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Soulsborne Thread #10

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10 minutes ago, TheCzarsHussar said:

@The Good Doctor What was your earliest fashion souls first playthrough?

Mine was Sage Hood, Exile Armor, both arms and legs were chain armor. Was rocking the Gael cosplay real early on XD

Then I discovered the fire Monk armor and rocked it until Cleanrot

I really liked the iron armor set you can get on the Weeping Peninsula. It's so rugged and all the little bits and bobs added onto it feel like they tell a bunch of stories. I imagine the game taking place over the span of years, possibly decades, so I like the way it makes my guy look like he has been trudging through the lands for a very long time. I wore it at least through Liurnia, much of Caelid, and Mt. Gelmir.

Swapped pieces out with the Vagabond set at times for more defense. It has the same vibe.

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Just now, ColonelKillaBee said:

Two sets that really stand out to me right off the bat, fingerprint set or whatever, and the crucible sets, which is two actually, like one normal one tree but Ima count em together. I want those for sure whenever they are available. 

Crucible has some of the best poise in the entire game.

Just now, ColonelKillaBee said:

Ah exile is cool too, lots of sick armor sets

You can get this one very very early. Most of the mobs in Stormveil castle have a chance to drop it.

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1 minute ago, ColonelKillaBee said:

Two sets that really stand out to me right off the bat, fingerprint set or whatever, and the crucible sets, which is two actually, like one normal one tree but Ima count em together. I want those for sure whenever they are available. 

Late late laaate game for Crucible, even later game for Fingerprint I'm afraid

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Just now, TheCzarsHussar said:

Late late laaate game for Crucible, even later game for Fingerprint I'm afraid

You can get one of the Crucible sets in Deeproot if I recall correctly, which can be accessed kinda midgame if you know what you're doing. 

Though I can think of two bosses before that who would be pretty damn prohibitive. 

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Just now, TheCzarsHussar said:

The highest poise while still maintaining good fashion souls would have to be the Banished Knight set. Easily the coolest looking full plate From has made to date.

that was a cool one i saw too

Just now, The Good Doctor said:

You can get one of the Crucible sets in Deeproot if I recall correctly, which can be accessed kinda midgame if you know what you're doing. 

Though I can think of two bosses before that who would be pretty damn prohibitive. 

there we go

tbh im not that concerned about it, I'll get there when i get there

"Even the hardest dick must go flaccid." -Colonelkillabee

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15 minutes ago, The Good Doctor said:

I didn't tell him where to go. He just figured the devs wanted him to go through the Stormhill Gate and immediately went the other direction. :lol: 

I also saw that there was a dragon in my immediate area and decided i wasnt moving on till i was strong enough to kill said dragon.

Was a bitch and shouldnt have been lol, but hey I got him xD Like, he's easy and I was killing him without upgraded weapons but then the dragon would do dick shit and I'd have to start over lol

Worst was when he flew way the fuck away then dropped on me in the middle of another fight XD What an asshole

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"Even the hardest dick must go flaccid." -Colonelkillabee

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