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Everything posted by TheCzarsHussar

  1. I used to be like you, thinking 'Bleh, Bretons and High Rock' but thanks to BT it really has grown on me. I think one day it'll be the same for you, after all you already have milk chugging characters so it's only a matter of time.
  2. Do we have any basis for those names, anything from Daggerfall?
  3. It's my fault BT needs to name the rivers, y'all can boo at Inwold.
  4. He pressed the Z key. While the Swedes are becoming the French of Scandinavia, lets not forget how badass they still are.
  5. Oh no doubt there'd be war, I can't see the UNSC submitting without a fight. But in regular continuity they tried to work out a peaceful negotiation aka surrender but all attempts at even contact failed. I think it'd be a cool alternate serious of the old outer colonies holding their Insurrectionist beliefs and motives refusing assimilation into the Covenant.
  6. Speaking of which, after reading Contact Harvest did anyone else wonder what kind of universe Halo would have been had the old Hierarchs maintained their position and tried to assimilate Humanity into the Covenant instead of wipe them out?
  7. Whoops I didn't finish my sentence, I meant to say "and while they had past confrontations with the Flood before Halo 2, before High Charity got overran the Flood wasn't their number 1 enemy."
  8. Mmmh, when it was shown I was skeptical to say the least. It didn't feel quite so faithful to the older stuff, hell even the books prior (I stopped at Mortal Didacta) to Halo Wars 2 made it seem like the Covenant's only real enemy was mankind at that point and while they had past confrontations with the Flood before Halo 2. Adding a splinter faction that managed to hold back the covenant and was partially the reason mankind survived felt kinda cheap.
  9. If you've seen the Designers Commentary on Halo 2, this cutscene as cool as it is was to replace an even cooler level. You'd play as Chief with the level ending like what we'd saw.
  10. We are, I was stating something Dales was worried about in the post. Maybe I should have given it spoiler tags?
  11. Whatever the case I better get me glorious backstab that ruins northern Cyrodiil postwar >:D
  12. Is this in relation with Dales are the spooky ghoooost?
  13. Also that's missing one of the coolest parts, "But now it's ours again." Queue the amazing theme
  14. Also my original bulky 2007 xbox 360 had the launch trailer for Halo Wars, that is also a fantastic scene even if the Sangheili look a little off.
  15. God, imagine if we got a good port of Halo 2 instead of the half assed thing we have. I recall reading a SPV Halo 2 would be impossible because they don't have the tools due to microsoft not releasing them.
  16. The first Halo Wars cutscene is in my opinion one of the very greatest in the series, there is something so charming about the non-spartan POV's throughout the war. From the books to games. Imagine playing a marine in the book version of Halo CE, Halo: The Flood.
  17. Halo was my childhood man, if you ever get an Xbox one or hell ever pop Halo Reach into a 360 shoot me a message. I'll always be wanting to relive the good memories with friends.
  18. Something that just dawned on me and hit a nostalgia nerve, the Halo Reach theme sounds very similar to the latter half of the Halo 2 Ghosts of Reach OST.
  19. We're just trying to make sense of what your story is with her.
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