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Roleplayer's Off Topic Thread #37

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So apparently God of War R has a new spiffy feature......


if you wait long enough in a puzzle or gimmick boss fight, someone will TELL YOU THE SOLUTION OF THE PUZZLE STRAIGHT. 

Why even have puzzles in the first place?!


They should play an OG survival horror game and see if they can solve those puzzles XD

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On 11/16/2022 at 2:50 AM, TheCzarsHussar said:

Correction, considered being enacted.

EDIT: Well again, my Polish friend said one thing but the news places are saying another. Take your pick I guess.

Turns out it was a Ukrainian S-300 air defense missile. Don’t know if it was a malfunction because of the age of the missile (built by the soviets), a misfire, or a deliberate false flag attempt by Ukraine. Take your pick

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Also apparently that new Obsidian (Josh directed it) investigation game based on medieval manuscripts and tapestries is really good. That and Grounded came out recently. Microsoft must be really glad they got them.

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3 minutes ago, BigBossBalrog said:


Also apparently that new Obsidian (Josh directed it) investigation game based on medieval manuscripts and tapestries is really good. That and Grounded came out recently. Microsoft must be really glad they got them.

Thanks for bringing Pentiment to my attention. Gonna go look into that and may pick it up tonight.

Avowed is the Obsidian game I look the most forward to. The Pillars of Eternity world is really good, so I’ve got high hopes for any new game set in it. Wish they’d make a sequel to Tyranny as well.

But if they get to working on Fallout again, it’ll be the most I’ve ever anticipated any game. 


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25 minutes ago, The Good Doctor said:

Thanks for bringing Pentiment to my attention. Gonna go look into that and may pick it up tonight.

Avowed is the Obsidian game I look the most forward to. The Pillars of Eternity world is really good, so I’ve got high hopes for any new game set in it. Wish they’d make a sequel to Tyranny as well.

But if they get to working on Fallout again, it’ll be the most I’ve ever anticipated any game. 

Too many good releases right now XD (Great fucking year though)

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37 minutes ago, The Good Doctor said:

If that’s what’s going on here then I’m glad it is. Here’s hoping that it never recovers.

From what I understand he gave a totalitarian "new world order" speech to his fucking twitter employers (:rofl:)...and there all resigning. 


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6 hours ago, BigBossBalrog said:

...and there all resigning. 

That’s after he already fired over 8,000 of them. Unsurprising that a company like Twitter had such an insane amount of bloat.

Apparently, the in-house cafeteria was costing roughly $400 per meal per employee every single day, even though over half of them never came to work and most who did would leave for their lunch breaks. That’s some incredible excess.

I’m with Czar in the "good riddance" camp. Though based on other trends, I expect this was a situation that was inevitable regardless of Musk. Facebook just fired almost as many. We’re in a serious recession, and as hard as people are trying to make things seem hunky dory, the effects are still seeping into every industry. 

7 hours ago, BigBossBalrog said:

For such an apparently smart guy Musk can be a fucking moron XD

The guy feels like some "Illuminati" attempt to hand-craft a politically neutral genius character to dump all their investments in without the normal government connotations. Pleases the Left who want all this shit done, and it pleases the Right who worship "self-made" entrepreneurs like gods.

"Tired of outrageous gas prices that we totally can’t do anything about? Well Tesla’s got an alternative!"

"Don’t like it when the gov’t taxes you for useless NASA projects? Let Musk do it."

"Tired of the NSA spying on you through social media? Give Musk control!"

Meanwhile, the guy’s actual companies range from net losses to only just barely profitable and have been held up for years by hefty government support. It’s still taxpayer funded, but because the cool Tony Stark guy is in charge, it gets defended by the people who would usually oppose it.

Now he’s either overhauling or burning down Twitter, probably the most hated major website by people on the Right. It’s triggering a bunch of Lefties, which is always fun, so now a bunch of Righty dupes are worshiping him all the harder. ¬¬

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My only opinion on the twitter thing is idgaf. Twitter was a unapologetic extremist-left echo chamber chess pool and I’m not sad to see it go. I could honestly care less about the employees, the ip, the site in general. Fuck twitter. Twitter in the last couple years was the left equivalent of 4chan. Other social medias that need a good Musking are Reddit, Facebook, Tumblr, whatever else there is lol

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Just now, Centurion said:

My only opinion on the twitter thing is idgaf. Twitter was an unapologetic extremist-left echo chamber chess pool and I’m not sad to see it go.

That is exactly why I do gaf. I like seeing Twitter suffer and I hope this kills it entirely. Hopefully all the other sites you named follow suit. XD YouTube could use a good waxing too.

And yeah, millions of people have gotten laid off or forced to resign in the last few years, including myself. I’m not about to start shedding tears now that it’s happening to some grossly overpaid hipsters "working" from home.

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16 hours ago, TheCzarsHussar said:

Apparently Twitter is up in flames right now. Good riddance 

Good. Fuck all those laptop class idiots who are rebelling because they have to do actual work. We're about to hit a recession (if we're not in one already) and they'll soon discover you don't collect unemployment if you quit. All these people moving to red states because of the low cost of living so they can do their remote tech jobs can fuck right off back to San Francisco.

There was a report that one quarter of federal employees at DHS never logged in to their work server once in eight months. How many you suppose did the same at Twitter?



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"If you know me you know I don't keep up with the times. I just go with the flow." - Woody Copeland, life coach

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20 minutes ago, Celan said:

There was a report that one quarter of federal employees at DHS never logged in to their work server once in eight months. How many you suppose did the same at Twitter?

No doubt it’s a lot.  I tangentially know people in Texas doing this exact thing. They make $200k+ working remote jobs for SoCal tech companies while living in places that cost less than half as much as where their offices are based. And they have a lot of free time on their hands. 

Hence all the hissy fits. A lot of these people have been living rent-free on Easy Street for years and are just now getting dragged back down to reality. 


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22 minutes ago, The Good Doctor said:

No doubt it’s a lot.  I tangentially know people in Texas doing this exact thing. They make $200k+ working remote jobs for SoCal tech companies while living in places that cost less than half as much as where their offices are based. And they have a lot of free time on their hands. 

Hence all the hissy fits. A lot of these people have been living rent-free on Easy Street for years and are just now getting dragged back down to reality. 

It's inevitable that they're marking themselves as replaceable by an Indian or Vietnamese person who's living in an even lower cost of living area and doesn't require $200K. So Elon is trying to save their asses.

Not that I mind the evolution of WFH. I don't get to WFH and haven't for most of the pandemic, but at least we can occasionally do so if we're sick or have a cable appointment or something.

"If you know me you know I don't keep up with the times. I just go with the flow." - Woody Copeland, life coach

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