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Roleplayer's Off Topic Thread #38

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57 minutes ago, The Good Doctor said:


Are there any characters you’d want to see return in a future Fallout game?

A much older, wiser, Arthur Maxson. If they were gonna bring the brotherhood to wherever the next game is. They did specifically say that the prydwen allows them to project power all over the eastern seaboard. So if they were to take us to say Charleston, S.C. Or Savannah, GA and continue to drag the BoS everywhere then that’d really be it. But over all I don’t see much need for a recurring character from either NV or F4

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1 hour ago, Centurion said:

But over all I don’t see much need for a recurring character from either NV or F4

I agree that Maxson is the only one who has an active need to show back up, since he’s one of the most significant figures in the east right now and potentially has the farthest reach. Though really, any member of his BoS could potentially return as long as it’s his chapter we’re seeing. 

That said, unless the games are set a great distance apart (like 2 and 3), I like to see recurring characters here and there. Ties the world together a bit. 

Personally, I’d really like to see more of Arthur Maxson, Maria Ashur, Colonel Autumn, Desmond Lockheart, Follows-Chalk, Lanius, and Tabitha. All of their stories left off in ways that have a lot of untapped potential.

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Wasn’t a fan of Harold’s role in Fallout 3, though. That is just absurdly far for one guy to randomly travel without good reason, and I feel like his place was in the West.

Would’ve been nice to see him again in New Vegas, ideally without being rooted to the ground begging to die. Seemed like a needlessly cruel fate for such a beloved and well-meaning character. 

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I was going to mention Harold XD

However with recurring characters there's always a chance to make it seem forced. I have a pea-brain that gives me clashing emotions whenever there's a fan servicy scene when a returning character shows up; I feel the fan service, but it also takes me out of the experience a bit XD (Disney been especially bad with this). Even if the fan-service is well executed, there's a little bit of "the world feels smaller"  

I ironically think Resident Evil has been doing this really well since they took that huge gamble of having RE7 being set in the same universe, but pretty much unconnected with everything in the past game. Mind you, the Winters weren't that interesting, but I feel the do the "everyman" thing fine.  4, 5, 7, and VILLAGE have been able to do there own thing, while having tasteful callbacks and returning characters when it makes sense 

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20 minutes ago, BigBossBalrog said:

I have a pea-brain that gives me clashing emotions whenever there's a fan servicy scene when a returning character shows up; I feel the fan service, but it also takes me out of the experience a bit XD 

Fan service isn’t a bad thing if it’s done well. Cass being John Cassidy’s daughter was fan service and she was great. Same goes for Marcus in Jacobstown; his story there made sense and pretty much everyone seemed happy with that being where his story finally ends. Fans like being serviced a little here and there. :lol: Just can’t let it overtake you doing something original (looking at you, Mando).

Also, recurring characters aren’t always done for fan service. MacCready definitely wasn’t meant to be fan service in FO4 considering most fans hated him in FO3. XD And it would be weird to get a game set in Legion controlled Arizona and not see Lanius again. Or to have the Prydwen swoop into a region without some of the same personnel aboard.


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This is only there second release of the year XD


I'm not even really a Street Fighter fan but it's one of the most iconic properties in gaming and it's amazing to see how Capcom has gone beyond to do one of there most famous IPS justice. I don't think anything can stop Capcom at this point


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6 hours ago, BigBossBalrog said:

There's a full fucking "mask off" moment happening right now on social media; western devs are openly bragging about how proud they are of working on some of the shittiest games devised by man XD 

The tweets are not as bad as it sounds. They’re not being defensive or trying to argue that their crappy games were good or attacking fans for disliking them. They’re just sharing their own failure stories and having a little laugh at themselves while saying what parts they were proud of. That’s actually a pretty mature and healthy thing to do.

The only offensive part of those tweets is the Aliens lady’s hair. XD 

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10 hours ago, BigBossBalrog said:

I don't think anything can stop Capcom at this point

Missed this, but what the hell, man? Are you seriously pulling out a "what could possibly go wrong?" right as they’re at the top of their game?

Are you trying to tempt fate?! Take that back, now!

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37 minutes ago, The Good Doctor said:

@Centurion @TheCzarsHussar @BigBossBalrog Rank the power armor sets based on how much you like them. Can consider looks, stats, lore, whatever you want.



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APA Mk.1 / X-01
APA Mk.2 "Black Devil"

Not gonna be able to recall the proper names of al the sets.

T-51b (Specifically 3/New Vegas for detail and Fallout 1/2 for frame). Tied with Advanced Power Armor as Fallout's most iconic set, and one of the best looking. Minimalistic, functioning, menacing frame.

T-45d. What can I say, it catches flack but I honestly love this set. Nostalgia plays a big part in this picking. I still remember the first time I stumbled across the nearly broken set on that one initiate's corpse in the first encounter with Lyons. I was so hyped to eventually learn how to wear it, kept it in my inventory until that time too. Shame it became instantly obsolete.

Advanced Power Armor. Need I say anything? Would be number 2 if nostalgia didn't override. In fact, the Tesla armor variant would be my number 2. Arcade never gets to keep it.

Hellfire. Straight upgrade to the stupid looking Fallout 3 enclave power armor. I don't want to be meandering the wasteland looking like techno batman.

T-60. The in-universe upgrade to the T-45d, I like it, it's good, but I'm just not a fan of how Fallout 4 presents power armor being entirely a frame you climb into. I think a compromise between 3/New Vegas and 4 would go a long way. Have a slightly trimmed down bulkiness of 4, but it's fitted on you instead of climbing into it. It's such a tiny nitpick I know. Operation Anchorage kinda went into this with the power armor fitting stations.

Tactic's power armor (don't know the name). Don't let it being near the bottom fool you, I love this set. It drips with late 90's early 2000's style, but is a little too patchwork in game. I much prefer the crazy concept art depictions.

Fallout 3's Enclave Batman Armor. No, just no.

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2 minutes ago, TheCzarsHussar said:

Tactic's power armor (don't know the name). Don't let it being near the bottom fool you, I love this set. It drips with late 90's early 2000's style, but is a little too patchwork in game. I much prefer the crazy concept art depictions.

Fallout 3's Enclave Batman Armor. No, just no.

I combined these two in my post because I always assumed 3’s Enclave armor was based on the Tactics set. But just to clarify, it’s the Tactics style that I had in mind when I listed it so high, shoulder cloak and all. XD I don’t hate 3’s like you do. But it definitely wouldn’t be my #3 on its own.

And I like the look of the T-60, but that’s not really fair considering it’s basically just ripping off the T-45d. Would’ve been much cooler and better continuity if Maxson’s Knights were still rocking the T-45d while the Paladins have upgraded to various repainted Enclave sets.

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5 minutes ago, The Good Doctor said:

I combined these two in my post because I always assumed 3’s Enclave armor was based on the Tactics set. But just to clarify, it’s the Tactics style that I had in mind when I listed it so high, shoulder cloak and all. XD I don’t hate 3’s like you do. But it definitely wouldn’t be my #3 on its own.

And I like the look of the T-60, but that’s not really fair considering it’s basically just ripping off the T-45d. Would’ve been much cooler and better continuity if Maxson’s Knights were still rocking the T-45d while the Paladins have upgraded to various repainted Enclave sets.

That shoulder cloak goes so fucking hard.


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6 minutes ago, The Good Doctor said:

And I like the look of the T-60, but that’s not really fair considering it’s basically just ripping off the T-45d. Would’ve been much cooler and better continuity if Maxson’s Knights were still rocking the T-45d while the Paladins have upgraded to various repainted Enclave sets.

You're thinking is too advanced for modern Bethesda.

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1 hour ago, The Good Doctor said:

@Centurion @TheCzarsHussar @BigBossBalrog Rank the power armor sets based on how much you like them. Can consider looks, stats, lore, whatever you want.



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APA Mk.1 / X-01
APA Mk.2 "Black Devil"

I’m not included any seventy dicks sets because they shouldn’t exist.

T-51b. Specifically the 1/2 and 4 versions. I love the frame concept, I wish it didn’t do the whole fusion core thing but the frame and the bulk is 100% fallout. That how the sprites looked in the old games and it genuinely feels like POWER armor unlike 3/nv basically metal armor

T-45d. It’s slick, it’s bulky, it goes hard. I actually like 3/nv version where the pouldrons are bigger, but again 4’s bulky frame is by far the best.

APA Mk. I/XO-1. And 2 and 4 versions. The bulk man it just looks so good

Hellfire PA. It’s weird. It pig like mask is odd and it just look menacing as fuck.

T-60. It would be higher on my list. It’s the PA I wear the most when I do PA playthroughs. The reason it’s so low is because of the lore. If they said the BoS manufactured from T-45 with upgraded components from the enclave war I’d absolutely fuck with it 100%

Apa mk. II. “Black Devil” I actually like it a lot. Like a lot a lot. It’s down this far solely because the other have better looks. And the version modded into F4 with the frame is sexy as hell.

Raider. I hate it. I hate everything about it. I don’t like to see it, I don’t like to think about it. I wish I could nuke it from existence.

tactics- I just never vibed with it. It’s just a big eh for me.

hellcat, ultracite, t-65, excavator, Union, etc etc are basically just the power armor tab on nexus mods and need to never appear again

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