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Roleplayer's Off Topic Thread #38

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Just now, BigBossBalrog said:

Maybe an Adventurer Platformer like the old Tomb Raider is just down the line XD

An outsourced Redguard remake, or just a straight up new TES: Adventures game would be cool.

But yeah, I’d be happy to see more games like these. Though it’ll be hard to match the charm of Tomb Raider.


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13 hours ago, The Good Doctor said:

There was a TR comic series many years back that wasn’t half bad most of the time. But the final page of the final issue basically sums up her character by having her essentially wink at the reader and say that she will keep doing this forever for no other reason than "because it’s fun". That’s why I like old Tomb Raider so much. It’s only ever trying to be fun.

Fun is problematic.

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"If you know me you know I don't keep up with the times. I just go with the flow." - Woody Copeland, life coach

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32 minutes ago, BigBossBalrog said:

New Total War is about the Bronze Age collapse 

And the Egyptians aren't the Netflix style of them XD

Bro I have zero confidence in this game. Look at the steam page, it's launching with three faction dlcs, cosmetic leader pack dlcs, and is only taking place in the near east.

We'll never get a proper bronze age collapse total war ;-;

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4 minutes ago, TheCzarsHussar said:

Bro I have zero confidence in this game. Look at the steam page, it's launching with three faction dlcs, cosmetic leader pack dlcs, and is only taking place in the near east.

We'll never get a proper bronze age collapse total war ;-;

They clarified; those aren't happening at launch; they are doing a season pass DLC model; you can buy a season pass and those are going to be released post launch (they haven't even started work on them). 

Three cultures are going to be playable at launch; the Egyptians, the Cannites, and the Hittite

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2 hours ago, BigBossBalrog said:

Three cultures are going to be playable at launch; the Egyptians, the Cannites, and the Hittite

It's beyond strange why the Assyrians, Babylonians, and Elumites aren't playable at launch. The first two are major players in the Bronze Age, and the last was the mortal rival of all the Mesopotamian kingdoms.

I'll wager the Sea Peoples will be one culture pack, and the mountain tribes will be packed with Elum.

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I finished that Prince of Thorns book and immediately started on the sequel. It's one of the best, if not the best, modern fantasy books I've read (listened to, that is).

Did you guys hear that in the new season of Netflix Witcher...

Jaskier is apparently gay for Radovid.

I don't even fucking know.

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"If you know me you know I don't keep up with the times. I just go with the flow." - Woody Copeland, life coach

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50 minutes ago, Celan said:

I finished that Prince of Thorns book and immediately started on the sequel. It's one of the best, if not the best, modern fantasy books I've read (listened to, that is).

How many of them are there? I might pick it up if you still feel that way by the time you finish the last one.

55 minutes ago, Celan said:

Did you guys hear that in the new season of Netflix Witcher...

I did not hear that, but I wish I could say it’s surprising. Pretty sure Radovid is supposed to be a child at this point in the timeline but that’s never stopped Netflix before. XD 

I checked out of the series after Henry Cavil quit. That guy was only in 1/3 of his own show yet singlehandedly carried its entire weight on his back.

He apparently left over creative disagreements with the showrunner, who found it annoying that Cavil cared so much about the source material that he often pushed back against their "creative" decisions. Said he would only stick around if they would honor the original work, and sure enough he left when it became apparent that wasn’t going to happen.

After reading that, I root for the show to crash and burn.


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1 minute ago, The Good Doctor said:

How many of them are there? I might pick it up if you still feel that way by the time you finish the last one.

I did not hear that, but I wish I could say it’s surprising. Pretty sure Radovid is supposed to be a child at this point in the timeline but that’s never stopped Netflix before. XD 

I checked out of the series after Henry Cavil quit. That guy was only in 1/3 of his own show yet singlehandedly carried its entire weight on his back.

He apparently left over creative disagreements with the showrunner, who found it annoying that Cavil cared so much about the source material that he often pushed back against their "creative" decisions. Said he would only stick around if they would honor the original work, and sure enough he left when it became apparent that wasn’t going to happen.

After reading that, I root for the show to crash and burn.

I am certainly much more sympathetic to Henry in this situation but on the other hand I would imagine it would be annoying as a showrunner to have every decision questioned by your lead actor; maybe even infront of your crew XD

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11 minutes ago, BigBossBalrog said:

I would imagine it would be annoying as a showrunner to have every decision questioned by your lead actor; maybe even infront of your crew XD

Good. If I was getting my dream job squandered by managers who don’t give a crap, I’d annoy them too. Screw them and their inconvenience; just because they don’t care doesn’t mean nobody else should.

Maybe they should try and not be so bad at their job that peers who actually take pride in their work are embarrassed to even be a part of it.


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16 minutes ago, The Good Doctor said:

How many of them are there? I might pick it up if you still feel that way by the time you finish the last one.

I did not hear that, but I wish I could say it’s surprising. Pretty sure Radovid is supposed to be a child at this point in the timeline but that’s never stopped Netflix before. XD 

It's a trilogy, but there is a follow-up trilogy set in the same universe with a different protagonist.

Maybe Jaskier is a pedo. XD That would suit Netflix very well.

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"If you know me you know I don't keep up with the times. I just go with the flow." - Woody Copeland, life coach

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10 minutes ago, BigBossBalrog said:

Henry I think was put in charge of making a 40k Show of his own for Amazon, seems like an upgrade to me regardless XD 

I’d rather get Witcher, but not in the form that we did. Still, I hope the best for him with 40K. Would be awesome to see something made by a passionate fan and have it actually turn out good. That’s rare as hell these days. 


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20 minutes ago, Celan said:

Maybe Jaskier is a pedo. XD That would suit Netflix very well.

That’s where my brain went too. Normally I’d just read something like that and assume it means the creators are going to pull a GoT and age the child character up. But with Netflix, I wouldn’t be so sure.

But yeah, just looked it up. Radovid is supposed to be two years younger than Ciri. And she’s what? Fifteen at this point? That might be generous. 


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