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Everything posted by TheCzarsHussar

  1. He's going to be participating in the Breton's side of the Great War and if he survives it'll include the conflicts post-war.
  2. Forgot to mention hourglass gauntlets in that text, I had two examples of it. One in my CS PM and another on me and BT's pm. I didn't save the details on the one I copied, it's such a minor detail but since I edited it in I had to mention it.
  3. Me and BT were discussing a Breton character I wanted to make in our PM all day, he suggested I made a CS sheet before the intro post. Just keep in mind the intro post happens before the last paragraph in the Background/History.
  4. I'm a sucker for those glowing eye memes, that's one of the better ones too.
  5. It'll forever remain in our hearts. Dicks out for Ubbe....on second thought lets not.
  6. If all the 1.11 posts are in then we should. Are our accounts still in the system or are we banned?
  7. I do agree with that, but Theodore might have also created some artificial boarders.
  8. whoops thought it was the PM EDIT: HA, I thought I was on our PM with BT
  9. Oh boy does he have quite the thing message wake up to.
  10. Then again even I forgot his exact age, need to make him a CS some day.
  11. You....you evil man! You forgot the most important character of this RP, Theudofrid!
  12. Easy, just hold down ctrl and zoom your mouse wheel inward to zoom in. If you get it down right you'll be able to get into your PMs.
  13. Ah don't worry, I got plenty of Greek, Irish and German in me to offset the French.
  14. You've joined the Rifle Klan! God help us all.
  15. @ColonelKillaBee In response to your recent tumblr posts you wanna know something funny? The furthest we can trace our ancestry on my grandmother's side is a French bastard! Im ancestrally more of a milk drinker than Balrog.
  16. Stumbling across those memes is what made me think of the challenge.
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