's a Ned Stark-esque Duke whose trying to stall the advances of an enemy Empire; they have a pact with a fire spirit; Phoenix (in this world god-like entities exist who can choose people to channel themselves), their patron deity, who has let them resist thus far. The Duke has two sons; the one you play as, Clive, and his younger brother Joshua. The situation has become so desperate The Duke does a ceremony in which he asks Phoenix to empower one of his sons; and it does so, choosing Joshua and Clive is made his protector.  

Long story short, there's a full hour of world building where the Duke introduces you to the happenings of the realm (despite not being chosen by Phoenix, he's grooming his son for command nevertheless), you meet your foster sister (whose in the Duke's care originally as a hostage, but he raised her as his daughter), you participate in a jousting festival, and then shit hits the fan. 

One of your allies in the fight against the Empire launches a sneak attack; and goes on a killing spree in your castle (full on Red Wedding with maids getting there heads chopped off and characters you were getting to know murdered); resulting in you have to flee. In the middle, your father gets betrayed by one of his retainers, his head gets chopped off, and your brother (whose like  twelve) writhes around in your father's blood, awakens to Phoenix. and goes on a rampage killing everyone. 

Clive, out of sheer desperation, summons another spirit; the "Dominate" of Hatred, Ifrit, and makes a pact with it.  He becomes possessed, turn into monsters and fight each other, all the while destroying everything around them (You get to see your remaining friends turn to cinders and ashes when you transform). It all ends as Clive, whose been completely lost himself to Ifrit, beat his brother to death all the while he wails in anguish, begging it to stop. 

The demo ended with Clive's mother revealing she'd been responsible for everything; and selling him into slavery as a conscripted soldier of the Empire.



Yeah I was pleasently surprised XD

Combat is really fun too; they got one of the Devil May Cry directors to do it; and it's suitably meaty and flashy.  


That sounds like the beginning of a good story.

Director is kind of a bastard though for making his whole team read a series he probably knows won’t get finished. XD Still, if ASoIaF is the tone he’s going for, then that’s a good way to get everyone on the same page. 


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14 minutes ago, The Good Doctor said:

That sounds like the beginning of a good story.

Director is kind of a bastard though for making his whole team read a series he probably knows won’t get finished. XD Still, if ASoIaF is the tone he’s going for, then that’s a good way to get everyone on the same page. 

I was like "Oh shit Square Enix made something good?!" XD Tonally though, it's such a crazy shift from the last couple of games; as soon as I heard someone say "fuck", I was thinking Square went with the nuclear option to get people interested again. 

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