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Soulsborne Thread #10

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2 minutes ago, The Good Doctor said:

"Oi Chum! Wot's 'at down there?"

"Down where?"


"I don’t see nuthin'!"

"That's because yer standin' way back from the ledge!"

"Wot ledge?"

"This ledge!"

"Oi don’t see no ledge. Mayhaps yew should stand beside it so oi can see where it is."

"Foin! But hold me spear for me, will ya?"

"Sure thing, chum!"

"THIEF! You stole me spear!"

"Oi, did ye say he stole yer spear?"

"Tha's roight!"

"You bloody- The gods demand vengeance! VENGEANCE!"

*All three of the other patches glance at Spider Patches* 

"Wot you a BLOODY CLERIC?!" *All procced to rip his legs off with their bare hands" 

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My advice; forget EVERYTHING about how Souls combat works. Focus on using it's parry system rather then dodging (dodging is for when you want to avoid an unblockable only. Once you get a  certain skill tree you unlock the ability to DODGE INTO an unblockable thrust to cause massive posture damage and avoid taking any attack), use stealth to thin out enemies, and use your shinobi tools to your advantage. 

Oh and drop all sense of honor. You need to think like a cheating bastard. 

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5 hours ago, ColonelKillaBee said:

I killed godrick, and no idea how i did tbh the dude's moveset is so wild. Was not clean at all lol but hey, he's dead.

That cutscene was especially wild lol and gross.

He’s honestly one of my favorites.

That voice actor goes sooo hard in his delivery. :rofl: "Forefathers, one and all… BEAR WITNESS!!!!"

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5 minutes ago, ColonelKillaBee said:

Like how they prepped you for that fight with a miniboss enemy prior


You mean the grafted scion down in the dining hall? Yeah, i love that encounter. Especially because it’s the same type of enemy that most likely killed you at the beginning of the game. So when you finally kill it down here, you can tangibly see how much stronger you’ve gotten.

Be sure to explore Stormveil thoroughly. The place is huge. Lots of secret passageways, sections, and mini bosses. Search every room, look over ledges to see if there are platforms to jump down onto, try to climb all the towers, etc. 

I’ve been playing this game for almost a year and still only discovered a hidden boss in that place literally a month ago. It is super rewarding to explore. 

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Ya I saw that last night xD I'll be farming/exploring here for a good bit.

I already see one of the places you talking about that i can drop down to, like an obstacle course lol. Took my bros advice and tested if I could live by dropping a jellybean or whatever the fuck those are.

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"Even the hardest dick must go flaccid." -Colonelkillabee

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3 minutes ago, ColonelKillaBee said:

So I’m in this turtle bell island.

any point in me duplicating this remembrance of the grafted

like if I don’t want it’s powers could I get double the runes instead

You could but it would be a huge waste. A few thousand runes is nothing in the long run.

You can only use each turtle bell island once. Save it for a different boss who has two items you’ll want. 


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4 minutes ago, The Good Doctor said:

You could but it would be a huge waste. A few thousand runes is nothing in the long run.

You can only use each turtle bell island once. Save it for a different boss who has two items you’ll want. 

Ohhh I see

i thought it’d be way more

"Even the hardest dick must go flaccid." -Colonelkillabee

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3 minutes ago, ColonelKillaBee said:

Ohhh I see

i thought it’d be way more

It’s probably like 20K but you’ll be hitting 50-100K+ in later areas just between two sites of grace. It may seem worth it now, but you might regret it later if you kill two bosses and want all four of their items, but can’t get them because you wanted a few runes.

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7 minutes ago, ColonelKillaBee said:

The guy squishing godriick lol

might kill him, he was a worthy foe 

You can, but…

Keeping him alive is extremely rewarding in the long run. Mid-game, he will provide you with one of the very rare and limited items that will allow you to upgrade your weapons to max. 


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