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Everything posted by TheCzarsHussar

  1. Hayasdan and the other Caucasian tribal kingdoms were actually kinda a inspiration on pre-Imperial eastern Roscrea.
  2. This was in Anatolia, I don't think people realize how fucking hard ass the people in that region were back then. Hell the Georgians and Armenians could give the Nords a run for their money in terms of their environment, how much more badass can you get then on one hand they were Caucasian tribal kingdoms but on the other fielded fucking cataphracts.
  3. @ColonelKillaBee So I just discovered that in the Third Mithridatic War when Roman forces was besieging this settlement and digging tunnels under it, that the defenders having fought them in the tunnels got so desperate that they literally sent a wild bear down in there once. How Nordic is that shit?
  4. The only problem is that the post would be short with little meat on it's bones, just a brief conversation to avoid boring droning on, men setting sail and that's the end of it. A few paragraphs, me and Doc are talking in the PM right now about a good idea he had.
  5. That'd be a short post unless it also includes him in Kyne's Watch as a side character, Baldur just ordered the transport fleets travel to Kyne's Watch while Theudofrid is in Windhelm. Aside from some magical communication with his fellow (Arch)Druids in Roscrea there aren't anyone else to coordinate with from Windhelm. Then again it was Witch suggesting I avoid doing short posts, if it won't get any scoffs I'm all for a short solo post.
  6. Ah I see now, with the end of that post would you like me to create the post where Theudofrid is summoned to Kyne's Watch/Roscrean landing? Given having to write two posts I understand the need for a break though.
  7. You look fine, well as fine as a man can be after sharing a sleeping bag
  8. Lets hope they're using the older meaning of gay, it's a gay ol' time eh?\
  9. Wow and I thought it was hardcore letting a friend sleep on your bed with a pillow wall separating you, Centurion shares a sleeping bag? Daaaamn.
  10. Seriously Balrog what's this context of Mordred, is it the Arthurian one?
  11. The Arthurian Mordred? Fuck that dude, Hagen Tronje is the boss >:O
  12. H.P. should have wrote about Japan, they're weirder than all his monsters.
  13. I'm buying it the day it comes out, hopefully... Been looking forward to it and following the development for years.
  14. Since I didn't mention it in the CS, The Dalomaxes are a canon family from Morrowind.
  15. Huzzah! Thanks Colonel, that's a good point to hit the hay.
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