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Everything posted by TheCzarsHussar

  1. Christ! Am I playing a medieval or horror game?! Its part of an intense mission and I'm fleeing from both bandits and Cumans at night, whistling for my horse while running as far away from the camp as possible. Did I mention its heavily wooded and pitch black outside the torch Henry is holding? Out of fucking BUSHES this Cuman comes flying from fifty feet away and hits Henry with his sword, HE WAS FUCKING FAAAAST! It scared the shit out of me, @The Good Doctor it was like that video I linked with the guard flying with that kick glitch.
  2. Im a little Bitch, I like mine with just the smallest amount of brownish pink in the center.
  3. Im having such a love-hate relationship with this game, on one hand it shackles you by allows 99.99% of enemies to be at the very least superior combatants then Henry despite leveling up very well in combat skills. The game locks combos, master stokes and even dodging behind story progression+perks while the majority of enemies even lowly bandits have them unlocked. Its the most frustrating experience, I know for a fact it will get better when the game allows Henry to not suck some serious balls but for now I love-hate it. Henry needs to git gud.
  4. Its actually pretty good, Henry is a dork but rather likeable. I'm not too far into it yet but well out of the tutorial.
  5. Kingdom Come spoiler. Get drunk with the priest, you won't regret it.
  6. The most minor spoiler ever, have to say it because its hilarious the game allows it.
  7. My point of it is while really difficult to pull off at first and Im still not great at it, the basics are gotten down easily enough and with practice even the more complex stuff isn't unfair, just hard.
  8. Sorry if the updates are annoying, since some others are thinking if getting it I thought about giving my impressions. I've finally got decent enough at one on one sword fighting, without spoilers I somehow managed to best a noble after he insulted the player character.
  9. Update on the game, the lockpicking is the most frustrating mechanic of any game, at least on console. The devs obviously had a mouse in mind when making it, it will make you fucking hate the game, until you've reloaded ten times and finally got it.
  10. So what people's been saying is absolutely true, this game has a steep learning curve. I went and replayed the first fistfight at least four times, first time I got my ass whooped and accidentally surrendered. Second time I did ok but replayed it again, third I did well but got stuck on something else so I reverted. The fourth time I kicked his ass taking only one real hit of damage. The sword tutorial at first felt clunky but then the game allowed me to chain strike and holy hell the combat became fluid.
  11. A word of warning for Kingdom Come, while I bought it today and began installing around 4 I've yet to even play it. Its only at 53% and I have decent internet.
  12. The victor could be a pagan Lithuanian, looking at that kit makes me think the Scandinavians had pretty well converted at that point.
  13. @The Good Doctor @ColonelKillaBee Camera is too shaky but these guys make the coolest damn fights.
  14. Hey my great grandfather was stationed there for a time, have fun dude!
  15. Holy hell I just barely by the skin of my teeth got Kingdom Come today. First gamestop we went to only had one xbox one copy and it was a pre-order, they phoned in another gamestop and found two copies were left and had them hold one in my name. When I got there they said someone tried to get the copy acter they called but still held it for me, another called in right before I got there and they still held it for me.
  16. Teeeeeechnically, it was around two centuries under Septim rule and around two under Mede
  17. On the nose, Celan's using the cool piece of concept art for the islanders. The Fort Boar one, never even knowing of Tiber Septim and his Empire. They are ten times as Nordy than Roscreans who had to live under four centuries of their rule.
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