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Roleplayer's Off Topic Thread #1

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Damn man that was so well done. Only thing is I could see the thing they had spraying the blood from the one guy's neck in the beginning XD 

Aside from that, which I only noticed because the second time I watched it was on my tv, that was pure awesome. Cant wait for that netflix tv show now for Witcher

"Even the hardest dick must go flaccid." -Colonelkillabee

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6 hours ago, TheCzarsHussar said:

A word of warning for Kingdom Come, while I bought it today and began installing around 4 I've yet to even play it.

Its only at 53% and I have decent internet.

I just saw a review of it. Things I got from it were that it got an impressive graphical draw distance, 6-8 hours tutorial, enough bugs to make launch Skyrim proud, and that you got a stat called "Manly Odor" that increases your attractiveness to women but decreases your ability to sneak. 

  • Haha 2

Power corrupts, absolute power... is a whole lot of fun!

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That's one I planned to wait on. Actually I haven't been in a vidya mood in general. Probably won't play anything till Pillars of Eternity Deadfire comes out in April. 

"If you know me you know I don't keep up with the times. I just go with the flow." - Woody Copeland, life coach

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14 minutes ago, ColonelKillaBee said:

Still haven’t played dishonored 2 yet?

Not yet,  haven't been in the mood. 

"If you know me you know I don't keep up with the times. I just go with the flow." - Woody Copeland, life coach

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So what people's been saying is absolutely true, this game has a steep learning curve. I went and replayed the first fistfight at least four times, first time I got my ass whooped and accidentally surrendered.

Second time I did ok but replayed it again, third I did well but got stuck on something else so I reverted. The fourth time I kicked his ass taking only one real hit of damage.

The sword tutorial at first felt clunky but then the game allowed me to chain strike and holy hell the combat became fluid.

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7 minutes ago, Centurion said:

I had no idea that “Solo” comes on May 25th. Thats lit as fuck. Can’t fuckin wait.

I’m not as excited for it as TLJ or even Rogue One, but the cast has me cautiously optimistic. Plus, it’s Star Wars, so I’m for sure gonna see it. I’m excited to see Black Panther too, hopefully sometime soon. 

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1 minute ago, BTCollins said:

I’m not as excited for it as TLJ or even Rogue One, but the cast has me cautiously optimistic. Plus, it’s Star Wars, so I’m for sure gonna see it. I’m excited to see Black Panther too, hopefully sometime soon. 

This fuckin weekend for me.

"Even the hardest dick must go flaccid." -Colonelkillabee

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6 minutes ago, BTCollins said:

I’m not as excited for it as TLJ or even Rogue One, but the cast has me cautiously optimistic. Plus, it’s Star Wars, so I’m for sure gonna see it. I’m excited to see Black Panther too, hopefully sometime soon. 

Definitely not as excited as I was for those, but still excited.


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I'll be seeing Black Panther next weekend. The man is studying for his state certification exams next week so I'm a bachelorette til after he's done. Normally I wouldn't care about superhero movies but he's excited for this one. I'm hoping the crowd will be rowdy which makes it fun.

I mentioned this book series before but gotta say again, if you're looking for something to read, definitely check it out. It's up our alley and really well written. I had read that it was "philosophical," which made me think it might be dry, but not at all. It's just well written and deep. Setting is a fantasy world which I'm guessing is a take on Mesopotamia/ Anatolia and the Scythians, and the main plot is a religious war between several empires with various powerful wizard factions taking sides and generally making things complicated. Sorcery is extremely powerful in this world but offset by the fact that sorcerers are revealed to each other (you can't hide your magic from other mages) and sorcerers can be killed instantly by skin contact with artifacts that are rare but possessed by wealthy rulers. Anyway I haven't finished it yet, but haven't been this engrossed in a book in a long time.



  • Thanks 1

"If you know me you know I don't keep up with the times. I just go with the flow." - Woody Copeland, life coach

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43 minutes ago, BigBossBalrog said:

I'll probably see it when it comes out on DVD. Way too many super hero movies lately, my brain is melting. 

Same here. I’m like four or five behind in the Marvel series at this point, and apparently you gotta see them all to understand what’s going on in the big Avengers movie, as well as to catch a lot of the references.

I’ll probably do a rental marathon or something with some friends when they drag their asses back to the county later in the year.


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I’ve just never looked into or heard of the game especially since I’m all on divinity’s dick still. 

I think it’s one of the best RPGs made in a long time. Even made me ditch my controller for the keyboard and mouse since I like the UI better.

May even try Pillars of Eternity if I get used to kB M enough.

"Even the hardest dick must go flaccid." -Colonelkillabee

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Just last night when I thought I couldn’t die anymore, my two characters get wrecked by this voidwoken magical bug thing, the grunt enemies of the game. I didn’t die, it just did something really unexpected

I was investigating the disappearance of some dwarves and sourcerers (spelled that way because their “lyrium” is called source), and it turns out the voidwoken capture sourcerers to feed them to their young.

This giant bug wrapped my ass up in a cocoon, then my companion, and split us up.

My mage chick got sent to some nice prison with a fancy bed n shit with some other crazy mage making “deathfog”, which was tied to another mission altogether, and I guess the voidwoken May have been using her to develop it since she was possessed, and I got a nice cozy spot in their nest area full of eggs and bugs and the exit was waaaay out of the way. And if I didn’t give my tank some spells to help him with maneuvering like teleport and polymorph so he could sprout wings, he’d have been dead as hell.

Its turn based so I realized later I could’ve had my mage break out and rescue him and the combat would be halted till she got close enough. Instead I fought my way out while these eggs kept hatching more and more bugs each turn, flew out, killed some while they were on the other side of a ledge until the vampiric voidwoken flew over and I had to kill them, ran, recouped, came back and bottlenecked them all so I couldn’t get swarmed, lit their asses on fire and by myself cleared out a whole room of enemies which ain’t at all easy.

Basically if it was just an open field of enemies with nothing to maneuver around, I’d have probably died. Plus they all were higher levels than my character too.

Good times.

"Even the hardest dick must go flaccid." -Colonelkillabee

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I'll try that game eventually. I was put off the first one because I heard the story wasn't great.

Talking to Colonel about wishing Netflix would do a World of Darkness/ VtMB series, I came across a series that actually was based on that lore. It only ran one season which is puzzling since it's in the Buffy era. It's dated, but not as terrible as I expected it to be- it was kind of cool to see the vampire clans, although my own (Tremere) wasn't in the show, boo!

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"If you know me you know I don't keep up with the times. I just go with the flow." - Woody Copeland, life coach

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