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Weird. It's working great for me. Could it be y'all's email accounts? DarkRider said that it didn't work for me on TESA because I used hotmail, which ain't a problem here for some reason.

Also, I went into the admin thingy and tried to fix the donation box, but I couldn't find where to look. There's a lot of shit on there.


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It’s not in the admin, switch to the default theme and look for an arrow on your left of the screen. Click that and you’ll see a bunch of tabs pop out, and it’s in one of those. Literally drag and drop in the desired section. It’s donation statistics you’re looking for.

"Even the hardest dick must go flaccid." -Colonelkillabee

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Good that you like it. I personally have a certain hate-love relationship with my art. On one hand I tend to find it looking rather good when it's a sketch. Then I add color and stuff I tend to find it horrible. Not to mention I keep seeing flaws that I know I would spend way too much time correcting if I let me. 

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59 minutes ago, Witchking of Angmar said:

Good that you like it. I personally have a certain hate-love relationship with my art. On one hand I tend to find it looking rather good when it's a sketch. Then I add color and stuff I tend to find it horrible. Not to mention I keep seeing flaws that I know I would spend way too much time correcting if I let me. 

I'm the same way. I have some sketches hanging on my wall that I kept from highschool and never finished, because my teacher kept telling me I had to color them and I didn't want to. So I took the D for them and kept them. Always felt that ruined them.

But in your case I actually think the color added helped it a lot because it looks like it was meant to be cartoony. 

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"Even the hardest dick must go flaccid." -Colonelkillabee

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