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Soulsborne Thread #10

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Just now, TheCzarsHussar said:

PTSD from when ultra weapons were trash beyond trash, they could poise through them back then too

Forget ultra weapons. You can stunlock those guys with a single R1 swing from a twinblade. They only get the crazy poise during certain attacks. Rest of the time they’re a joke.


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1 minute ago, The Good Doctor said:

Forget ultra weapons. You can stunlock those guys with a single R1 swing from a twinblade. They only get the crazy poise during certain attacks. Rest of the time they’re a joke.

Oh yeah they're no trouble for me now, except the extremely fast headbutt the greataxe guys do.

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I do gotta appreciate that they both managed to make your character have the most movement than the previous games, not counting sekiro, and also made it the most difficult, also not counting sekiro lol.

Ngl I had a few moments where I felt cheated lol, was saying to doc the ai is almost too smart xD But you have plenty of ways to go about killing stuff, especially outside.

"Even the hardest dick must go flaccid." -Colonelkillabee

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Just now, ColonelKillaBee said:

Ngl I had a few moments where I felt cheated lol, was saying to doc the ai is almost too smart xD But you have plenty of ways to go about killing stuff, especially outside.

Back in the old games, I only ever felt cheated by ai input reading when a shield hugging enemy would only attack when I tried kicking. Looking at you Lothric Knights with Spears.

But Elden Ring does make it more blatant at times 

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Just now, ColonelKillaBee said:

But you have plenty of ways to go about killing stuff

Yeah, this can't be understated. I busted my ass playing on my first playthrough by playing it like I usually play Souls with a little Incantations sprinkled in. 

Then I started mixing it up with other builds and holy shit is it easy to annihilate most enemies once you have a grasp of all your options + how to work the map!


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2 minutes ago, TheCzarsHussar said:

Actually if I could make a single request and it be implemented, I'd want there to be no input delay on rolls.

It's soooo fucking subtle but there

I disagree. I think rolling become too powerful in Dark Souls 3, so much so I consider the input delay a sort of nerf too it. 

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Just now, BigBossBalrog said:

I disagree. I think rolling become too powerful in Dark Souls 3, so much so I consider the input delay a sort of nerf too it. 

It's hardly even a delay. It's just on the release instead of the press. If you nail down how to work it, it can actually be to your advantage. It's slight, but the speed of a well-timed release is faster than the speed of a press.


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Just now, BigBossBalrog said:

I disagree. I think rolling become too powerful in Dark Souls 3, so much so I consider the input delay a sort of nerf too it. 

It's such a lame thing to handicap though. If they wanted to nerf rolls in a game where hyper precise reactions are demanded, then do it by increasing roll stamina consumption.

But I agree they did it on purpose. Too many attacks artificially roll catch based on the roll delay for it to be a bug.

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1 minute ago, The Good Doctor said:

It's hardly even a delay. It's just on the release instead of the press. If you nail down how to work it, it can actually be to your advantage. It's slight, but the speed of a well-timed release is faster than the speed of a press.

It's trying to dodge multi hit attacks that makes the roll delay such an annoyance for me. 

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3 minutes ago, TheCzarsHussar said:

But I agree they did it on purpose. Too many attacks artificially roll catch based on the roll delay for it to be a bug.

Definitely don't think it's a bug. But I don't think there is any attack pattern that can't be successfully rolled with good enough timing. 

Granted, for a few enemies it requires very precise timing. Arguably to a BS extent depending on how beholden one is to the git gud philosophy.


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1 minute ago, The Good Doctor said:

Definitely don't think it's a bug. But I don't think there is any attack pattern that can't be successfully rolled with good enough timing. 

Granted, for a few enemies it requires very precise timing. Arguably to a BS extent depending on how beholden one is to the git gud philosophy.

Speaking of very precise timing, screw the Draconic Tree Sentinal's three lighting strikes attack. I always use BHS or the invincible shield ash of war for those attacks. It's timing is insanely demanding otherwise.

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4 minutes ago, TheCzarsHussar said:


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Speaking of very precise timing, screw the Draconic Tree Sentinal's three lighting strikes attack. I always use BHS or the invincible shield ash of war for those attacks. It's timing is insanely demanding otherwise.


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Agreed. That is probably the most BS enemy attack in the entire game. Yes, including Malenia’s waterfowl dance.

At least Malenia is supposed to be the be-all-end-all "prove you’ve mastered the game" super secret optional final boss. 

That guy? He’s sitting right smack in the middle of the game and guards the only entrance to a key story area that 99% of new players are going to conceivably be able to find without help.

He was another instance where I realized how busted sorcery builds are. I struggled with him on my first playthrough, then went back with a sorcerer and fucking flattened him first try despite being much lower level.

Same for most bosses. Magic is busted in this game. 


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3 minutes ago, The Good Doctor said:

Yes, including Malenia’s waterfowl dance.

At least Malenia is supposed to be the be-all-end-all "prove you’ve mastered the game" super secret optional final boss. 

It took the most effort I've ever had to give for any From boss, but I eventually learned how to dodge her waterfowl point blank without BHS.

I still think it's tracking should be nerfed, it was unreasonably difficult to learn this

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5 minutes ago, BigBossBalrog said:

The only FROM games where magic ISN'T is Bloodborne (in which it's a borderline secret to unlock and use properly) and Sekiro which has NO magic XD

True, but ER’s magic is insanely versatile even by FROM standards. Glintstones, blades, spirit summoning, meteor showers, ice moon bombs!!! Enemies won’t even try to dodge the Selian night sorceries! They’ll just walk in your direction and let you smack them in the face with no defenses until they die.

And even if enemies are resistant against magic damage, you can just switch to a gravity spell and hit them in the face with a giant fucking rock! XD 


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2 minutes ago, TheCzarsHussar said:

It took the most effort I've ever had to give for any From boss, but I eventually learned how to dodge her waterfowl point blank without BHS.

Same here, but I wouldn’t change a thing about it. Makes it all the more satisfying to pull the win!

And if I must suffer, then so must everyone else!


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